Pengembangan modul pembelajaran strukyur dan perkecambahan biji berbasis kontekstual konstruktivistik bagi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember / Sulifah Aprilya H. - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengembangan modul pembelajaran strukyur dan perkecambahan biji berbasis kontekstual konstruktivistik bagi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember / Sulifah Aprilya H.

Hariani, Sulifah Aprilya (2010) Pengembangan modul pembelajaran strukyur dan perkecambahan biji berbasis kontekstual konstruktivistik bagi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember / Sulifah Aprilya H. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Hariani Sulifah Aprilya. 2009. Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Struktur dan Perkecambahan Biji Berbasis Kontekstual Konstruktivistik Bagi Mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember. Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dra. Herawati Susilo M.Sc. Ph.D (II) Dr. Dra Endang Kartini M.S Apt. Kata kunci Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Struktur dan Perkecambahan Biji Kontekstual Konstruktivistik. Pembelajaran biologi di perguruan tinggi menuntut mahasiswa untuk memahami konsep-konsep dasar prinsip dasar dan bukan hanya menghafal fakta-fakta ataupun prosedur. Mahasiswa biologi dituntut untuk memahami proses yang terjadi dari fakta yang ada di lingkungan sekitar. Lingkungan sekitar dapat bermanfaat sebagai sumber belajar dengan prinsip alam tak ambang jadi guru. Mahasiswa pendidikan biologi dituntut untuk mengikuti perkuliahan-perkuliahan wajib bidang studi biologi. Salah satu mata kuliah wajib bagi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi adalah Struktur dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan I dan II (SPT I dan II). SPT II membahas tentang konsep-konsep struktur anatomi tumbuhan khususnya Angiospermae yang meliputi organisasi tingkat sel (sitologi) jaringan (histologi) organ (organologi) serta membahas tentang pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tumbuhan khususnya pergiliran keturunan dan perkecambahan biji pada Angiospermae. Materi kuliah SPT II khususnya pada topik pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tumbuhan lebih sulit dibandingkan dengan materi pada topik yang lain. Alokasi waktu tidak sesuai dengan banyaknya materi yang harus dipelajari mahasiswa. Kesulitan tersebut juga dibuktikan dengan hasil belajar mahasiswa beberapa angkatan pada mata kuliah SPT II pada topik tersebut lebih rendah dibanding dengan topik yang lain Mata kuliah SPT II sangat penting bagi pengembangan kompetensi profesional calon guru biologi terutama dalam mengembangkan bidang ilmunya sesuai konteks daerah tempat pembelajaran berlangsung ketersediaan buku-buku (referensi) yang menunjang mata kuliah SPT II terutama yang mencontohkan berbagai perkembangan embrio tumbuhan pada matakuliah SPT II yang ada di lingkungan sekitar mahasiswa selama ini terbatas jumlahnya pelaksanaan pembelajaran selama ini cenderung berpusat pada dosen (teacher centered) dan kurang menarik perhatian mahasiswa dan belum banyak sumber belajar yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi mahasiswa maka perlu dikembangkan modul pembelajaran yang berkualitas aplikatif dan berbasis kontekstual konstruktivistik serta sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan mahasiswa terutama bagi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi FKIP Universitas Jember. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut harus segera mendapat perhatian dan pemecahan. Pemecahan masalah yang harus ditangani adalah pengadaan bahan ajar (modul) yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakteristik mahasiswa. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul pembelajaran struktur dan perkecambahan biji berbasis kontekstual konstruktivistik bagi mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi. Model pengembangan modul pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model pengembangan yang diadopsi dari Dick Carey (2001). Kerangka penyusunan modul pembelajaran pada pengembangan ini diadopsi dari Depdiknas (2006). Prosedur pengembangan modul pembelajaran yang dilakukan terdiri atas tiga (3) tahap yaitu tahap persiapan tahap penyusunan modul tahap validasi dan uji coba. Hasil pegembangan berupa draft modul pembelajaran diujicobakan. Uji coba yang telah dilakukan meliputi uji coba ahli isi ahli modul uji perorangan uji kelompok kecil dan uji coba lapangan. Hasil uji coba ahli modul berada pada kategori sangat baik/sangat menarik/sangat sesuai dan tidak perlu direvisi dengan persentase 87 9 dan komponen penyusun modul sudah lengkap. Hasil uji coba uji ahli juga berada pada kategori sangat baik/sangat menarik/sangat sesuai dengan persentase 85 dan tidak perlu direvisi. Hasil uji coba perorangan kelompok kecil dan uji lapangan pengembang mendapat saran dan masukan yang banyak. Saran-saran tersebut misalnya tentang perbaikan dalam evaluasi warna cover konsistensi dalam penggunaan warna konsistensi dalam penggunaan warna di kata-kata yang penting dan lain sebagainya. Hasil uji coba perorangan modul berada pada kategori baik dengan persentase 78 6. Hasil uji coba kelompok kecil berada pada kategori sangat baik/sangat menarik/sangat sesuai dan tidak perlu direvisi dengan persentase 81 9. Tes kemampuan rata-rata mahasiswa meningkat dari 53 1 menjadi 70 3. Hasil uji lapangan modul pembelajaran berada pada kategori baik/menarik/sesuai dan sedikit perlu ada revisi khususnya tentang kemudahan memahami isi modul. Penilaian/tanggapan dosen pembina mata kuliah terhadap modul pembelajaran persentasenya 87 dengan kategori sangat baik/sangat menarik/sangat sesuai. Modul Pembelajaran yang dikembangkan efektif bagi mahasiswa terbukti dengan peningkatan hasil belajar. Rerata pre-test sebesar 53 7 dan rerata post-test sebesar 71 3 sehingga Gain score sebesar 0 39. Modul pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan rata-rata hasil belajar pre-test dan post-test. ABSTRACT Hariani Sulifah Aprilya. 