Andragogy principles of porang farmers: grounded theory study in the porang farmer community “Lingkarmas” East Java - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Andragogy principles of porang farmers: grounded theory study in the porang farmer community “Lingkarmas” East Java

Jalal, Rofik and Saryono, Djoko and Bustami, Hardika Abd Latif (2021) Andragogy principles of porang farmers: grounded theory study in the porang farmer community “Lingkarmas” East Java. 1st International Conference on Continuing Education and Technology (ICCOET, 2021.

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This research study is based on the andragogycal approach along with the principles therein, which emerged during the learning process of porang (Amorphophallus oncophyllus) farmers as adult learners. One of the focuses of this research is to reveal the andragogy principles of The Porang Farmer Community" Lingkarmas" as adult learners through a grounded approach. This study uses a qualitative approach with grounded theory methods. The procedure in this study uses the grounded theory method which has several stages including;(1) Research problem and opening research questions,(2) initial coding data collection,(3) initial memos,(4) Data collection and Focused coding, 5) advanced memos refining conceptual categories,(6) theoretical sampling seeks specific new data, sorting memos,(7) Integrating memos diagraming concepts,(8) writing the first draft (Charmaz, 2006: 12). In the grounded theory method, data has an important role during the research process. Data in the grounded theory method is the source of the birth of a theory which in this context takes the form of a learning model and the principles of andragogy of porang farmers. The subjects and objects in this study were the farmers of the Porang Lingkarmas Farmer Group in Desa Bulu, Kecamatan Pilangkenceng, Kabupaten Madiun and were learning to explore porang as an alternative agricultural commodity. The techniques used during the data collection process include unstructured interviews, literature studies, observation, and documentation. T

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Laporan Karya Ilmiah FS
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 29 Apr 2021 06
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2023 01:39

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