Model pembelajaran ANDI dan kontribusinya terhadap kemampuan emulasi, keterampilan berpikir kreatif, daya kreatif, dan inovasi cipta karya boga / Andi Hudiah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Model pembelajaran ANDI dan kontribusinya terhadap kemampuan emulasi, keterampilan berpikir kreatif, daya kreatif, dan inovasi cipta karya boga / Andi Hudiah

Hudiah, Andi (2017) Model pembelajaran ANDI dan kontribusinya terhadap kemampuan emulasi, keterampilan berpikir kreatif, daya kreatif, dan inovasi cipta karya boga / Andi Hudiah. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Hudiah Andi. 2017. Model Pembelajaran ANDI danKontribusinyaterhadapKemampuanEmulasi KeterampilanBerpikirKreatif DayaKreativitas danInovasiCiptaKarya Boga.Disertasi PendidikanKejuruan PascasarjanaUniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Marji M.Kes (II) Dr. Eddy Sutadji M.Pd (III) Dr. TitiMutiaraKiranawati M.P. Kata kunci model pembelajaranANDI emulasi berpikirkreatif kreativitas inovasi Pendidikan di perguruan tinggi sebagai wahana transformasi sumberdaya manusia untuk mengembangkan dan mensinergikan antara kognitif afektif dan psikomotorik akan selalu tumbuh dan berkembang mengikuti perkembangan sains dan teknologi ekonomi dunia kerja budaya politik dan pola hidup masyarakat yang searahdengantuntutan KKNI. Pengembangan kualitas sumber daya manusia ditandai dari munculnya kemampuan emulasi yakni kemampuan mengkonstruksi sendiri berdasarkan daya nalar dalam mengembangkan ide kreatif bukan hanya emitasiatausekadarmencontoh apa yang telah dilihat. Tuntutansumberdayamanusia baikindividumaupunkelompok khususnyapadapembelajaranCiptaKaryaBoga melalui model pembelajaranANDI(Analysis Narration Development Implementation)terjalinsinergi unsur-unsur teknologi (technoware humanware inforware dan orgaware) ilmudanseni keterampilan berpikir kreatif yang berdampak pada penciptaan karya kreatif daninovatif.Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuikontribusimodel pembelajaranANDIterhadapkemampuanemulasi keterampilanberpikirkreatif kreativitasdaninovasiciptakaryaboga. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankuantitatif. Populasipenelitianadalahmahasiswa Tata Boga padaPerguruan Tinggi Negerimaupunswasta yang mempunyaimatakuliahCiptaKaryaBoga. Penentuanpopulasiberdasarkanjadwal semester pelaksanaanmatakuliah yaitu UNM UNNES UNIMED danUNIPA. Total populasi 195 orang. Teknikpenarikansampelsecaraacaksehinggadidapatkansampelsebanyak 131 orang. Teknikanalisis datadenganStructural Equation Modelling (SEM) PLS.Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwa (1) model pembelajaranANDIberkontribusiterhadapkemampuanemulasi (2)model pembelajaranANDImelaluikemampuanemulasiberkontribusiterhadapketerampilanberpikirkreatif (3)model pembelajaranANDIberkontribusiterhadapketerampilanberpikirkreatif (4) kemampuanemulasiberkontribusiterhadapketerampilanberpikirkreatif (5) model pembelajaranANDImelaluikemampuanemulasidanketerampilanberpikirkreatifberkontribusiterhadapdayakreativitas (6) model pembelajaranANDIberkontribusiterhadapdayakreativitas (7) kemampuanemulasiberkontribusiterhadapdayakreativitas (8) keterampilanberpikirkreatifberkontribusiterhadapdayakreativitas (9) model pembelajaranANDImelaluikemampuanemulasidanketerampilanberpikirkreatifberkontribusiterhadapinovasimahasiswaciptakaryaboga (10) model pembelajaranANDIberkontribusiterhadapinovasimahasiswaciptakaryaboga (11) kemampuanemulasiberkontribusiterhadapdayainovasi (12)keterampilanberpikirkreatifberkontribusiterhadapinovasimahasiswaciptakaryaboga (13)dayakreativitasberkontribusiterhadapinovasimahasiswaciptakaryaboga. Berdasarkanhasilpenelitianini adabeberapahal yang perludisampaikan/direkomendasikan yakni (1) KetuaJurusan PKK dansejenisnya/KetuaProdi Tata Boga dansejenisnyaperlumenggunakanmodel pembelajaranANDIuntukMatakuliahCiptaKarya Bogasecarakhusus maupunMatakuliahpraktikum Tata Boga secaraumum (2) dosenMatakuliahCiptaKarya Boga hendaknyamemperhatikanhubunganantarasetiapsintaks model pembelajaranANDIpadaperkuliahantatapmukamaupunsecaraonlineagar mahasiswadapatmelakukankreativitasdaninovasiCiptaKarya Bogasecaraterstrukturdenganperasaansenang tenang bekerjasamadalamtim dantanpastress dan(3) dosenMatakuliahpraktikum Tata Boga Tata Busana Tata Rias perlumenggunakanmodel