2009. Development of Module Constructivistic Contextual-Based Seed Structure and Germination Learning for Undergraduate Students Majoring at Biology Education in Faculty of Teaching and Education. Thesis. Program of Study Biology Education Postgraduate Program of State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Prof. Dra. Herawati Susilo M.Sc. Ph.D (II) Dr. Dra Endang Kartini M.S Apt. Key words Development Learning Module Seed Structure and Germination Contextual Constructivistic Biology learning at university for requires students to understand the fundamental concepts basic principles instead simply recalling facts or procedures. They are demanded understand the processes occured with certain facts in the surrounding environment. The environment can be useful as the sources of learning with the principles of alam tak ambang jadi guru. Next they need compulsory courses of Biology subject. One of the compulsory courses for undergraduate students of Biology Education is Structure and Development of Plants I and II (SPT I and II). Than discuss plant anatomy concept structure particularly in Angiospermae which involves the cell level organization (cytology) tissue (hystology) organ (organology) that discuss about the plant growth and development especially the life cycle alternation and seed germination of Angiospermae. Course materials of SPT II especially in the topic of plant growth and development are more difficult compared to other topic materials. Moreover the time allocation is not appropriate with the number of materials which must be studied by students. This difficulty is also proved by the students learning objective of several batches taking the course of SPT II for such topic which is lower than another topic. One of the topic in material course of SPT II especially plant growth and development is very difficult to understand. The learning outcome of the topic was very lower than the other topics performed by several classes year by year. SPT II course is prerequisite for several courses especially in Botany so it must understand by the education student because they need to develop their teaching competences. The example of material course of SPT II should be taken from their behavior environment so they can understand easier than the text books used today. Because most of the text books written by foreigners that lived in the different behavior environment. This module is made in order to soluble the problem in the field so it can help the student to love their environment and thank to God for the given living. So they can use their natural resources to build the nation. SPT II course is very important for the development of professional competence of teacher candidates specifically in order to develop their knowledge according to the context of each learning setting the availability of books (references) supporting the course notably the ones providing examples of plant embryo development from the students surrounding environment recently which is limited the learning implementation nowadays tend to be a teacher-centered learning and less attract students motivations so that the qualified applicative and constructivistic contextual-based learning model need to suit the students characteristics and needs particularly undergraduate students of Biology Education in Faculty of Teaching and Education Jember University. The abovementioned problems should be highlighted and overcame. Problem solving which is conducted is the provision of modules which is appropriate to students needs and characteristics. This developing research aims at evolving learning module of seed structure and germination based on constructivistic contextual for undergraduate students of Biology Education. The development model of learning module which is used in this research is the one which is adopted from Dick Carey (2001). The compiling of learning module in this development is adopted from National Education Department (2006). The procedure for developing the module consists of three stages namely preparation compilation and validation and tries out. The outcome of development is in the form of tried-out-learning module draft. The try outs have administered are content individual small-group and field try outs by the respective experts. The result of try out was the very good/very interesting/very appropriate category and did not need to revise with the percentage of 87.9 and the module compiler is already complete. The result of try out by the experts is also very good/very interesting/very appropriate category and do not need to be revised with the percentage of 85. The content individual small-group field try outs by the expert got a lot of suggestions. The suggestions are evaluation repairing cover color the reason of cover color consistency the color consistency in the important terms etc. The try out module of individual is in the very good/very interesting/very appropriate category and does not need to be revised with the percentage of 78.6. The try out module of small group is in the very good/very interesting/very appropriate category and does not need to be revised with the percentage of 81.9. The average ability of students improves from 53.1 to 70.3. The try out module of field is in the good/ interesting/ appropriate category and does not need to be revised particularly in the ease of understanding the module content. The scores/responses of the course teacher toward the learning module had the percentage of 87 which are in the good/ interesting/ appropriate category. The evident that the learning module is effective for students is the improvement of learning outcome. This module it can increase the average pre-test and post-test. The average of pretest is 53.7 and of posttest are71.3 so the Gain scores is 0.39.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan IPA (FMIPA) > Departemen Biologi (BIO) > S2 Pendidikan Biologi
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 12 Mar 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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