Pemahaman good governance pada non-governmental organization (studi pada LSM Women's Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara) / Siti Maimunah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pemahaman good governance pada non-governmental organization (studi pada LSM Women's Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara) / Siti Maimunah

Maimunah, Siti (2017) Pemahaman good governance pada non-governmental organization (studi pada LSM Women's Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara) / Siti Maimunah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Maimunah Siti. 2017. Pemahaman Good Governance Pada Non Govermental Organization Studi Pada LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara. Skripsi Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing Dr. Sri Pujiningsih S.E. M.Si. Ak Kata Kunci good governance NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara Berbagai kritik terhadap pelaksanaan tata kelola organisasi non profit seperti LSM yang mengaku bergerak dalam mengatasi persoalaan masyarakat semakin berkembang karena dalam praktiknya LSM belum mampu menerapkan tata kelola organisasi yang baik dan terpercaya. Dengan demikian LSM sebagai lembaga/organisasi pelayanan masyarakat seharusnya mampu mendukung dan menerapkan konsep good governance sebagai alat untuk membentuk kepercayaan dari masyarakat selain itu dengan adanya penerapan good governance akan menjaga keberlangsungan organisasi tersebut. Salah satu LSM yang menjalankan program sosial serta mendapat bantuan dana dari pemerintah Indonesia maupun donor dari luar negeri adalah LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara. Pihak donatur akan memberikan kepercayaan organisasi tersebut dalam mengelola dana bantuannya serta dapat menumbuhkan dukungan dari masyarakat maka masyarakat harus memiliki kepercayaan terhadap LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara sehingga penting disini untuk menjadikan alasan adanya penerapan good governance. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tata kelola LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara di Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Paparan data dalam penelitian ini berupa uraian naratif dari hasil rekaman wawancara observasi lapangan serta beberapa bukti dokumentasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara observasi dan dokumentasi. Instrument pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini yaitu peneliti itu sendiri. Untuk menjaga keabsahan data maka peneliti melakukan perpanjangan pengamatan. Tahap penelitian yang dilakukan adalah tahap pra penelitian penelitian di lapangan dan tahap penulisan laporan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dapat diperoleh kesimpulan penerapan tata kelola LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara apabila dilihat dari prinsip-prinsip good governance sebagian besar telah sesuai hanya saja pada prinsip partisipasi publik transparansi dan akuntabilitas perlu diperbaiki. Sedangkan bentuk tata kelola yang selama ini diterapkan menurut LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara yaitu sangat memprioritaskan program perlindungan perempuan dan anak sehingga mereka menjunjung tinggi undang-undang HAM dalam pengelolaan organisasinya. LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara memahami bahwa dengan adanya struktur organisasi maka tata kelola organisasi tersebut telah baik. Sehingga dengan bentuk tata kelola yang diterapkan tersebut LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara mengalami permasalahan internal oganisasi berupa minimnya sumber daya manusia yang aktif. 8195 ABSTRACT Maimunah Siti. 2017. Good Governance Understanding of Non Govermental Organization Study at LSM Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara. Thesis Accountancy Department Faculty of Economics State University of Malang. Advisor Dr. Sri Pujiningsih S.E. M.Si. Ak Keywords good governance NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara There are various criticisms of the implementation of the governance of non-profit organizations such as NGOs who claim to move in addressing the growing problem for the society because in practice the NGO has not been able to apply good corporate governance and reliable. Thus the NGO as an institution / community service organizations should be able to support and implement the concept of good governance as a means to establish the trust of the public in addition to the implementation of good governance will maintain the continuity of the organization. One NGO that runs a social program and received financial assistance from the Indonesian government and donors from abroad is the NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara. The donor will give the organization confidence in managing aid funds as well as to foster the support of the community then the community must have confidence in the NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara so important here to make the reasons for the application of good governance. This research was conducted with the aim to describe the governance of the NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara in Malang. This study used a qualitative descriptive study. Exposure data in this study is a narrative description of the results recorded interviews field observations and some documentary evidence. Data was collected by interview observation and documentation. Instrument data collection in this research that the researchers themselves. To maintain the validity of the data the researchers conducted observations extension. Stage of the research is pre-stage research research in the field and report writing phase. Based on the results of data analysis it can be concluded that most of the implementation of governance NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara when it is observed from the good governance principles has been appropriate only on the principle of public participation transparency and accountability need to be revised. While the form of governance that has been applied according to the NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara is highly prioritize women and children protection program so that they uphold the human rights law in the management of the organization. NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara understand that the presence of the organizational structure of corporate governance has been good. Yet that the form of governance applied to the NGO Women s Crisis Centre Dian Mutiara experiencing internal organization problems such as the lack active human resources.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5601 Accounting
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Akuntansi (AKU) > S1 Akuntansi
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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