Peningkatan kemampuan membaca sekilas (skimming) dalam menemukan informasi penting pada teks bacaan di kelas IV SDN Sawijajar 3 KOta Malang / Rafid Helmi Nurfiansyah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Peningkatan kemampuan membaca sekilas (skimming) dalam menemukan informasi penting pada teks bacaan di kelas IV SDN Sawijajar 3 KOta Malang / Rafid Helmi Nurfiansyah

Nurfiansyah, Rafid Helmi (2017) Peningkatan kemampuan membaca sekilas (skimming) dalam menemukan informasi penting pada teks bacaan di kelas IV SDN Sawijajar 3 KOta Malang / Rafid Helmi Nurfiansyah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Nurfiansyah RafidHelmi. 2017. PeningkatanKemampuanMembacaSekilas (Skimming) dalamMenemukanInformasiPentingpadaTeksBacaan di Kelas IV SDN Sawojajar 3 Kota Malang.Skripsi JurusanKependidikanSekolahDasardanPrasekolah FakultasIlmuPendidikan UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Drs. AchmadTaufiq M. Pd (II) Drs. Syaiful Imam S. Pd. M. Pd. Kata Kunci peningkatan kemampuanmembacasekilas (skimming) informasipenting teksbacaan Berdasarkanhasilobservasi yang dilakukan di kelas IV SDN Sawojajar 3 Kota Malang ditemukanpermasalahandalamfokusmembacadalammenemukaninformasipentingpadateksbacaan yaitukemampuansiswadalammembacauntukmemahamibacaanmasihkurang. Dibuktikandenganmasihbingungdalammenjawabpertanyaansesuaidenganteks yang sudahdibaca. Berdasarkanhasiltesawal (pra-tes) padatahappratindakan terdapat 7 siswa yang mendapatnilaites di atas KKM sedangkansisanyamendapatnilai di bawah KKM. Sebagaiupayauntukmeningkatkankemampuanmembaca makadiperlukanadanyatindakan yang mendukung. Penelitianinidilaksanakandengantujuanuntukmendeskripsikanpelaksanaanmembacasekilas (skimming) dalammenemukaninformasipenting. Penelitianinidifokuskanmemaparkanhasilpeningkatankemampuanmenemukaninformasipentingmelaluimembacasekilas (skimming).Jugamenjelaskantentangmanfaatmembacasekilas (skimming). Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdenganjenispenelitiantindakankelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakanduaputaranatausiklusyaitusiklus I dansiklus II. Tiapsiklusdilakukandua kali pertemuan padamasing-masingsiklusterdiridariperencanaan pelaksanaan pengamatan danrefleksi. Pengumpulan data menggunakanteknikobservasi wawancara dokumentasi penilaiankinerja danpenilaianhasil. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwapenerapanmembacasekilas(skimming) dapatmeningkatkankemampuansiswadalammenemukaninformasipentingpadateksbacaan. Hasilketercapaianpenerapankemampuanmembacasekilas (skimming) secaraklasikalpadatahappratindakansebesar 15% meningkatmenjadi 20% padasiklus I. Kemudianmeningkatlagimenjadi 89% padasiklus II. Persentasehasilaktivitassiswadalammenerapkanmembacasekilas (skimming) padasiklus I rata-ratanyasebesar 75% sedangkan rata-rata padasiklus II yaitu 91%. Dengandemikian dapatdisimpulkanbahwapenerapanmembacasekilas (skimming) dapatmeningkatkankemampuanmenemukaninformasipentingpadateksbacaansiswakelas IV SDN Sawojajar 3 Kota Malang. Disarankansiswauntukmenerapkanmembacasekilasagar semakinbanyakinformasi yang bisadiperoleh. Sekolahdisarankanmembiasakanmenerapkanmembacasekilas (skimming) terutamapadakelastinggi agar siswalebihterampildalammembaca. ABSTRACT Nurfiansyah RafidHelmi. 2017. Improvement Skimming Ability For Finding Important Information On The Text at 4th Grade SDN Sawojajar 3 Malang City.Skripsi JurusanKependidikanSekolahDasardanPrasekolah FakultasIlmuPendidikan UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Drs. AchmadTaufiq M. Pd (II) Drs. Syaiful Imam S. Pd. M. Pd. Key Words improvements skimming important information text Based on the results of the observations made in grade 4 at SDN Sawojajar 3 Malang city found problems in the focus of reading in the find important information in the text namely the ability of students in the reading to understand the text is still less. Proved by the still confused in answer the questions according to the text that has been read. Based on the results of the test early (pre-test) on stage pratindakan there are 7 students who get the value of the test in the KKM while the rest got the value under the KKM. As part of the effort to improve the ability to read it need the actions that support. This research was carried out with the aim to describe the implementation of skimming in find important information. This research focused presenting the results of increasing the ability to find important information through skimming. Also explained about the benefits of skimming. This research uses qualitative approach with type of class action research (CAR) conducted two rounds or the cycle I cycle and the cycle II. Each cycle and conducted two meetings on each of the cycle consists of planning implementation observation and reflection. The collection of data using the technique of observation interview and documentation performance assessment and assessment results. The results of the study showed that the implementation of skimming can improve the ability of students to find important information on the reading text. The result of its achievements implementation of skimming capabilities in classical on stage pratindakan 15% increased to 20 percent at cycle I. Then increase again to 89 percent at cycle II. The percentage of the activity of the students in applying skimming at cycle I averages of 75% while the average at cycle II namely 91%. Thus it can be concluded that the implementation of skimming can improve the ability to find important information in the text the students in grade 4 at SDN Sawojajar 3 Malang city. It is recommended students to apply skimming so that more information can be obtained. It is recommended that schools getting apply skimming especially on high class so that the students are more skilled in reading.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Kependidikan Sekolah Dasar & Prasekolah (KSDP) > S1 Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 09 May 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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