Fathurrahman (2017) Pembinaan profesional guru SMK pada pondok pesantren (studi multisitus di: SMK Sunan Drajad Paciran lamongan, SMK NU 1 karanggeneng Lamongan, dan SMK Assaadah Bungah Gresik) / Fathurrahman. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
ABSTRAK Fathurrahman 2016. Pembinaan profesional Guru SMK pada Pondok Pesantren (Studi Multisitus di SMK Sunan Drajad lamongan SMK NU 1 Lamongan dan SMK Assaadah Gresik) Disertasi Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Bambang Budi Wiyono M.Pd. (II) Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal M.Pd. (III) Dr. Imron Arifin M.Pd. Kata kunci pembinaan professional guru SMK pondok pesantren. Kehadiran guru profesional sebagai pemimpin pembelajaran berpengaruh pada proses pembelajaran dan tingkat keberhasilan peserta didik dalam memperoleh pengetahuan baru yang pada gilirannya mampu mempengaruhi ketercapaian tujuan pendidikan. Demikian halnya guru sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) pada lingkungan pondok pesantren ia merupakan motor penggerak peserta didik untuk belajar memberikan morivasi fasilitasi proses pembelajaran pemberi suri tauladan agar siswa mempu melakukan internalisasi nilai serta memiliki kompetensi keahlian sesuai dengan bidangnya guna memasuki dunia kerja. Oleh karena begitu utama peran dan fungsi guru maka guru dituntut untuk senantiasa meningkatkan kompetensi profesionalnya. Adanya dukungan berbagai fakta di lapangan terkait dengan kompetensi guru SMK dan pembinaan profesional guru di lingkungan pondok pesantren telah mendorong peneliti melakukan penelitian pembinaan profesional guru SMK pada pondok pesantren dengan mengambil situs di kabupaten Lamongan dan Gresik. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada tiga hal yaitu (1) orientasi pembinaan profesional guru SMK pada pondok pesantren yang dilakukan oleh yayasan pondok pesantren pengawas sekolah Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif NU dan Kepala Sekolah (2) pendekatan pembinaan profesional guru SMK pada pondok pesantren yang dilakukan oleh yayasan pondok pesantren pengawas sekolah Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif NU dan Kepala Sekolah dan (3) pelaksanaan pembinaan profesional guru SMK pada pondok pesantren yang dilakukan oleh yayasan pondok pesantren pengawas sekolah Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif NU dan Kepala Sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan rancangan studi multi situs dengan menggunakan metode analisis data induksi analisis termodifikasi (Modified Analytic Induction). Situs penelitian dipilih di SMK Sunan Drajad dibawah naungan yayasan pondok pesantren Sunan Drajad Paciran Lamongan SMK NU 1 dibawah pengelolaan pondok pesantren Matholiul Anwar Karanggeneng Lamongan dan SMK Assaadah dibawah pembinaan pondok pesantren Qomaruddin Bungah Gresik. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara observasi berperan serta dan dokumentasi. Untuk analisis data dilakukan dalam dua tahap analisis data individu dan analisis data lintas situs. Guna menjamin keabsahan data dilakukan uji keabsahan data dengan derajat kepercayaan (credibility) keteralihan (transferability) dan kepastian (confirmability) Temuan yang diperoleh sebagai hasil penelitian ini meliputi (1) Orientasi pembinaan profesional guru SMK yang dilakukan oleh a) yayasan pondok pesantren lebih mengedepankan kompetensi kepribadian guru hal ini sesuai dengan visi dan misi pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga dakwah islamiyah yang mencetak peserta didik menjadi pribadi muslim unggul dan berkarakter b) pengawas sekolah menekankan pada pembinaan kompetensi pedagogik guru sebagaimana visi dan misi pengawas sekolah dan adanya perbedaaan latar belakang keilmuan antara pengawas sekolah dengan guru c) Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif NU menekankan pada pembinaan kompetensi kepribadian guru sebagaimana karakteristik organisasi keagamaan Nahdlatul Ulama d) kepala sekolah fokus pada pembinaan kompetensi kepribadian guru bersamaan pula dengan peningkatan kompetensi pedagogik peningkatan wawasan keilmuan dan kompetensi sosial guru hal ini berhubungan dengan keberadaan sekolah dibawah naungan pondok pesantren. (2) Pendekatan pembinaan profesional guru SMK yang dilakukan oleh a) yayasan pondok pesantren adalah dengan pendekatan artistik mengarah pada pendekatan individual b) pengawas sekolah menggunakan pendekatan supervisi klinis c) Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif NU adalah pendekatan artistic d) kepala sekolah menggunakan pendekatan artistik. (3) pelaksanaan pembinaan profesional guru SMK yang dilakukan oleh a) yayasan pondok pesantren antara lain workshop haul dan halal bilhalal b) pengawas sekolah melalui supervisi PKG dan pengarahan umum c) Lembaga Pendidikan Maarif NU antara lain networking rapat kerja MGMP dan supervisi d) kepala sekolah adalah penugasan workshop seminar pelatihan MGMP supervisi rapat rutin LSP kesejahteraan guru. Akhirnya saran ini diberikan kepada Guru SMK untuk senantiasa mengembangkan diri secara mandiri. Kepada kepala SMK Sunan Drajad kepala SMK NU 1 kepala SMK Assaadah pengawas sekolah yayasan pondok pesantren Sunan Drajad yayasan pondok pesantren Matholiul Anwar yayasan pondok pesantren Qomaruddin Dinas Pendidikan kabupaten/kota dan propinsi Direktorat PSMK untuk lebih memberikan pembinaan profesional guru secara komprehensif baik ragam pembinaan maupun kedalaman fokus. Sementara bagi peneliti selanjutnya dan program studi manajemen pendidikan untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan pada situs yang berbeda dan juga pada jenjang yang berbeda pula guna memperkaya ilmu manajemen pendidikan. ABSTRACT Fathurrahman 2016. Professional Supervision of Vocational Teachers at Boarding School (Multi-site Study in SMK Sunan Drajad Lamongan SMK NU 1 Lamongan and SMK Assa dah Gresik) Dissertation