Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Mansyurati NW (Nahdlatul Wathan) Seganteng Lombok Tengah using PQ4R strategy / Muhammad Fahrurrozi Azmi - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Mansyurati NW (Nahdlatul Wathan) Seganteng Lombok Tengah using PQ4R strategy / Muhammad Fahrurrozi Azmi

Azmi, Muhammad Fahrurrozi (2011) Improving the reading comprehension ability of the eleventh grade students of MA Al-Mansyurati NW (Nahdlatul Wathan) Seganteng Lombok Tengah using PQ4R strategy / Muhammad Fahrurrozi Azmi. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thesis English Language Education of Graduate Program State University of Malang. Advisors (I) . Arwijati W. Murdibjono M.Pd. Dip. TESL. (II) Prof. Dr. M. Soenardi Djiwandono. Key Words Improvement Reading Comprehension PQ4R Strategy Most students still have reading problems especially in the Eleventh Grade of MA-Almansyurati NW Seganteng Pariwisata Aik Bukak Street Central Lombok (NTB) such as they had insufficient vocabularies so it was difficult for them to understand reading texts the students often confused to what they were reading about because they did not focus when they were reading the text they were also often confused to find the main idea in the text. As the result 15% of students achieved the minimum acceptable total score (65) and the average score was 47.68 in reading comprehension test conducted in preliminary study. To provide a solution to these problems the writer proposed what so called the PQ4R Strategy. PQ4R is a kind of reading strategy in which the learners are wholly involved in six steps they are Preview Question Read Reflect Recite and Review. This study was designed for collaborative classroom action research in which the researcher (acted as the teacher) and his collaborator (acted as the observer) worked together on the procedures of the study namely planning implementing the plan observing the action and reflecting the result of the action. The subjects of the study were 19 students of the Eleventh Grade of MA Al-Mansyurati NW Seganteng Central Lombok. This research was conducted in 2 Cycles where each of the Cycle consisted of 4 meetings three meetings for the teaching learning by using PQ4R strategy and 1 meeting for the administration of reading comprehension test. The PQ4R strategy that developed by Thomas E. L. Robinson H. A. in 1972s generally had the following activities (1) Preview Take a look at the material skim the chapter headings the boldface words and read the outline summary (2) Questions Make up questions about the things found in the preview (3) Read As you read try to answer the questions you developed (4) Reflect Think about the material you have just read (5) Recite Say the material over to yourself put it into your own words (6) Review Try to recall the material and test yourself. In implementing PQ4R strategy in teaching reading in classroom then the researcher adapted those activities. and the Findings of the research revealed that the appropriate model of PQ4R strategy in teaching reading in the classroom consisted of the following activities (1) Activating background knowledge by showing the students some picture related to the material (2) in Preview 1. Finding out the unfamiliar words in the text (not more than 20 words). 2. Finding the meaning of the words listed 3. Discussing the result in preview step in pairs. (3) In Question writing their own questions at least 3 questions. (4) In Read 1. Reading the text silently. 2. Finding the answer of prepared questions. 3. Getting main idea and it details stated in paragraph. 4. Discussing what they found in the text during reading in pairs. (5) In Reflect 1. Reflecting what they have just read by identifying the main idea and new information. 2. Discussing in pairs what was read. (6) In Recite 1. Giving comment or response on what was read. (7) Review Discussing in pairs what to be summarized and then summarizing the content of the text individually. Furthermore the findings of the research showed that PQ4R strategy was worthy to improve the students reading Comprehension and activated the students to participate in the teaching-learning process of reading. The students average score improved from 47.68 in preliminary study 59.21 in Cycle 1 and 79.68 in the Cycle 2. Also 15% students in preliminary study achieved the minimum acceptable total score (65) 36% students in Cycle 1 achieved the minimum acceptable total score while 89% students achieved the minimum acceptable total score. Concerning to the students participation or involvement in following the whole activities in PQ4R strategy it also increased from 60% in Cycle 1 to 86% in cycle 2. Based on the findings above some suggestions for the teachers and future researchers were made as follows for the English teachers who have similar problems they should use PQ4R strategy as one of the alternatives to improve the students reading comprehension. And for future researchers they should conducts the same research in other level of study with different setting and subject and other text types. to see whether the PQ4R strategy is also applicable and effective for improving the students reading comprehension.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2011 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2011 03:00

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