Peningkatan Kemampuan membaca anak usia 5-6 tahun melalui media buku flanel di TK Satu Atap Ciptomulyo 2 Malang / Yolanda Elisa Christanti - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Peningkatan Kemampuan membaca anak usia 5-6 tahun melalui media buku flanel di TK Satu Atap Ciptomulyo 2 Malang / Yolanda Elisa Christanti

Christanti, Yolanda Elisa (2016) Peningkatan Kemampuan membaca anak usia 5-6 tahun melalui media buku flanel di TK Satu Atap Ciptomulyo 2 Malang / Yolanda Elisa Christanti. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Christanti Yolanda Elisa. 2016. PeningkatanKemampuanMembacaAnakUsia 5-6 Tahunmelalui Media BukuFlanel di TK SatuAtapCiptomulyo 2 Malang. S1 Program Department of Teacher Education Early Childhood Education Department of Elementary and Preschool Education Faculty of Education State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Drs. I WayanSutama M.Pd. (II) WuriAstuti S.Pd. Key Word Flannel Book Media Reading Ability Language is the ability to communicate with others thoughts and feelings expressed in the form of symbols to reveal something understanding. There are problems in the aspect of the language in 17 children in TK SatuAtapCiptomulyo 2 Malang especially in reading ability. Media that support children s learning are needed to assist reading. The media is a flannel book. The purpose of this research are (1) Getting quality of learning that develops after use media flannel books (2) Generate media flannel books that can help improve the reading skills of children aged 5-6 years. The method used is a Class Action Research. Subjects studied are all children aged 5-6 years old TK SatuAtapCiptomulyo 2 Malang amounting to 17 children. The study was conducted by two cycles the first cycle of the implementation done as much as 4 meeting and the implementation of the second cycle was done 2 meeting. Based on the results obtained from the first and second cycles can be stated that the reading skills of children achieving a success rate of 88.23% or 15 children are developing very well. The quality of children s learning experience development from pre-action activities. Children are able to use the book flannel with a variety of rules that have been adopted by teachers. This makes the child s reading ability is already well developed guidance teachers also play a role in reading activities. The use of flannel books can improve reading skills of children. Media flannel books make children more active and happy to learn to read. Hopefully by the flannel book can be used as a media guide to improving literacy for children and teachers can use in every activity of learning to read.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Kependidikan Sekolah Dasar & Prasekolah (KSDP) > S1 Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2016 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2016 03:00

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