Department of Education Management Graduate University of Malang. Supervisors (I) Prof. Dr. Bambang Budi Wiyono M.Pd. (II) Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal M.Pd. (III) Dr. Imron Arifin M.Pd. Keywords professional supervision vocational school teachers boarding school. The presence of the professional teachers as instructional leaders influences the process of learning and achievement of the students in acquiring new knowledge which in turn can affect the achievement of the objectives of education. Similarly teachers of vocational schools (SMK) in the boarding school environment they are the driving force learners to learn giving motivation facilitating the learning process giving paragon that the students are able to internalize the values and competencies of expertise in accordance with the area to enter the working world. Therefore the teacher has the main role and function the teacher is required to continuously improve their professional competence. There is a support for the various facts on the ground related to the competence of vocational teachers and professional development of teachers in the boarding school environment have prompted the researcher to do the study of the profesionalis vocational teachers supervision at the boarding school by taking sites in Lamongan and Gresik. This study focused on three terms (1) the orientation of the professional supervision of the vocational teachers at the boarding school conducted by the foundation of boarding school the school superintendent Education Institution of Maarif NU and Principal of school (2) the approach of professional supervision of the vocational teachers at boarding school conducted by the foundation of boarding school the school superintendent Education Institution of Maarif NU and school principal and (3) the implementation of the professional supervision of the vocational teachers at the boarding school conducted by the foundation of boarding school the school superintendent Education Institution of Maarif NU and school principal. This study used a qualitative approach with the design of multi-site study using data analysis methods of analysis induction modified (Modified Analytic Induction). The sites of the study were chosen in SMK Sunan Drajad under the auspices of the foundation of Sunan Drajad Paciran Lamongan boarding school SMK NU 1 under the management of the boarding school of Matholiul Anwar Karanggeneng Lamongan and SMK Assa adah under the guidance of boarding school of Assaadah Qomaruddin Bungah Gresik. The data collection techniques of the study are interview participant observation and documentation. For the data analysis is done in two steps the individual data analysis and data analysis across sites. To ensure the validity of data tested the validity of the data with a degree of confidence (credibility) transferability and confirmability. The findings that obtained as a result of this study include (1) the orientation of professional supervision of the vocational teachers conducted by a) the foundation of boarding school emphasizes the competence of the teacher s personality which is in line with the vision and mission of boarding school as an institution of Da wah Islamiyah who produced the learners become the excellent and character of private moeslem b) the school superintendent emphasizes on fostering pedagogical competence of teachers as well as the vision and mission of the school superintendent and of the different scientific backgrounds between the superintendent of schools and teachers c) Education institution of Maarif NU emphasize on supervising the competence of the teacher s personality as well as characteristics religious organization of Nahdlatul Ulama d) the principal focuses on the fostering personal competence together also with the teachers pedagogical improvement increased depth of knowledge and social competence of teachers it is associated with the presence of schools under the auspices of the boarding school. (2) the approach of professional supervision of vocational teachers conducted by a) foundation boarding school is the artistic approach leads to an individual approach b) the school superintendent uses clinical supervision c) Education institution of Maarif NU is the artistic approach d) the principal uses artistic approach. (3) the implementation of the professional supervision of the vocational teachers at the boarding school conducted a) the foundation of boarding school among others workshop haul and halal bilhalal b) the school superintendent through supervision PKG and the general direction c) Education institutions of Maarif NU among others networking work meetings MGMPs and supervision d) the principal are assignment workshops seminars training MGMPs supervision regular meetings LSP welfare of teachers. Finally this advice is given to SMK teachers to continuously develop themselves independently. To the principal of SMK Sunan Drajad SMK NU 1 SMK Assaadah superintendent of schools the foundation of Sunan Drajad boarding school the foundation of Matholiul Anwar boarding school the foundation of Qomaruddin boarding school Office of Education districts/cities and provinces the Directorate of PSMK to give more profesional teachers supervision comprehensively both variety and depth of focus. As for further research and study programs of management of education to conduct further research on different sites and also at different levels in order to enhance the science educational management.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Administrasi Pendidikan (AP) > S3 Manajemen Pendidikan |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 04 Oct 2017 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2017 03:00 |
URI: | http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/64012 |
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