Rasyad, Ach. (2009) Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keefektifan pelatihan pamong belajar di Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah dan Pemuda (BPPLSP) Wilayah Regional IV Surabaya / Ach. Rasyad. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
ABSTRAK Rasyad Ach. 2008 Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keefektifan Pelatihan Pamong Belajar di Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah dan Pemuda (BPPLS) Regional IV Surabaya Disertasi Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Willem Mantja M.Pd (II) Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal M.Pd (III) Prof. Dr. Hendyat Soetopo M.Pd. Kata kunci keefektifan manajemen pelatihan pamong belajar Keefektifan merupakan tujuan utama manajemen pelatihan dalam arti bagaimana mengelola semua sumberdaya pelatihan sehingga diperoleh hasil yang sesuai dengan yang direncanakan. Pamong Belajar sebagai salah satu pendidik pada pendidikan nonformal memiliki posisi strategis sebagai (a) pendidik masyarakat secara langsung (b) sebagai pendidik dan pelatih pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan nonformal yang lain dan (c) pengembang dan peneliti pendidikan nonformal. Banyak pelatihan yang telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi Pamong Belajar antara lain pelatihan yang diselenggarakan di Balai Pengembangan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah dan Pemuda (BPPLSP) tetapi evaluasi terhadap keefektifan pelatihan sebagai salah satu indikator mutu manajemen pelatihan dengan menggunakan kerangka teorotik sebagaimana dikembangkan oleh Bosker (1997) Wentling (2001) diperkuat dengan temuan penelitian Muller dan Sharma (2005) Pearson (2006) dan Litchfield (2007) belum banyak dilakukan. Atas dasar itulah peneliti melakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk menemukan tingkat keefektifan pengelolaan pelatihan Pamong Belajar di BPPLSP Regional IV menguji pengaruh positif yang signifikan dari faktor-faktor peserta pelatihan masukan instrumental dan masukan lingkungan terhadap keefektifan proses pelatihan Pamong Belajar di BPPLSP Regional IV menguji pengaruh positif yang signifikan dari faktor-faktor peserta masukan instrumental masukan lingkungan terhadap keefektifan hasil pelatihan Pamong Belajar di BPPLSP Regional IV secara menyeluruh dan menguji pengaruh tidak langsung yang signifikan positif faktor peserta terhadap hasil pelatihan melalui proses pelatihan faktor masukan instrumen terhadap hasil pelatihan melalui proses pelatihan dan faktor lingkungan terhadap hasil pelatihan melalui proses pelatihan Pamong Belajar di BPPLSP Regional IV Surabaya Penelitian ini dirancang sebagai penelitian evaluasi (evaluation Research). Pelatihan Pamong Belajar pada tahun 2006 ada 2 pelatihan yaitu pelatihan manajemen diklat dan penulisan karya ilmiah yang masing-masing pesertanya 30 orang maka yang menjadi populasi dan sekaligus sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 60 peserta (total sampling). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik angket. Instrumen dikembangkan setelah melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis jalur (path analysis) setelah data diuji keberadaan multikolinearitas normalitas homogenitas dengan analisis uji homoskedastisitas dan uji linearitas memenuhi syarat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan pengelolaan pelatihan berlangsung secara efektif baik dalam proses pelatihan maupun hasil pelatihan dan terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan positif antara (1) faktor peserta terhadap keefektifan proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan (2) faktor masukan instrumental terhadap keefektifan proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan (3) faktor masukan lingkungan terhadap keefektifan proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan (4) faktor peserta terhadap hasil pelatihan (5) faktor masukan lingkungan terhadap hasil pelatihan dan (6) faktor proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan terhadap hasil pelatihan. Sedangkan (7) faktor masukan instrumental tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap keefektifan hasil pelatihan. Demikian pula terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung yang signifikan positif antara (1) faktor peserta terhadap hasil pelatihan melalui proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan (2) faktor masukan instrumen terhadap hasil pelatihan melalui proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan dan (3) faktor lingkungan terhadap hasil pelatihan melalui proses penyelenggaraan pelatihan Pamong Belajar di BPPLSP Regional IV Surabaya. Atas dasar temuan penelitian ini untuk meningkatkan keefektifan manajemen pelatihan disarankan (1) prosedur pengelolaan pelatihan ditata ulang mulai dari perekruitan oleh pimpinan yang lebih melibatkan peserta (2) dirancang pola pengelolaan pengaruh antara narasumber dengan peserta pelatihan tidak hanya berhenti ketika pelatihan selesai namun dilanjutkan dengan memfasilitasi pengaruh lanjut antara mereka pasca pelatihan