Writing argumentative essays: the challenges that english language education students face / Enna Noer Hartina - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Writing argumentative essays: the challenges that english language education students face / Enna Noer Hartina

Hartina, Enna Noer Hartina (2021) Writing argumentative essays: the challenges that english language education students face / Enna Noer Hartina. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Abstract This study aimed to investigate the difficulties that the ELE students rsquo cohorts 2016 2017 and 2018 face in writing argumentative essay. This study used survey research design. The subjects of the study were the students who had taken argumentative writing course which involved 200 participants. An online questionnaire was used as the research instrument contains a combination of three units of model in the act of writing in a cognitive theory process of writing by Flower amp Hayes (1981) the Department of English catalogue and course profiles of Univerisitas Negeri Malang and also the findings of several researchers namely Toba Noor amp Sanu (2019) and Abbas amp Herdi (2018). Four-point Likert-scale instrument was used in this study. The highest result of this study reveal that the participants got difficulties in the grammar and content aspect which sequentially the total mean scores are 2.87 and 2.81. However the lowest aspect is mechanics aspect as the total mean score is only 2.04. Furthermore it is expected for the future researcher to add the interview instruments not only to the students but also the lecturers so the data collected can complement this study.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2021 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2021 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/197761

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