Semantic and stylistic analysis of juz'amma (of the holy Qur'an) English translations by A. Yusuf Ali, T.B. Irving, and N.J. Dawood / Dimjati Ahmadin - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Semantic and stylistic analysis of juz'amma (of the holy Qur'an) English translations by A. Yusuf Ali, T.B. Irving, and N.J. Dawood / Dimjati Ahmadin

Ahmadin, Dimjati (2010) Semantic and stylistic analysis of juz'amma (of the holy Qur'an) English translations by A. Yusuf Ali, T.B. Irving, and N.J. Dawood / Dimjati Ahmadin. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Ahmadin Dimjati. 2008. Semantic and Stylistic Analyses of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an English Translation by A. Yusuf Ali T. B. Irving and N. J. Dawood. Dissertation. The English Language Education Graduate Program State University of Malang. Advisers (I) Prof. H.M. Adnan Latief M.A. Ph.D. (II) A. Effendi Kadarisman M.A. Ph.D. (III) Dr. Nurul Murtadho M.Pd. Key Words Semantic and Stylistic Analyses the Methods of Translation used. The Way A. Yusuf Ali T.B.Irving N.J. Dawood Translate Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an from Arabic into English. The present study analyzes the translation of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an from Arabic (source language) to English (target language) by A. Yusuf Ali T. B. Irving and N. J. Dawood. Specifically the study deals with the following questions how do the translators preserve lexical sentential discoursal and speech act meanings and how do they preserve language style and aspects of stylistics as well as appropriate translation methods used This research uses text analysis as well as qualitative research design in the data analyses. Related to text analysis equally different type of text have to be understood in the context of their condition of production and reading. Since the producer of Juz- Amma s text is God(Allah SWT) and Juz- Amma is part of he Holy Qur an in understanding the text of this study the criteria in comprehending the Holy Qur an (discussed on p.109) is to be involved. To answer the questions the present researcher objectively and systematically identifies the features of the translation of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an from Arabic into English stated above. Related to lexical meanings the translators involve synonymy antonymy homonymy hyponymy connotative denotative and figurative meanings ambiguity and vagueness. Besides collocation or placing words having meaning relationship is often made in similar surrounding i.e. in the same surah. The collocation often includes almost similar words or words that relate to each other. The alternative uses of these words contribute to lexical cohesion and accordingly facilitate readers comprehension. Concerning with sentential meanings the three translators retain appropriateness of word and sentence choices to gain acceptability grammaticality and meaningfulness as well as analytic and synthetic sentence entailment presupposition and logical truth . In addition they also make use of five types of cohesion. At the discoursal level the translators maintain the cohesion using pronouns (I me my you your he his him they them their it its etc.) substitution ellipses appropriate relating conjunction and particles (and but for so yet therefore that which who whosoever if as if when whatever whereas while etc.). The translators also create exophoric relationship where their interpretation lies outside the text in the context of situation and endophoric relations that do form cohesive ties within the text. Endophoric relations they use are of two kinds those which look back in the text for their interpretation are called anaphoric relations and ones which look forward in the text of their interpretation are called cataphoric relations.To achieve poetic beauty they also tend to select verse paragraphs use combination of formal informal colloquial and hypotactic style. As well they use adequate aspects of stylistic devices to create communicative semantic and poetic translation. It is interesting to note that the three translators hardly relate relevant parts of their English translations of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an to relevant Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w as well as other verses needed tobe related this situation is different from what had been carried out by As-Shiddieqy when he chaired a team translating the Holy Qur an in Arabic to Indonesian in which locutionary illocutionary and perlocutionary acts because of Q or because of M are maintained in their introduction of their Indonesian translation they gave clear explanation of situation substance found in certain verses . So despite the success of the translators in several respects the translators seem to fail to cope with meanings in relation to speech acts as As-Shiddieqi did. Therefore it is suggested that the translators of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an include locutionary illocutionary and perlocutionary act because of Q as well as locutionary illocutionary and perloctutionary act because of M if it is necessary in their English translation of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an in order that their English translation of Juz- Amma of the Holy Qur an is more beneficial for those who intend to know the teaching of the Holy Qur an appropriately and correctly.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S3 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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