untuk pendampingan dan konsultasi bila peserta menghadapi kesulitan menerapkan hasil pelatihan (3) perlu dikembangkan pengelolaan layanan materi belajar lanjutan yang bisa diterima peserta pasca mengikuti pelatihan dan (4) pengelolaan lingkungan perlu juga ditataulang dengan melahirkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang mendukung penerapan hasil pelatihan serta peningkatan keuntungan relatif dan kemanfaatan hasil pelatihan bila diterapkan oleh peserta. Effectiveness is the main goal of training management in which how training resources are well managed in order to achieve the planned results. As one of the non-formal educators the facilitators posses strategic positions as (a) direct community educators (b) educators and trainers of the non-formal educators as well as other educational personnel and (c) researchers of non-formal education. Much training has been conducted in order to improve the competence of the facilitators. One of them is the training organized by The Development Center of Out of School and Youth Education (BPPLSP and since 2008 it changed by BPPNFI) for instance. However evaluation of the training effectiveness as one of the quality indicators of the training management which is based on the theoretical frameworks developed by for instance Bosker (1997) Wentling (2001) Muller and Sharma (2005) Pearson (2006) and Litchfield (2007) has not been greatly carried out. Considering these conditions the researcher initiate this research which was intended (1) to find out the effectiveness of training management of the learning facilitators held by The Development Center of Out of School and Youth Education Regional IV Surabaya (2) to examine the positive direct effect significance of the factors of training participants instrumental and environmental inputs to the effectiveness of training processes (3) to examine the positive effect significance of training participants and instrumental and environmental inputs factors to the training effectiveness entirely and (4) to examine the significance of indirect effect of training participants and instrumental and environmental inputs factors to the training results through the processes of training for facilitators at The Development Center of Out of School and Youth Education Regional IV Surabaya. The research was designed as an evaluation research. Two training programs were conducted in 2006 training for management of education and training and training for scientific writing. Each training involved 30 participants all of them then were involved as the population as well as the samples of this study. A questionnaire was used as instrument for collecting data. Tests of validity and reliability were carried out in developing the instrument. Path analysis technique was used for analyzing the data. All statistical assumptions for path analysis were evaluated as well. The results show that all training programs were conducted effectively both viewed from their processes and results. The research also found the presence of significant positive direct effects between (1) participant factor to the effectiveness of training process (2) instrumental input factors to the effectiveness of training process (3) environmental input factors to the effectiveness of training process (4) participant factor to the training results (5) environmental input factors to the training results (6) the training process factors to the training results and (7) instrumental input factors have no positive direct effect to the training achievement. Finally the research found the presence of positive indirect effects from participant factors instrumental input factors and environmental input factors to the training results through the effectiveness of training process at The Development Center of Out of School and Youth Education Regional IV Surabaya. In order to increase the effectiveness of the training management based on the findings it is recommended that (1) the procedure of training management should be reorganized entirely from the recruitment by involving more of the participant (2) the influence of the facilitators to the participants should not be ended as the training completed but also sustained by facilitating further influence following the training among them through guidance and consultancy services for participant encountering difficulties in implementing the training results (3) management of further learning services acceptable by participants should be developed and (4) environmental management should be reorganized through creating policies that support the implementation of training results and improvement of relative benefit and usefulness of the training results whenever participants implement them
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Administrasi Pendidikan (AP) > S3 Manajemen Pendidikan |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 15 Apr 2009 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2009 03:00 |
URI: | http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/63805 |
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