Pengaruh suasana toko terhadap pembelian impulsif (studi pada pelanggan Giant Hupermarket Gajayana Malang) / Galih Dwi Septio Ady - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh suasana toko terhadap pembelian impulsif (studi pada pelanggan Giant Hupermarket Gajayana Malang) / Galih Dwi Septio Ady

Ady, Galih Dwi Septio (2013) Pengaruh suasana toko terhadap pembelian impulsif (studi pada pelanggan Giant Hupermarket Gajayana Malang) / Galih Dwi Septio Ady. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Ady Galih Dwi Septio. 2013. The Effect of Store Atmosphere to Impulsive Purchase (Study on the Customers of Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang). Sarjana s Thesis Department of Management Faculty of Economics State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Dr. H. Sutrisno M.M. (II) Afwan Hariri Agus Prohimi S.E M.Si. Keywords Store Atmosphere Impulsive Purchase The nowadays lifestyle shopping which tends to lead the customers to shop in a supermarket or minimarket causing retailers should pay attention on the aspects of store atmosphere. It is due to the fact that customers often buy goods out of the plan without realizing it. It can happen because of the effect of employees design and arrangement of items that can attract the customers interest and affects the customer to make a purchase spontaneously. This study aimed to determine (1) the conditions of store atmosphere according to customer s perception at Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang (2) the partial effect of store atmosphere to the impulse to purchase goods at Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang and (3) the simultaneous effect of store atmosphere which consist of social factors design factor and ambient factors on impulsive purchases for customers at Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang. The independent variable in this study is the store atmosphere consisting of (X1) social factors (X2) design factors (X3) ambient factors and the dependent variable that is (Y) impulsive purchases. The population of this study is all buyers who make purchases at Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang in June 2013 with the infinite number. By using infinite population formula there are 100 respondents taken as samples. The result findings of this study showed that (1) store atmosphere created by Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang is attractive to attract customers to buy goods (2) there is a partial significant positive effect between the variables of store atmosphere consisting of social factors design factors and factors ambient to impulse purchases at Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang. Meanwhile the dominant factor effect the impulse to purchase is social factor variable (3) there is a simultaneous positive and significant effect of store atmosphere variables to impulse purchases therefore the store atmosphere which consists of social factors design factor and ambient factors bring a positive effect toward the occurrence of impulse purchases at Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang. Based on the analysis and findings in this study the researcher suggests that (1) Giant Hypermarket Gajayana Malang should add facilities to provide the convenience of the customers (2) subsequent researchers are expected to add another indicator that encourage impulse purchases and can give more explanation about the theories about the store atmosphere and impulse purchases.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Manajemen (MNJ) > S1 Manajemen
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 24 Dec 2013 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2013 03:00

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