Extensive reading principles and the implementation in indonesian universities / Wiwiet Eva Savitri</p> - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Extensive reading principles and the implementation in indonesian universities / Wiwiet Eva Savitri</p>

Savitri, Wiwiet Eva (2023) Extensive reading principles and the implementation in indonesian universities / Wiwiet Eva Savitri</p>. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Day and Bamford rsquo s 10 ER principles are the most well-known principles of Extensive Reading (ER). The principles are expected to be applied by ER practitioners as a guideline in implementing ER including in Indonesia especially by English lecturers at Indonesian campuses. This research attempts to reveal two things. First Indonesian ER lecturers rsquo familiarity with ER principles. Second the implementation of ER in reality to see whether the ER principles are applied in actual ER classes. This research took English lecturers from Indonesian University as research participants. Questionnaire and interview were carried out to get the data. There were 80 questions in the questionnaire. The form contained close-ended and open-ended questions. The majority of the questions were close-ended questions in the form of multiple choices check boxes and Likert scale questions. The data gathered from the questionnaire were compared to the data obtained from interview to see whether they correspond to and in line with each other or not. The result of the data analysis is presented in the form of percentage and citation of respondents rsquo statements. The result of data analysis revealed that in general ER lecturers understood essential and basic ER principles. They knew that ER is a reading for pleasure activity with many options of topic provided in which students enjoy the reading at their own speed choose what they want to read and do the reading any way they like. Although the ER lecturers agreed that pleasure is essential element in ER they interpreted ER differently and as the consequence they implemented ER differently as well. The pleasure however could decline unexpectedly. Wrong instruction from lecturers was one factor causing the decline for instance instruction for all students to read the same book. Another factor was the pressure to read particular number of books or words. Even though the students were promised to be given rewards after reaching the target the rewards itself gave students uneasy feeling and triggered more pressure because they felt that they were forced to exceed their own convenient speed and also forced to compete with other students. This research found that the lecturers implemented pure ER and modified ER. None of them implemented light ER and fringe ER. Yet not all of them were familiar with some ER principles and as a result did not implement them. The most misunderstood and neglected ER principles were being reading role models and giving guidance to the students. Furthermore it was revealed that principle ldquo ER has purpose for reading for pleasure rdquo ldquo ER needs a variety of topics ldquo the reading material is easy rdquo and ldquo learners choose what they want to read rdquo were considered to be able to be implemented both in offline and online modes. The ER programs in some universities were found to be official courses embedded to curriculum (ERiC). The ER lecturers made efforts to implement ER principles as best as they could especially to keep pleasure atmosphere. Yet they found it was challenging to let their students to have authority to decide what they read. Thus they viewed ER assignments differently. It is also found that although Indonesian ER lecturers were assumed to be well-informed about ER principles and practices due to the existence of IERA (Indonesian Extensive Reading Association) which frequently conducts seminars and workshops about ER as matter of fact not all ER lecturers knew nor joined IERA workshop sessions. Interestingly not all IERA workshops participant or even IERA activist were actually ER practitioners. The last finding was that the implementation of MBKM has eliminated ERiC in some universities. They changed it with reading subjects which were considered more closely related to academic needs or industrial demands. Thus ER is conducted as a discrete program not embedded to curriculum. One clear advantage of it is the possibility to implement all ER principles more fully without any pressure to take students scores.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan IPA (FMIPA) > Departemen Matematika (MAT) > S3 Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2023 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2023 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/349350

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