Wahyuni, Etik (2004) English teachers' beliefs about english language teaching as the basis of their clasroom practice ( a case study on english for young learners at Sekolah Dasar Negeri Percobaan (SDNP) Malang) by Etik Wahyuni. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
This studyi nvestigatetse achersb eliefsa boutE nglishl anguagete aching underlyingth eir classroomp racticea t SDNPM alang.F our researchq uestionsa re formulatehde re.( 1) Whata ret he teachersb eliefsa boutE nglishl anguagete achingin termso f thec oniento f langtngea ndlangt n gsek ills ast he basiso f their classroom practice( 2 ) Whata ret he teachersb eliefsa boutE nglishl anguagete achingin termso f thet echniqueisn teachinga st he basiso ftheir classroomp ractice (3 ) Whata ret he teachersb e liefsa boutE nglishl anguagete achingin termso f the useo f mediaa st he basiso f their classroomp ractice (4W) hata ret he teachersb eliefsa boutE nglish languagtee achingin termso fthe youngl earnersa st he basiso ftheir classroom practice This studyi s categorizeda sd escriptiveq ualitativer esearchw ith thed esigno f a cases tudy b ecauseit tries to give a portrait of a particular setting.T he subjectso f thiss tudyw eret wo Englisht eacherso f SDNPM alang.T he dataw erec ollectedu sing observationisn t erviewsa udiot aper ecordinga ndd ocumentation. It is foundt hatt eachersp racticein the classrooma rem ostlyb asedo n their beliefsw hatt heyu nderstantdo be right aboutt he teachingo fEnglish.T he findingso f thes tudyr evealt hat ( l) In termso flanguages kills andl anguagec ontentst h e teachers believet hat languagec ontentsa nd languages kills shouldb e taught integratedlyw ith moree mphasios n speakings kill. Theyb elievet hat grammars houldn ot be taughti n pattemsa nd presentedin context.E rror correctioni n pronunciationi s believedt o be irnportanta ndb ettert o be conductedin directly.( 2) In term ofteachingt echniquest h e teacherbse lievet hatt he teachingte chniques houldb e vaned s uitablew ith the topic. thel earnersc haracteristicsln. additioq the useo flndonesiani s believedt o facilitatc learning(.3 ) In termso f the useo f media t he teachersb elievet hatt he useo f media facilitatele aming.N ext t he medias elections houldb e basedo n the topic t he availability and the leamers. (4) The young leamers are believed to be at their own level a ctivei nvolvementa ndm otivation r eadinessa n da bility sot hat they require diflerent treatmcnts. Basedo n thosef indings i t is suggestetdh att het eacherss houldb e awareo l theirb eliefsa boutE nglishl anguagete achingT. heyh avet o be readyt o modify their beliefsi f they realizet hatt heyc onductp oorp racticeT. heya res uggestetdo enricht hcir
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | ?? ?? |
Divisions: | Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 04 Aug 2004 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2004 03:00 |
URI: | http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/244712 |
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