Hikmah, Nurul (2019) Pengaruh online reviews hotel terhadap online booking intention melalui e-trust di Traveloka (studi pada generasi milenial) / Nurul Hikmah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
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i ABSTRAK Hikmah Nurul. 2019. Pengaruh Online Reviews Hotel Terhadap Online Booking Intention Melalui E-Trust Di Traveloka (Studi Pada Generasi Milenial. Skripsi Jurusan Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing Dr. Titis Shinta Dhewi S.P. M.M. Kata kunci online reviews e-trust online booking intention Perkembangan internet saat ini berkembang sangat pesat hal tersebut sesuai survey yang dilakukan oleh Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) yang memaparkan hasil penggunaan internet di Indonesia pada tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan sehingga berdampak pada usaha bisnis yang bergerak di bidang online salah satunya adalah online travel agent (OTA) yaitu Traveloka. Salah satu strategi Traveloka untuk menjalin hubungan dengan calon konsumen Traveloka menyediakan kolom online reviews. Online reviews diharapkan dapat menjadikan sarana bagi perusahaan dan pelanggan demi terciptanya hubungan yang baik sehingga terwujudunya E-trust dan meningkatnya online booking intention. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui (1) Deskripsi variabel online reviews E-trust dan online booking intention (2) Pengaruh langsung online reviews terhadap online booking intention (3) Pengaruh langsung online booking intention terhadap E-trust (4) Pengaruh langsung E-trust terhadap online booking intention dan (5) Pengaruh tidak langsung online reviews terhadap online booking intention melalui E-trust pada Traveloka. Penelitian ini menggunaan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis riset deskriptif dan eksplanatori. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner tertutup yang diproses pada uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas dengan hasil valid dan reliabel. Populasi penelitian adalah generasi milenial (infinite population). Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling berdasarkan kriteria (1) Responden merupakan generasi milenial yang lahir dalam rentang tahun 1980 sampai dengan 2000 (2) Responden mengetahui situs web dan mobile apps Traveloka (3) Responden memiliki minat untuk melakukan online booking di Traveloka. Perhitungan sampel menggunakan rumus Daniel and Terrel dengan jumlah 246 responden. Analisa yang digunakan adalah Path Analysis. Uji prasyarat melalui uji normalitas dengan hasil residual berdistribusi normal dan uji liniearitas dengan hasil persamaan jalur liniear. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil analisa deskriptif terhadap online reviewsdan online booking intention termasuk dalam kategori baik serta E-trust termasuk kategori sangat baik. Hasil analisa jalur (path) menunjukkan bahwa (1) Online reviews berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap online booking intention (2) Online reviews berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap online booking intention (3) E-trust berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap online booking intention dan (4) online reviews tidak berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap online booking intention melalui E-trust pada Traveloka.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini saran yang dapat diberikan peneliti adalah (1) Traveloka harus lebih meningkatkan pelayanan agar mengurangi online reviews yang negatif hal tersebut diharapkan agar calon konsumen yang melihat online reviews tersebut mendapatkan informasi yang positif dan meningkatkan E-trust (2)Traveloka perlu membuat akun yang bertindak sebagai customer advocator untuk memberikan informasi dan solusi terbaik kepada konsumen (3) Traveloka perlu memberikan penawaran harga dan diskon yang menarik agar konsumen tertarik untuk melakukan booking online. (4) Saran untuk peneliti selanjutnya adalah dapat menambahkan variabel lain diluar online reviews dan e-trust yang berpengaruh pada online booking intention. ii ABSTRACT Hikmah Nurul. 2019. The Effect of Online Reviews Hotel on Online Booking Intention through E-Trust at Traveloka (Study on the Millennial Generation). Sarjana s Thesis. Department of Management Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisor Dr. Titis Shinta Dhewi S.P. M.M. Keywords Online Reviews E-Trust Online Booking Intention Nowadays the development of the internet is currently growing very rapidly according to a survey conducted by the Association of Indonesian Internet Service Providers (APJII) which describes the results of internet usage in Indonesia in the year to year experiencing an increase so that the impact on business enterprises engaged in online fields is one of them online travel agent (OTA) named Traveloka. One of Traveloka s strategies to establish relationships with prospective Traveloka customers provide online columns reviews. Online reviews are expected to be able to make facilities for companies and customers to create good relationships so that the realization of E-trust and the increase in online booking intention. The purpose of this study is to find out (1) description of the online reviews E-trust and online booking intention variables (2) the direct influence of online reviews on online booking intention (3) the direct effect of online booking intention on E-trust (4) E-trust s direct influence on online booking intention and (5) the indirect influence of online reviews on Travel Booking s online booking intention through E-trust. Furthermore this research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive and explanatory types of research. The instrument used is a closed questionnaire that is processed in the validity test and reliability test with valid and reliable results. The research population is the millennial (infinite population). The sampling technique uses purposive sampling technique based on the criteria (1) Respondents are millennial generation born in the range from 1980 to 2000 (2) Respondents know Traveloka s website and mobile apps (3) Respondents have an interest in conducting an online booking at Traveloka. Sample calculation uses the Daniel and Terrel formula with 246 respondents. The analysis used is Path Analysis. Prerequisite test was conducted through normality test with residual results with normal distribution and linearity test with the results of linear line equations. The result showed that the descriptive analysis of online reviews and online booking intention were included in the good category and E-trust included a very good category. The results of the path analysis show that (1) Online reviews directly influence online booking intention (2) Online reviews directly influence online booking intention (3) E-trust has a direct effect on the online booking intention and (4) online reviews do not have an indirect effect on online booking intention through E-trust on Traveloka. Based on the results of this study the suggestions that can be given by the researcher are (1) Traveloka should improve service to reduce online reviews that contain negative messages so that Traveloka can maintain a good reputation (2) Traveloka should create an account that acts as a customer advocator in charge of providing the best information and solutions to each customer (3) Traveloka should offer attractive prices and discounts so customers are interested in booking online at Traveloka (4) Suggestions for future researchers need to review and add other variables outside the online reviews and e-trust that influence the online booking intention.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | ?? ?? |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Manajemen (MNJ) > S1 Manajemen |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jul 2019 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2019 03:00 |
URI: | http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/97106 |
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