Marinding, Yudince (2018) Pengaruh penggunaan gadget smartphone dan interaksi edukatif keluarga terhadap perkembangan kognitif anak kelas tinggi / Yudince Marinding. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
RINGKASAN Marinding Y. 2017. PengaruhPenggunaan Gadget Smartphone danInteraksiEdukatifKeluargaterhadapPerkembanganKognitifAnak.Tesis.Program Studi S2 PendidikanLuarSekolahPascasarjanaUniversitasNegeri Malang.Pembimbing (1) Prof. Dr. Supriyono M.Pd (2) Dr. Ellyn SugengDesyanty M.Pd Kata kunci Gadget Smartphone InteraksiEdukatif PerkembanganKognitif danAnakKelasTinggi. Tujuanpenelitianadalahmengetahuigambaranpenggunaangadget interaksiedukatifkeluarga perkembangankognitif danpengaruhpenggunaangadgetdaninteraksiedukatifkeluargaterhadapperkembangankognitifpadaanakkelastinggi di SekolahDasar. Kemajuanteknologisaatinimemberikanpengaruhsangatbesardalamkehidupanmanusia.Pengaruhpenggunangadget terhadapkehidupanmanusiadikelilingiteknologihampirdalamsetiapgerakkehidupannya.Metodepenelitian yang digunakanyaitupenelitiankuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dikumpulkanduaangketyaituinstrumenuntukmengukurpengaruhpenggunaan gadget interaksiedukatifdanuntukmengukurtentangperkembangankognitifanakdenganbantuan program spss 16.00.Analisis data dilakukandenganmenggunakananalisisregresiberganda. Penggunaangadget berpengaruhsignifikanterhadapperkembangankognitifanak.Interaksiedukatifkeluargamenunjukkannilaithitungsebesar 4 710 denganprobabilitassignifikansisebesar 0 000 dimanatingkatsignifikansitersebutlebihkecildaritarafsignifikansi 945 0 05. Penggunaangadgetdaninteraksiedukatifkeluargasecarasimultanberpengaruhsignifikanterhadapperkembangankognitifpadaanakkelastinggi di SekolahDasar dimananilaiFhitung56 243 (Sig F 0 000). PengaruhPenggunaangadgetterhadapperkembangananakmemilikidampakpositif penggunaangadget berpengaruhsignifikanterhadapperkembangankognitifanakdi manatingkatsignifikansitersebutlebihkecildaritarafsignifikansi.variabelinteraksiedukatifkeluargamenunjukkantingkatsignifikansitersebutlebihkecil. Interaksiedukatifkeluargaberpengaruhsignifikanterhadapperkembangankognitifanakdikarenakaninteraksidalamberkomunikasi yang pertama kali dilakukanolehseoranganakadalahdengan orang tuanya karenaterjadisejakanakmasihberadadalamkandunganhinggaialahirhinggaiaberanjakdewasaHal inimenunjukkanbahwapenggunaangadget berpengaruhsignifikanterhadapperkembangankognitifanakantara lain dapatmembantumenambahpengetahuananak Berdasarkanhasilanalisis data pengaruhpenggunaangadgetdaninteraksiedukatifterhadapperkembangankognitifanakyaituinteraksiberkomunikasi yang dilakukandenganmenggunakangadgetdanberkomunikasisecaralangsungolehanakkelastinggidalamkeluargadankemampuan yang diperolehanakkelastinggi di sekolahdasarsesuaidenganperkembangannya. SUMMARY Marinding Y. 2017. Influence of Smartphone Gadget Usage and Family Educational Interaction on Child Cognitive Development.Thesis.Master Program of Post-Graduate Education Graduate School of State University of Malang. Counselor (1) Prof. Dr. Supriyono M.Pd (2) Dr. Ellyn SugengDesyanty M.Pd Keywords Smartphone Gadget Educational Interaction Cognitive Development and High Class Children. Aimresearchisknowingpictureusegadgets interactionseducativefamily developmentcognitive andinfluenceusegadgetsandinteractioneducativefamilytodevelopmentcognitiveonchildclasshigh in SchoolBasic . The purpose of this study is to know the description of the use of gadgets family educational interactions cognitive development and the influence of the use of gadgets and family educational interaction on cognitive development in high school children in elementary school. Current technological advances have a huge impact on human life. The influence of gadget usage on human life is surrounded by technology almost in every motion of life. The research method used is quantitative research. Collecting data collected two questionnaires are instruments to measure the effect of the use of gadgets educational interactions and to measure the cognitive development of children with the help of spss 16.00 program. Data analysis was done by using multiple regression analysis. The use of gadgets has a significant effect on the child s cognitive development. Educational family interaction shows a tcount of 4 710 with probability significance of 0 000 where the significance level is smaller than the significance level 945 0.05. The use of family educational gadgets and interaction simultaneously had a significant effect on cognitive development in high school children in elementary school where the value of Fhitung 56 243 (Sig F 0 000). Influence The use of gadgets on the development of children has a positive impact the use of gadgets have a significant effect on children s cognitive development in which the level of significance is smaller than the level of significance. family educational interaction variables indicate that the level of significance is smaller. Educative family interaction has a significant effect on cognitive development of children because interaction in communicate first performed by a child is with his parents because it occurs since the child is still in the womb until he was born until he was growing up This shows that the use of gadgets significantly influence the development cognitive children among others can help increase the knowledge of children. Based on the results of data analysis the effect of the use of gadgets and educational interactions on the cognitive development of children is the communication interaction is done by using gadgets and communicate directly by high school children in the family and the ability obtained by high school children in elementary school in accordance with its development.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Pendidikan Luar Biasa(PLB) > S2 Pendidikan Khusus |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 20 Feb 2018 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2018 03:00 |
URI: | |
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