Project-based learning combined with process writing and instagram: an attempt to improve students' ability in writing hortatory exposition text / Dian Arihasta - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Project-based learning combined with process writing and instagram: an attempt to improve students' ability in writing hortatory exposition text / Dian Arihasta

Arihasta, Dian (2019) Project-based learning combined with process writing and instagram: an attempt to improve students' ability in writing hortatory exposition text / Dian Arihasta. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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SUMMARY Arihasta Dian. 2018. Project-Based Learning combined with Process Writing and Instagram An Attempt to Improve Students Ability in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text. Thesis Graduate Program in English Language Teaching Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Yazid Basthomi M.A. (II) Francisca Maria Ivone M.A. Ph.D. Keywords Project-Based Learning Process Writing Instagram Writing Ability Hortatory Exposition This study aimed to implement project-based learning combined with process writing and Instagram to enhance the eleventh graders ability in writing hortatory exposition text. It involved 30 students of XI IPA 2 Bilingual at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Ponorogo East Java in the second semester of the academic year 2017/ 2018. This study was carried out based on the result of the preliminary study which indicated that the students experienced problems in writing. The researcher used Classroom Action Research which consists of planning implementing observing and reflecting. This study incorporated process writing with project-based learning stages especially in the project monitoring stage. The researcher implemented the strategy in one cycle consisted of 7 meetings. In implementing the strategy the researcher used two main instruments a writing test and questionnaire. . The general steps of the implementation of project-based learning combined with process writing and Instagram were elaborated as follows (1) Start with an Essential Question (the students were given question which drives the project) (2) Design a Plan for the Project (the students agreed on the project detail) (3) Create a Schedule (the students set the dateline of each project stages and the writing steps) (4) Monitor the Project (the students planned drafted revised edited and published their writing assisted and monitored by the researcher) (5) Assess the Outcome (the students presented their final product) and (6) Evaluate the Experience (the students shared their opinion about their learning experience during the project). Based on the result of the writing test administered after the implementation of the strategy all of the students (100%) could increase their score for at least 10 points higher than which they gained in the initial test. The students average writing score increased 15.67 points from 66.33 in the initial test to 82 in the writing test. In addition to that the result of the questionnaire showed that the majority of the students perceived positively towards the implementation of project-based learning combined with process writing and Instagram. Regarding the research finding a conclusion can be drawn that the implementation of project-based learning combined with process writing and Instagram could improve the students ability in writing hortatory exposition text up to the targeted level even more. It is recommended for the English teachers to use this strategy as it was empirically proven effective to overcome the students problems in writing. Future researchers of the same interest are recommended to make use of this study as one of their references in conducting their research.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 20 Feb 2019 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2019 03:00

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