Analisis visual rule of third, point of interest, background dan foreground pada karya food photography Pria Sauptera periode tahun 2015-2016 / Akbarina Sabila - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Analisis visual rule of third, point of interest, background dan foreground pada karya food photography Pria Sauptera periode tahun 2015-2016 / Akbarina Sabila

Sabila, Akbarina (2017) Analisis visual rule of third, point of interest, background dan foreground pada karya food photography Pria Sauptera periode tahun 2015-2016 / Akbarina Sabila. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Sabila Akbarina. 2017. Analisis Visual Rule of third Point Of Interest Background dan Foreground Pada Karya Food Photography Pria Saputera Periode Tahun 2015 2016 Skripsi Jurusan Seni dan Desain Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (1) Drs. Sarjono S.Sn M.Sn (II) Joko Samodra S.Kom M.T Kata Kunci Analisis Food Photography Pria Saputera Pria Saputera fotografer muda yang bertalenta karyanya menarik dan menggoda. Fotografer profesional berpengalaman dalam mengatur komposisi makanan agar tersampaikan informasinya. Implementasi prinsip desain dan estetik seni rupa dalam fotografi makanan mampu menghasilkan karya yang menarik. Berkaitan dengan itu hasil analisis karya Pria Saputera diharapkan mencerminkan penerapan prinsip-prinsip dasar seni/desain dan teori komposisi yang meliputi rule of third point of interest (POI) serta background foreground. Penelitian menggunakan jenis kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi wawancara dan dokumentasi. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen manusia yaitu peneliti sendiri. Pengecekan keabsahan temuan dilakukan triangulasi penyidik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan tahap reduksi data penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil fotografi makanan karya Pria Saputera telah menerapkan prinsip dasar seni/desain beserta teori komposisi yang meliputi rule of third point of interest (POI) serta background foreground. Adapun kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini sesuai dengan penerapan prinsip seni/desain dan teori komposisi 1) Keseluruhan foto telah menerapkan irama 2) prinsip kesatuan pada semua foto menggunakan kesatuan dengan bermacam jenis pendekatan 3) dominasi yang digunakan pada semua foto adalah dominasi kelainan keunggulan kontras berselisih kontras ekstrim 4) seluruh foto menggunakan prinsip keseimbangan berupa keseimbangan asimetri sederajat dan simetri 5) ditemukan penerapan proporsi ideal dan penyangatan 6) prinsip kesederhanaan telah diterapkan kecuali pada foto menthok pedas 7) kejelasan telah diterapkan pada seluruh foto 8) rule of third pada semua foto telah diterapkan 9) terdapat point of interest pada semua foto dan 10) penempatan background foreground sudah tepat dan enak dilihat. Dari setiap indikator telah diterapkan berbagai macam jenis sub indikator yang ada. Dari semua penjelasan tersebut dapat dikatakan bahwa food photography karya Pria Saputera merupakan karya yang menarik dan menggoda penikmatnya. ABSTRACT Sabila Akbarina. 2017. An analysis of Visual Rule of third Point Of Interest Background and Foreground by Pria Saputera s work in the Period 2015 2016 Thesis Art and Design Department Faculty of Literature University of Malang. Supervisor (1) Drs. Sarjono S.Sn M.Sn (II) Joko Samodra S.Kom M.T Keywords Analysis Food Photography Pria Saputera Pria Saputera is a talented photographer whose work is unique and able to create a seductive image. An experienced photographer is able to arrange the food composition as well in order to deliver the message. The implementation of design principles and the aestethic of art in food photography can create a stunning work. Related with it the result of the analyzes by Pria Saputera can be expected to application of basic principles of art / design and composition theory which includes the rule of the third point of interest (POI) and background foreground. This research using descriptive qualitative. The data collection take by observation interview and documentation. The instrument used is a human instrument which is the researchers themselves. Checking the validity of the finding are conducted by triangulation investigators. The data analysis conducted by the data reduction phase data presentation and drawing the conclusion. The results showed that the food photograph by Pria Saputera have implemented the basic principles of art/design along with the composition theory that includes the rule of third point of interest (POI) as well as background and foreground. As for the conclusions of this research results in accordance with the application of the principle of art/design and composition theory 1) The entire of photo has applied the rhythm 2) The unity principle of all photos using unity with many types of approaches 3) The dominance are used in all photo is dominance of the unique the superiority the difference contrast the extremely contrast 4) All photos using the principle of balance such as asymmetric balance equality and symmetry 5) Found the application of ideal proportions and grenades 6) The principle of simplicity has been applied except in spicy duckling photos 7) the explication and the clearness has been applied in all photos 8) The rule of third in all photos has been applied 9) There is a point of interest has been applied in all photos And 10) The placement of background foreground is right and nice to be looked. From each indicator has been applied with many various types of sub indicators that exist. From all of these explanations can be said that the food photography works by Pria Saputera is an interesting and seductive image.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Seni dan Desain (SED) > S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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