Peningkatan keterampilan menulis puisi menggunakan teknik penggambaran pada siswa kelas III SDN Purwantoro 3 KecamatanBlimbing Kota Malang / Sintiya Pungkasari - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Peningkatan keterampilan menulis puisi menggunakan teknik penggambaran pada siswa kelas III SDN Purwantoro 3 KecamatanBlimbing Kota Malang / Sintiya Pungkasari

Pungkasari, Sintiya (2017) Peningkatan keterampilan menulis puisi menggunakan teknik penggambaran pada siswa kelas III SDN Purwantoro 3 KecamatanBlimbing Kota Malang / Sintiya Pungkasari. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Pungkasari Sintiya. 2017. The Improvement Of Poetry Writing Skills Using Depiction for 3rd grader at SDN Purwantoro 3 sub-districts Blimbing Malang city. Science Faculty of Education. Directions KSDP. Prodi S1 state. The Advisor (1) Dr. Muhana Gipayana M.Pd (2) Drs. M. Imron Rosyadi H.Sy S.Pd. M.Pd Key Words Poetry Writing Skills Depiction Technique This research done on lower learning results and the activities of the students in grade 3 at SDN Purwantoro 3 sub-districts Blimbing Malang city. It is evident from the low value that acquired the students on stage pre action. It is shown from the error experienced by the students in both content and writing mechanism. Found masalahh (1) students less can find the idea (2) Select or weaves words become a poem (3) use of language style that used the students not vary in addition (4) students less to consider the vocabulary (completeness in writing sentences) and (5) use of uppercase letters earlier in the sentence or on the title of the poem. Many writings poetry students less neat and too small so that less able to read. Based on the results of 24 students attending 25 pratindakan test as much as 24 students have not yet reached the value of learning in line with or KKM (70). This research was carried out with the aim to describe the activities of the teacher and student activity writing poetry improve the results of writing a poem based on the text of the report informative about the form of the appearance of the earth using the technique of the depiction of the grade 3 students at SDN Purwantoro 3 sub-districts Blimbing Malang city. This research uses Class Action Research design (PKT). This research model using the research model the spiral Arikunto consisting of 2 the cycle. On each cycle was carried out with the planning phase implementation observation and reflection. Data collection is done by observation tests and documentation. The subject in this research is the grade 3 students at SDN Purwantoro 3 sub-districts Blimbing Malang city as much as 25 students consists there are ten male student and 15 students women. In this study researchers acting as teachers and their wives act as a diary of a. The results of the study showed that learning to write a poem using the technique of portrayals can walk better can be seen from the data the value of its achievements activity observation cycle teachers I namely 88 with very satisfactory category at cycle II rose to 100 with very satisfactory category. The Data the percentage of learning in line with the classical period of observation of the students at cycle I namely 79% with satisfactory category at cycle II increased by 21 percent to 100% with very satisfactory category. The Data the percentage of learning in line with the classical evaluation result of writing poetry students using the technique of the depiction on pratindakan 0 % at cycle I increased by 37.5 percent to 37.5% category with very less at cycle II increased by 62.5 percent to 100% with very satisfactory category. So it can be concluded that the techniques can mprove the implementation of portrayal skills writing poetry grade 3 students at SDN Purwantoro 3 sub-districts Blimbing Malang city. Based on the results of research data can be obtained the conclusion that the implementation of the depiction of techniques can increase the activity of the teachers students activities and the results of the skills of writing poetry grade 3 students at SDN Purwantoro 3 Malang city. Based on these conclusions advice that can be given as follows (1) class teachers are expected to use penggamabaran techniques as one of the teaching techniques used in learning writing poetry. This aims to improve the skills of writing poetry students in menklasifikasikan objects making it easier to arrange the sentence became a poem and (2) Implementation of the technique of portrayals that are conducted based on the stages of the writing process to increase/writing skills poetry could broaden the knowledge and the ability of the profession for both teachers and schools and researchers as prospective teachers in improving the quality of education and to solve the problems of other learning activities in other classes as well as other primary schools.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Kependidikan Sekolah Dasar & Prasekolah (KSDP) > S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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