Andrian, Donny (2004) Using board games to improve studens' participation and clasroom situation at SDN Pakunden IV Blitar by Donny Andrian. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
TeachingtechniqueplaysanimportantroleinteachingEnglislttoyomg leamersT. her ifrt teachingi. ehoiqo cane nsures tudenttso understantdh e lesson U tto- S. .d oi ttrep relu iinarys toayi o SDN PakundenIV them ainp roblemis the ild farticipationi s low. fhis st dy is directedto improves tudentsp articipation andc lassrooms itu atiouns ingb ord gamesI.t is expectedth att his studyc ans howt he i.u no. a betterm ethoOin tlacningE ngnsnto youngl eamerse speciallyu singb oad g s a isour media.I n this study t her esearchearc teda sa tunporaryt eacher rio Uei s not thet eacheirn the subjerts s chool. This studyi s a classrooma ctionr esearchT. hed esignu sedi s Kemmisa nd Taggart sm odel.I t consistso f two cycles e acho f-whichc onsistso f four steps nai-ely p lanningi mplernentationo b servationa nde valuationa ndr eflectionT. he r bj 14i iih grades nrdentso f SDN PakundenIV Blitar. The insfrumentuss ed to collectd ataa ref ield notes o bservationafol rms i nterviewsa ndq uestionnaires. The datac ollectedfr om obseryationanlo tes f ield notes a ndi nformali nterviewa re analyzeda ndp nesenteidn descriptivew ay. Thed ataf iom questionnairewse re ana-l yzedo n a frequencyc ountb asis m d presentedin descriptivew ay - Ther csdG ofthe studys howt hatb oardg amesc ani mproves tudents participationb y addingvariouis onp in the game -especiasllyo ngptl at t t rtra tr.o.r fteir bodies o r touchs omethingM. oreover m osts tudentsin the fiflh gradeo f SDN Pahrndenry lt to haveb oardganesin their Englishc lassb ecauseit I nrl not dimcdt md containss ornec hil ens ongsF. romt her ezulto fthis researc therer e somes uggestionfso r finther reserch-I t is suggestetdh att eachers shoulda pplyt heb ord gamesin a largen umbero fstudentss incet his classroom . ti t i .n is only appliedin a smalln umbero f studentsI.t is possibleto . combineth e useo f ofuerv isuatm edias ucha sp ictgrec ards r eali4 or ptpp t m a ituUt activityi n the boardg amesfo r morei nterestingre sult.W he np reparingth e Uo .a gr.o it wouldb e bettert o uses trongp aperm ateriaflo r the cardsa ndu singa conmst c olorfo r them arker.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | ?? ?? |
Divisions: | Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 04 Aug 2004 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2004 03:00 |
URI: | |
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