Polemics through discourse: written news report about anti-porn bill draft presented on the Jakarta Post / Siske Wahyu Ajisoko - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Polemics through discourse: written news report about anti-porn bill draft presented on the Jakarta Post / Siske Wahyu Ajisoko

Ajisoko, Siske Wahyu (2010) Polemics through discourse: written news report about anti-porn bill draft presented on the Jakarta Post / Siske Wahyu Ajisoko. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Ajisoko Siske Wahyu. 2008. Polemics Through Discourse News Report about Anti- Porn Bill Draft Presented on The Jakarta Post. Thesis English Department Faculty of Letters State University of Malang. Advisor Dr. Yazid Basthomi M.A. Key terms discourse language features news portion Media have very important role in the dissemination of information to the society since they are one and only medium to access information. Because of this by degrees the society is getting more dependent on them moreover every minute and every hour the media exposure is various and interesting which attracts audiences to see. Yet without being conscious by the audiences language in written news report is arranged in such a manner in which the ideological interest of the media is covered. The case of Anti-porn bill draft is one example in which the media have a significant involvement in maintaining the existence of this issue by using its language offered in the form of written news report. By using Critical Discourse Analysis this study is primarily to answer how media by using language ideologically cover their values and interest about the issue of the draft of anti porn bill and its controversy by describing and interpreting the language used by the media. By selecting three news reports from the Jakarta Post I acted upon the news by using the framework of CDA suggested by Fairclough (1989) but with some modification. The analysis in this study was limited to the micro analysis (textual analysis). First the data were selected based on the researchers assumption that they keep the ideological interest of media. The next was data presentation which was followed by data verification and also revision. The last was conclusion drawing. The findings of this study are as follows. First the vocabulary features which are used by the media to hide their interest are metaphors (23.80%) euphemism (7.14%) and some words which semantically have positive evaluation (26%) negative evaluation (64%) and neutral evaluation (10%). Second grammatical features which are employed by the media are nominalization (4.76%) active sentence (90.91%) passive sentence (9.09%) positive sentence (95.45%) negative sentence (4.54%) declarative sentence (88.88%) imperative sentence (5.56%) question sentence (5.56%) and conjunction. By the use of the vocabulary and grammatical features the media potentially keep their ideological interest. First the employment of metaphor euphemism and wordings which are semantically have negative and positive evaluation potentially create different acceptance in the audience perception which potentially affect their behavior in acting upon the issue of porn bill draft. Second is the grammatical features such as nominalization and passive sentences potentially hiding the doer of the action being presented and the use of conjunctions potentially leading the audiences mind from one point to another in order to put a given boundary idea for the audiences which potentially not allowing them to break it. This kind of presentation of the issue declares the management of the media which is considered manipulative. Further this manipulative management potentially has a tendency to create polemic for the issue which is intended for the media s economic benefit.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/10894

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