The effectiveness of stad (Student teams-achievement division) in improving students' writing ability at Stain Kediri / Sri Wahyuni - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The effectiveness of stad (Student teams-achievement division) in improving students' writing ability at Stain Kediri / Sri Wahyuni

Sri (2010) The effectiveness of stad (Student teams-achievement division) in improving students' writing ability at Stain Kediri / Sri Wahyuni. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Key words Effectiveness STAD writing ability. Acquiring writing skills needs a lot of practices and to produce a piece of essay needs long process hence the appropriate method of the teaching and learning is very important to help students master the writing skills. This study proposes an alternative method to teach students to write by using STAD in which writing process is emphasized. In STAD the students work together in groups aid each other in completing academic tasks and provide each other with feedback in order to improve their subsequent performances. Furthermore they influence each other to achieve mutual goals act in trusting and trustworthy ways become motivated and feel less anxiety and stress. The present study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of STAD (Student Team-Achievement Division) in improving students writing ability. The general research question to answer was Do the students who are taught using STAD have significantly better expository writing ability than those who are taught using conventional method . The tentative answer of the general question was formulated in the form of the general alternative hypothesis namely The students who are taught using STAD have significantly better expository writing ability than those who are taught using conventional method . The design of the study was quasi-experimental with a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest. The study was conducted at Writing II classes at the English Language Education Program Study of STAIN Kediri in the 2009/2010 academic year and the samples were class A as the experimental group and class B as the control group with 35 students in each group. In collecting the data two sets of writing test were used as instruments one of them was used in the pre-test and the other in the post-test. Both tests pre-test and post-test were also used to identify the effect of the treatment on the students writing ability. Then in scoring the students writing two raters worked independently using analytic scoring rubric. The results of the scoring reliability analysis indicated that the coefficient reliability (r) of the scores produced by the two raters lay between .715 and .905. Based on Weigle s scale (1994) it could be interpreted that the scores produced were not significantly different (consistent). Then the obtained coefficient of data normality testing lay between .058 and .220. By using Kolmogorov-Smirnov scale it could be interpreted that the distribution of the data were normal thus the data were considered reliable to be used for testing the hypothesis. Based on the descriptive characteristics the results of the present study show that the mean scores of the three components of writing of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group. Therefore STAD employed in the experimental group helped students improve their expository writing ability. Furthermore all of the obtained F-ratios in testing the hypotheses were significantly higher than the critical value (3.988) at significant (P) 8804 .05 (df 1 and 68). The obtained F-ratios of the hypotheses testing were respectively 64.078 for the general hypothesis 65.277 for the first specific hypothesis 68.895 for the second specific hypothesis and 108.637 for the third specific hypothesis. This revealed that there was enough evidence to reject the null hypotheses consequently the alternative hypotheses were accepted. Based on the research findings it could be concluded that the students who were taught using STAD had better writing ability than those of who were taught using conventional method. In other words STAD was effective in improving students expository writing ability. Thus it is suggested that the English teachers utilize this method in their teaching writing to improve students writing skill. The students could also take the research findings of the study as the way in improving their writing ability. For further research it is suggested for the researcher to take the findings as well as the limitations of the present study as the basis in conducting some other research in the same or different area. The future researcher might duplicate the research design by conducting a longitudinal study to improve students writing ability. The replications of the study were also suggested for different levels of students different text types and components of writing furthermore different subject of study.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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