a descriptive analysis of mispronunciation of words due to improper stress madeby the 1999th and the 2002th batch students of english departement of State Univesity of Malang by Kholifani Utami - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

a descriptive analysis of mispronunciation of words due to improper stress madeby the 1999th and the 2002th batch students of english departement of State Univesity of Malang by Kholifani Utami

Utami, Kholifani (2004) a descriptive analysis of mispronunciation of words due to improper stress madeby the 1999th and the 2002th batch students of english departement of State Univesity of Malang by Kholifani Utami. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thiss tudyw asc onductedin ordert o find informationc oncerningth e problem ofm ispronunciatiocna usedb y improperu seo f stressI.t wasp articularli conducted ino rderto find whethert here us uny mispronunciationp robiemu -ono t o diferentb atcheso f studentst h e 2002nd-a tne tggg6 batchs tudeniso Fengrish Departmenotf stateU niversiwo f Malang.T hereforet h e researchs ubjectso f this s uspnteuivcdeiwyfri cseairtyelloy t hwf eMa n2at0lea0dn2t ogn . as Tenhedew t rheheae tst hsoegnrgf o thhr ebc a2ht0oc0oi 2ssditnu-gadt nehdnet thsseoe s i tu Egbgnj6ggchlist bsh.a uot er pt hairurattm t hte en rieo hsr esatarcteher 2Em10n9a0 9d2g9enLtfhb btos Deaah stet ccaphhmass rtteufuni dndueeemnnnbtttps hshe a aaror vvtfi eecmtn uaiolskatpi rynrley oast nlp.m luneno aacskcitiaa nitltigli s ooe konfyitic hl hcaeuan Ervdeend njgnuclgJeisltsi shas st phaua prbtrieotjfe drntcoh otm slpo trghoyev ifwdarecrdti ttb heyta ttr tehe ou.r . wleevreelt .wentys tudentsp articipatinga st he researchs u6jectso fthis studyf or ettarcr h This studyi s descriptiveq uantitativew hich is designedto describea n existing lI 1 prnroenn uantucri.aeot ti oebntKey s suttsli nning thgc noe un.fmdoirbtmieoo nrfsts oa T. cshhcear iinrpastt ttoer ubrmiezi reenen datisduv .siT dehudeta o st scJcr o iuplli gt rodrapt arw t uaisra ou rr.rr. wordsb eing testedw hich occur twice in sentencesa na in para goanprihrsir.oi ti rofty-two r ttptfrowora orbontney sku- mcitnnwricdisboisapes trw detiooh nonnettro eemdusnsf ntmco ocerna aesa kmtnd nhidn aoet g lswryu etsle psiikles mveA.ae liryfn.ctp eibhmairyu rta baIhnljg lpetdr aco attisnprhs ehe iar nses rn ei ctadhsond seer edt asuercridcdvrteih ahpnetetoit.roiTs rb Tn .dpi eah r orle von reJreuod sn tr ehc i naie afrti c i-iho.ien car toa ennrsoedt te hf ubedcaun trneeddao f mmiisspprroonnuunncciiaattiioooanncn cduc rormenpcuetmes dath dee sb cyo threes or ef stheea trecshst ut ob sieecett sh.e numbero f rmtawwmwhemeoasooisreronrrepeddahn m tr ssraghooic t Tnil anhsffhsh nootpet uhheh fur d beo eratnehej tnf lecerfieso ireocsvu2subtdftal0ts m btny c ot t 0i rchmlofooa2 eetrnuohnsbed ragrse ybf 9 werrhi tam9e ft eotihat9q cscorabhuadthrns ob esets h hiutta n ouh 5oat(tttn dacl3twwlyfh then. o heoges hn fad m5ti tatntun hsohlwiddtf an/o h e oioehtcife2 tfm n ihat l oth1tehetasoie9 Toe 2.r3)sp 9 hn 014ead9es0w9.b fi6s. m2rt9b aop 2s 9atrie% )scdb6rt iphcb 3sal oishr wa n1tfotsct tgu.ehnct 2-udrheshupsedes mt nr%nu etnocui dnltinoirdsraettrw pfh se dtn i.i heniroit-uopsomistmnlts. reulei e- io.a sno ol5 iipprueior6r r.on notoo. y 2cg un m e5 btto td r%eybu rr ean. enmon cfto thelrtbmedehym ec were found in the pronunciationo fthe studentsT. he studentsw eref oundt o pronouncteh e woids beingt esteda st heir spelling.T he interferenceo f the mother iongueo fthe speaker as alsof oundt o influencet he pronunciationo fthe research subjects. Basedo n the resultso fthis study i t is stronglys uggestetdh at practical trainingo n pronunciations houldb e givenm oref requentlyt o the studentsin ordert o enhanJeg oodp ronunciationF. oro therr esearchersth e researchesru ggesttsh ato ther studiesG conductedo n other aspectso fpronunciation sucha st he segmental featuresS. incet herei s an opinions tatingt hat the suprasegmentfaela turesc ano nly occurw ith the segmentafle aturest h e researchetrh inkst hat conductinga notherp iece ofresearchfo cusingo n how certainE nglishs oundsa re mispronouncewd ould also givec onsiderablceo ntributiont o phonologicasl tudya t StateU niversityo f Malang.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2004 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2004 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/244710

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