Pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia / Norma - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia / Norma

Norma (2017) Pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia / Norma. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Norma 2017.Pertanyaan dalam Interaksi Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Disertasi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia. Pascasarjana.Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (1)Prof.Dr.Suyono M.Pd (2) Dr.Yuni Pratiwi M.Pd (3) Dr.Zulkifli M.Pd. Kata Kunci pertanyaan interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini yakni (1) bentuk pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia (2) gaya pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia (3) maksud pertanyaan dalam interaksi pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan tersebut dicapai dengan pendekatan kualitatif karena peneliti menggunakan setting alamiah dalam mengumpulkan data. Data penelitian berupa tuturan pertanyaan guru. Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti sebagai instrumen utama dilengkapi dengan pedoman observasi dan alat perekam elektronik. Prosedur analisis data dilakukan melalui tiga alur kegiatan yang terjadi secara bersamaan yaitu reduksi data penyajian data dan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Dalam penelitian ini trianggulasi teknik dan pemeriksaan teman sejawat diterapkan untuk mengecek keabsahan data. Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh temuan berikut ini. Pertama bentuk pertanyaan guru dalam pembelajaran meliputi tiga hal yakni (a) menggunakan kata tanya apa siapa bagaimana kemana partikel-kah intonasi tanya mengapa dan berapa (b) kelengkapan unsurnya ada SP SPO SPK dan SPOK (c) keselarasan menggunakan kata tanya apa siapa intonasi tanya bagaimana partikel-kah mengapa dan berapa. Guru memanfaatkan pertanyaan untuk menciptakan situasi pembelajaran yang sangat akrab dan menyenangkan. Siswa tidak merasa bahwa mereka sedang ditanyai. Kedua gaya pertanyaan ada dua hal yakni (a) berdasarkan cara pengungkapan yang terdiri dari pertanyaan langsung dan pertanyaan tidak langsung (b) perlu tidaknya jawaban atas pertanyaan yang terdiri dari retoris ya/tidak dan uraian jawaban. Ketiga maksud pertanyaan meliputi tiga hal yakni (a) pertanyaan permintaan (b) pertanyaan mengarahkan/menuntun dan (c) pertanyaan menggali. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan bentuk kata tanya yang digunakan pada setiap pertanyaan berupa kata tanya apa siapa mengapa bagaimana dan partikel-kah. Sedangkan pertanyaan siswa sering menggunakan kata tanya apa dan bagaimana. Kelengkapan unsur pertanyaan yang sering digunakan SP. Keselarasan pertanyaan guru dan siswa sering menggunakan intonasi tanya kata tanya apa siapa bagaimana partikel-kah mengapa dan berapa. Gaya pertanyaan yang sering digunakan pertanyaan langsung sedangkan jawaban ya/tidak. Maksud pertanyaan yang sering ditemukan yaitu pertanyaan permintaan. Temuan penelitian ini berupa penggunaan bentuk kata tanya yang digunakan pada setiap pertanyaan. Bentuk-bentuk pertanyaan yang sering digunakan berupa kata tanya apa siapa dan partikel kah. Kelengkapan unsur tanya yang sering digunakan berupa SP dan SPO. Keselarasan pertanyaan yang sering digunakan berupa intonasi tanya kata tanya apa siapa dan partikel-kah. Kemudian gaya pertanyaan yang sering digunakan adalah pertanyaan langsung. Gaya pertanyaan dari segi perlu tidaknya jawaban sering digunakan berupa pertanyaan retoris dan jawaban ya/tidak. Sedangkan maksud pertanyaan yang sering digunakan berupa pertanyaan permintaan dan mengarahkan/menuntun. ABSTRACT Norma 2017. Questions in Learning Interaction of Bahasa Indonesia. Dissertation Study Program of Indonesian Language Education. Postgraduate Program. Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Suyono M.Pd (2) Dr. Yuni Pratiwi M.Pd. (3) Dr. Zulkifli M.Pd. Keywords questions learning interaction bahasa Indonesia In the learning process questions were often utilized to develop interaction between teacher and students. The use of questions by the teacher could stimulate dynamic interaction so that the students would be able to think more productive critical and creative in developing their competences. One of the important aspects that needed to be studied was the question delivered by the teacher. The result of the study could be useful input and correction of the patterns of verbal interaction in the classroom especially concerning to questions. This study was aimed to describe questions in learning interaction of Bahasa Indonesia. The focus of this research were (1) the form of questions in learning interaction of Bahasa Indonesia (2) the style of questions in leaning interaction of Bahasa Indonesia (3) the purpose of the questions in learning interaction of Bahasa Indonesia. The aim was achieved by qualitative approach since the researcher used natural settings in collecting the data. The data was in the form of teacher s questions. In collecting the data the researcher was the main instrument equipped with observation guide and electronic recorder. The data analysis procedure was conducted through three simultaneous activities i.e. data reduction data presentation and conclusion/verification. In this study triangulation and peer review-technique were applied to check the validity of the data. Based on the data analysis these following findings were obtained. Firstly the form of teacher s questions in the learning process included three things i.e. (a) using question words two what three who two how one where four kah particle three interrogative intonation two why and two how many/much (b) the component of the element included SP SPO SPAdv and SPOAdv the use of questions words four what two kah particle and three interrogative intonation (c) the alignment in using question words four what two who two interrogative intonation two how four kah particle two why and two how many/much. Secondly the style of the questions involved two things (a) based on the expression consisted of direct and indirect questions. Direct questions used two question words one how many/much and one -kah particle while indirect questions used three question words three how many/much one -kah particle and five interrogative intonantion (b) the need for answers to rhetorical questions by the use of for question words one who one how and one why. Yes/no questions used three question words three what one how and one -kah particle and essay answers used four question words two what one who one how and one -kah particle. Thirdly the purposes of the questions consisted of three aspects i.e. (a) request questions used four question words ten what two who two how and one -kah particle (b) directing/leading questions used four question words one what one how many/much two kah particle and one when and (c) digging questions used six question words three what five who one kah particle one why two when and one where. Thus it could be concluded that the use of question words which were used in each question was in the form of interrogative words what who why how and -kah particle. While the question of students often used the interrogative words what and how. The component of question elements that was commonly used was SP. The alignment of teacher s and student questions often used interrogative intonation interrogative words what who how kah particle why and how many/much. The style of the question which was commonly used was direct question while the frequent answer was yes. The frequent purpose of questions was request question. The findings of this research were the use of question word forms used in each question. Frequently used forms of questions were interrogative words what who and kah particle. The component of the frequently used questions was in the form of SP and SPO. The alignment of frequently used questions were interrogative intonation question word of what who and kah particle. Then the style of frequently used questions was direct questions. The question style in terms of the need for answer that was frequently used were in the form of rhetorical questions and yes/no answers. While the purpose of frequently used questions were in the form of request and directing/guiding questions.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Indonesia (IND) > S3 Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 27 Jul 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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