Improving vocabulary through cooperative integrated reading and composition for the first year students of SLTP Katolik Sang Timur Malang by Yohana Nita Susanti - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Improving vocabulary through cooperative integrated reading and composition for the first year students of SLTP Katolik Sang Timur Malang by Yohana Nita Susanti

Susanti, Yohana Nita (2004) Improving vocabulary through cooperative integrated reading and composition for the first year students of SLTP Katolik Sang Timur Malang by Yohana Nita Susanti. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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This study hied to give a solution on vocabulary problem in SLTP Katolik Sang Timur Malang by treating it with one of cooperative learning method that is Cooperative IntegrateRd eadinga nd Compositiono r CIRC. The desip used was qualitative and used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The CARc onsistedo fthree cycles.A t the end ofthe cycle I the researcherfo und that CIRC couldb e donew ell althoughs omep roblemsa roused.T he studentsw ere divided into big groupsh owever i t did not work effectively.T here were no adequaten umberso f dictionaries s o that it took a long time for them to look up the new words. Their knowledgeo f Englishw as also limited that they could not give adequatec ontributionf or their friends in the group work. All the problems in cycle I were treated in cycle II. The students were regrotrped into the smaller ones asked to bring dictionaries at least 1 for each group given the sotrndo f strangep honemes a nd given guidelines for correcting their friends work. At the end of cycle 1I it was found that the students still face the problem of making simple sentenceuss ing correctw ords and found difficulty pronouncingw ords in readingt ext. The problems were treated in cycle IIL The students were given little explanation ande xampleo f simple sentencesT. he readingt ext was also readt o them so that in partner eadingt hey would be able to pronouncet he words correctly. At the end of cycle III the problems have already been overcorne. The students were already able to make simples entencecso rrectly a ndt heyd id not makem anym ispronouncewd ords. However n ew problemsa rose.O ne of the studentsle ft his group becauseh is groupd ependedo n hirn too much.T he studentsw ere not ase nthusiastiac si n cycleI l. From the findings it can be concluded that cooperative learning in this case it wasC IRC rnodel c ouldi rnprovet he studenlsv ocabularyi n cludingt heir prontrnciation anda lsot he useo fthe words in sentencesB. y the use ofcooperative learning t he studentasl sog ott he opportunityto hold communicationa ndb uild their self-confidence. However t herew ere sornep roceduresin order to rnakeC IRC works optirnally. Thep rocedurews ered onei n the teachingle aminga ctivities i ncltrdep re activity m ain activity and post activity. ln the pre-activity the students were grottped into 4-5 students eacht h eya lsoh adt o bring dictionariesI.n the main activity t heyw ere givenm odelo f correctp ronrmciation a nd sottndo f strangep honemesT. hey were also given explanation and guidance for correcting their friends works. In the post activity they got reinforcement. I l r

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2004 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2004 03:00

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