pembelajaranANDIsehinggakemampuanemulasidanketerampilanberpikirmahasiswadapatberkembangdanakhirnyadapatmenghasilkansuatukaryakreatifdaninovatifsesuaidengantuntutan KKNI. ABSTRACT Hudiah Andi. 2017. The Contribution of ANDI Instructional Model to Emulation Skill Creative Thinking Skill Creativity and Innovation in Culinary Arts Course. Dissertation. Vocational Education Program. UniversitasNegeriMalang. Advisors (I) Prof. Dr. Marji M.Kes (II) Dr. Eddy Sutadji M.Pd (III) Dr. TitiMutiaraKiranawati M.P. Keywords ANDI instructionalmodel emulation creative thinking creativity innovation culinary arts course Education at the college level as a vehicle for human resource transformation to develop and synergize between cognitive affective and psychomotor will always grow and develop following the development of science and technology economy work world culture politics and life pattern of society which in line with the demand of National Qualification Framework (KKNI). The development of the quality of human resources is characterized by the emergence of emulation capability namely the ability to construct itself based on the power of reason in developing creative ideas not just emission or just imitate what he has seen. The demands of human resources both individuals and groups especially on Culinary Arts class through ANDI instructionalmodel (Analysis Narration Development Implementation) synergized elements of technology (technoware humanware inforware and orgaware) science and art creative that impact on the creation of creative and innovative work. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether there is a significant contribution among ANDI learning model on emulation skills creative thinking skills and their impact on creativity and creative innovation of culinary works. This research is quantitative study with Culinarystudents as the population from both state and private universities who have Culinary Arts course in their curriculum. The selected population is 195 students from UNM UNNES UNIMED and UNIPA. The selection was based on the schedule ofthe course enrollment. The random sampling technique was done by selecting the students with the serial number even or the odd serial number of sample was obtained as many as 131 people. Data analysis technique with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) PLS. The results of the study show that (1) the ANDI instructional model contributes to emulation abilitiy (2) the ANDI instructional modelthrough emulation ability contribute to creative thinking skills (3) the ANDI instructional model contributes to creative thinking skills (4) theemulation ability contributes to creative thinking skills (5) the ANDI instructional model through emulation and creative thinking skills contribute to creativity (6) the ANDI instructional model contributes to creativity (7) the emulation ability contributes to creativity Emulationability contributes to creative thinking skill (8) creative thinking skills contributes to creativity (9) the ANDI instructional model through emulation and creative thinking skills contribute to innovation (10) the ANDI instructional model contributes to innovation (11) the emulation ability contributes to innovation (12) the creative thinking skills contribute to innovation (13) the creativity contributes to innovation. Based on the result of this research there are some things that need to be submitted/ recommended (1) the Head of Home Economics Department and the Head of Culinary Study Program need to use ANDI instructional model for Culinary Arts course or Culinary practice course in general (2) the lecturer of Culinary Arts course should consider the correlation between each ANDI instructional model syntaxesboth in face-to-face and online lecture so the students can develop their creativity and innovation for Culinary Arts course in a structured manner with a feeling of pleasure teamwork and without stress (3) lecturers of Culinary Fashion and Beauty need to use ANDI instructionalmodel so that emulation ability and students thinking skill can develop and eventually will produce a creative and innovative works in accordance to KKNI demands.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik (FT) > S3 Pendidikan Kejuruan
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 18 Sep 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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