An Analysis on Metaphorical Symbols of Richard Marx's Songs / by Adi Witono Waluyo - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

An Analysis on Metaphorical Symbols of Richard Marx's Songs / by Adi Witono Waluyo

Waluyo, Adi Witono (2005) An Analysis on Metaphorical Symbols of Richard Marx's Songs / by Adi Witono Waluyo. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Poetryc ontainst he experience f eelings e motiona nd thoughto fthe poet. There is a mixture of real world and imagery which is transfened into the imagery of the poem.P oetso ften usef igurative languagein order to revealt heir ideas imagination feelings and thought. The use of figurative language makes the poems sophisticateda nd unrarelyc omplicated s o that the readersf ind diffrculties in analyzingth em. Metaphor is one of figurative language which is frequently used by the poets in their poems.T he poetst ake the phenomenain their environmenta nd changet hem into symbolsto represenwt hatt heyf eel.T he symbolse nricht hep oemsw ith words ande xpressionsw hich challenget he readerst o catcht he hiddenm essagea nd meaningsb ehindt he symbols.B y comprehendingth e symbols t he readersm ight anjoy poems easily and wholly. The study is conductedt o investigatet he useo f metaphoricals ymbolsi n the lyrics of Richard Marx s songs. The design of the study is descriptive-qualitative sincei t obbainsin formation concerningt he currents tatuso f phenomenaa nd determinesth e natureo f situationa s it existsa t the time of the study.T he study belongst o documentarys tudiess incei t usest he lyrics of Richardl v arx s songsa s the sourceso fthe data.P opulationo fthe studyc onsistso f66 songst aken from the seven albums of Richard Marx. All the lyrics are used in the study unless Baby Blues which is not available. The lyrics are analped based on the eory of metaphor and symbolsA. s the basist o judge thatt he sigrrificri s univenal t he concepto f Haley which is called Hierarchical Model of Univenal Semantic Domain is used. The symbolsf ound are classifiedi nto the nine categorieso f the model sucha sB eing CosmosE nergt Substonce T enestriaOl b jectsL iving Animatea nd Humanin ordert o knowt he frequencyo fthe distributiono fthe symbols. The results reveals that there are266 kinds of symbols found in the lyrics. The mostf requentd istributiono f symbolsis Beingc ategoryw ith 50.38%.T henO bjects iii ( 16.17%H uman1 0.90%E nergy6 .390/oT e rrestria4l .89o/oC osmosa ndA nimate 4.510/o anSdu bstancaen dL iving l.l3%.It seemsth at RichardM arx prefersu sing thea bstracts ymbolsi n composingh is sorrgsth an the real symbols.I t is perhapsd ue to his limited knowledge of the universe and its contents. The study reveals a conclusion that his imagination plays a big role in composing his lyrics proved by the use of abstract symbols which are categorized into Being. The symbols used are mostly the conventional ones of which the symbolic meanings are widely known His songs contain moral value that are importantf or the studentsto leam how to strugglef or life and to respectt he life itself. lv

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2005 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2005 03:00

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