Analisis unsur-unsur intrinsik puisi siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu / Leviya Febrika Aviolita Suryani - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Analisis unsur-unsur intrinsik puisi siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu / Leviya Febrika Aviolita Suryani

Suryani, Leviya Febrika Aviolita (2017) Analisis unsur-unsur intrinsik puisi siswa kelas V se-kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu / Leviya Febrika Aviolita Suryani. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Suryani Leviya Febrika Aviolita. 2017. The Analysis of 5th Grader Poems Instrinsic Elements in Bumiaji District Batu City. Thesis Bachelor Thesis Department of Primary Education Elementary and Preschool Education Faculty of Education State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Drs. Sjafruddin A. Rahman S. Pd. M. Pd (II) Dra. Ratna Trieka Agustina S.Pd. M.Pd. Keywords Elements of intrinsic Poems SD Poems is a literary work constructed by intrinsic elements and extrinsic elements. In composing poem must pay attention the intrinsic elements because it s a requirement to determine the quality of resulting poems. Based on preliminary observations on the fifth grader in favorite elementary schools at Bumiaji District Batu City found that the student has not been attention to the selection diction and use a incomplete rhyme so that the result of poems such as prose. In connection with that the necessary research on the use of elements intrinsic to the fifth grader student poems. This research was conducted with the aim to describe the use of an intrinsic element in the students poems which include suitability title and content of poems with the theme prescribed the selection diction use of rhyme and moral message of the fifth grader student poems in Bumiaji District Batu City. This research used a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The sample uses purposive sampling by taking 30% of primary schools in Bumiaji District Batu City namely SDN Punten 01 SDN Punten 02 SDN Sumbergondo 01 SDN Gunungsari 01 SDN Gunungsari 02 SDN Gunungsari 03 SDN Bulukerto 01 and SDN Bulukerto 02. Data collection procedures carried out by way of documentation which is analyzing the poems that has been produced by fifth grader students. The analysis showed that students poems suitable with theme amounted to 155 pieces (90.64%). The selection diction of students poems tend meaningful denotation instead of using connotations which amounted to 119 pieces (69.60%). Moral message in the student poems tend to use implicit rather than explicit which totaled 94 units (54.65%). However only partial work of students using rhyme that amounted to 83 pieces (48.54%). Based on the analysis we concluded that most of poems produced by fifth grade students in Bumiaji District Batu City has good quality because it is in accordance with the theme contains a moral message using complete rhyme and the selection diction is appropriate although the language used was simple. Researchers provide advice to (1) Teachers should guide students in selecting a meaningful word connotations or figurative (2) Students should be more interested of reading books and literature to increase vocabulary (3) Other researchers should undertake further research to analyze the elements of intrinsic poems wider.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Kependidikan Sekolah Dasar & Prasekolah (KSDP) > S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 May 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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