Pengaruh variabel kepemimpinan, kemampuan dan motivasi terhadap kinerja dosen PTN dan PTS di Malang / Diah Rusminingsih - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh variabel kepemimpinan, kemampuan dan motivasi terhadap kinerja dosen PTN dan PTS di Malang / Diah Rusminingsih

Diah Rusminingsih (2007) Pengaruh variabel kepemimpinan, kemampuan dan motivasi terhadap kinerja dosen PTN dan PTS di Malang / Diah Rusminingsih. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Increasing the works of lecturer is not a piece of cake program to be applied for university. Because there are many factors affected the work of lecturer whether individual factor from the lecturer itself internal institution or culture social factor around the university. It can be said that works of lecturer determine the university to get good mark and accreditation. The higher works of lecturer the greater chance of the university to get quality or accredit with a good mark. Works of lecturer do not stand alone but there are some factors affect it. Leadership institution factor ability and motivation have good effects both partially and simultaneously into works of lecturer in state university. From this background researcher wants to examinee deeper is about leadership variable factor ability and motivation into works of lecturer case study in Malang. Based on the background purpose of this research is (1) to know leadership affects on ability (2) to know leadership and ability affect on motivation directly (3) to know leadership and ability affect on performance of lecturer through motivation indirectly (4) to know leadership ability and motivation affect on performance of lecturer directly. To reach this purposes the researcher uses quantitative expost facto research. The researcher uses the corelational study. The sample is taken by 160 lecturers with proportional stratified random sampling technique. Taking the data is done by interview and quesioner instrument. Next the data is analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling Statistic Technique with LISREAL instrument. The result of research shows that (1) There is effect of leadership in university ability (P 0 05). It shows that higher leadership in university in processing human resources lecturer ability will be increased. (2) There is leadership effect and lecturer ability into motivation. Statistic result shows that leadership affects directly into motivation (p 0 05). Ability affect motivation directly (p 0 05). It shows positive result it means that the better leadership in university and better lecturer ability motivation of lecturer increases. (3) Leadership and ability affect the work of lecturer through motivation factor directly. Statistic result shows that leadership affect works through motivation factor indirectly (p 0 05). The truth is leadership affect works through motivation indirectly. (4) Ability and motivation affect works of lecturer directly (p 0 05). Statistic result shows that leadership does not affect works of lecturer (p 0 05). So three hypothesis are proved. But there are two factors motivation and ability affect works of lecturer directly. Based on the conclusion of research above there are three implications as follow First for academic practice the leadership of university always support and give chance to lecturer to increase ability and give motivation for them in order to get better work of lecturer. Second for education of economy this result can be implicated as decision maker of education development especially to the lecture resources. In conclusion this result can develop the quality of college education. With the proactive and productive so what the market demand will be responded by economic people. Third for the implication of theory finding of the research give describing that leadership variable is not always dominant in giving influence to the lecture activity. It means the lecture did optimal working because of influenced by ability and self motivation. With the work of lecturer is getting better it will support the quality of application of The Three Responsibilities of Institute of Higher Education to make high quality graduated students.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Ekonomi Pembangunan (EKP) > S3 Pendidikan Ekonomi
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2007 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2007 03:00

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