Pebriana, Irvany Nurita (2018) Program resitasi berbantuan komputer untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa pada topik mekanika fluida / Irvany Nurita Pebriana. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
RINGKASAN Pebriana IrvanyNurita. 2018. Program ResitasiBerbantuanKomputeruntukMeningkatkanPemahamanKonsepMahasiswa pada TopikMekanikaFluida. Tesis Jurusan Pendidikan Fisika Program PascasarjanaUniversitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Sutopo M.Si (II) Dr. Markus Diantoro M.Si. Kata Kunci program resitasi pemahamankonsep mekanikafluida Mekanikafluidamerupakan salah satubidangkajianfisika yang dekatdengankehidupansehari-hari. Akan tetapihasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwabanyakmahasiswa yang masihmengalamikesulitanpemahamanbahkansetelahperkuliahan. Oleh sebabituperludiberikanpendalamanmateri di luar jam perkuliahanmelaluiresitasi. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuiefektivitas program resitasiterhadappemahamankonsepmahasiswa pada topikmekanikafluidasertaperubahanpemahamanmahasiswasetelahmenggunakan program resitasi. Metodepenelitian yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmixed methodsjenisembedded experimental design.Subjekpenelitianterdiriatas 20 mahasiswa semester II pendidikanFisikaUniversitas Negeri Malang yang sedangmenempuhmatakuliahFisikadasar II. Instrumenpengukuranberupasoaltespemahamankonsep yang terdiriatas 18 soalpilihangandaberalasan pedomanwawancara dan angketresponmahasiswa.Instrumenperlakuanberupa program resitasiberbantuankomputer yang dikemasdalambentukPowerpoint 2010. Analisiskuantitatifdidasarkan pada skorpretest dan posttestmahasiswa. Alasanmahasiswadalammenjawabsoaldianalisissecarakualitatifmenggunakanmetodekomparatifkonstan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkanbahwa program resitasiberbantuankomputerefektifuntukmeningkatkanpemahamankonsepmahasiswa pada topikmekanikafluida. Program resitasiefektifdalammeningkatkankemampuanberikut (1) membandingkantekanan di duatitiksegaris-horizontal dalambejanaberhubungan yang berisilebihdarisatumacamfluida (2) menentukanbesar dan arahgaya-gaya yang bekerja pada benda yang dicelupkandalamfluida (3) membandingkankelajuanaliran dan besartekananfluida yang mengalirsecarasteadymelaluiluaspenampang yang berbeda (4) membandingkankelajuanaliranfluida pada ketinggianberbeda dan (5) membandingkanbesartekananfluida yang mengalir pada ketinggianberbeda. Akan tetapi program resitasikurangefektifdalammeningkatkankemampuanberikut (1) menentukanperubahantekananhidrostatisakibatpenambahantekanandariluar (2) menjelaskanpengaruhpercepatangravitasiterhadapbanyaknya volume benda yang tercelupdalamfluida (3) menentukanposisibenda yang tercelupdalamfluidasetelahtercapaikesetimbangan dan (4) menentukanbesargayaangkat yang dialami oleh bendaidentik yang dicelupkandalamfluida yang berbeda. Pemahamanmahasiswa yang berhasildiubahmenujupemahaman yang benarantara lain (1) tekananudara pada semuatitiksama (2) benda yang tenggelamtidakmengalamigayaangkat (3) merancukangayaangkatdengangaya normal ataugayategangantali (4) tekananfluida yang mengalirsebandingdengankelajuanaliranfluida dan (5) kelajuanaliranfluidabertambahseiringberkurangnyaketinggian. Sementaraitu pemahaman yang salah yang belumberhasildiubahsetelahmenggunakan program resitasiantara lain (1) tidakdapatmemahamipengaruhpemberiantambahantekanan pada piston terhadaptekananfluida (2) besar volume benda yang tercelupdalam air akanberubahketikapercepatangravitasidirubah (3) tidakdapatmemastikankeadaanbenda di dalam air dan (4) semakinkeatasmakasemakinbesargayaangkat yang dialamibenda. SUMMARY Pebriana IrvanyNurita. 2018.Computer Assisted Recitation Program to Enhance Students Conceptual Understanding on Fluid Mechanics. Thesis the Physics Education School Graduate Program State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Prof. Dr. Sutopo M.Si. (II) Dr. Markus Diantoro M.Si. Key Words recitation program conceptual understanding fluid mechanics Fluid mechanics is one field of physics studies close to everyday life. However studies report that many students still have lack understanding even after the lectures. Therefore it is necessary to provide material deepening outside the classroom through recitation. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the recitation program on students conceptual understanding on fluid mechanics and changes in students conception after using the recitation program. The research method used in this research is mixed methods embedded experimental design. Research subjects consisted of20 students of second semester of Physics education State University of Malang who was taking the course of Introductory Physics II. The instrument used are a conceptual understanding test consisting of 18 multiple choice questions interview guides and student response questionnaires. Instrument of interventionis computer-assisted recitation program packed in Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. Quantitative analysis is based on students pretest and posttest scores. The reason of the student in answering the questions is analyzed qualitatively using constant comparative method. The results showed that computer-assisted recitation program was effective to enhance students conceptual understanding on fluid mechanics. The recitation program is effective in enhancing the following abilities (1) comparing the pressure at two horizontal-line points in vessel containing more than one kind of fluid (2) determining the magnitude and direction of the forces acting on the object immersed in the fluid 3) comparing the flow velocity and fluid pressure of the fluid flowing through different cross-sectional areas (4) comparing the fluid flow velocity at different heights and (5) comparing the fluid pressure flowing at different heights. However the recitation program is less effective in enhancing the following capabilities (1) determining changes in hydrostatic pressure due to the addition of external pressure (2) explaining the effect of gravitational acceleration on the volume of the objects immersed in fluid (3) determining the position of the object immersed in fluid after equilibrium and (4) determining the magnitude of buoyant force experienced by identical objects immersed in different fluids. Students conception which successfully changed in to correct conception are (1) the magnitude of air pressure is equal at all point (2) sinking objects do not experience buoyant force (3) confusingbuoyant force with normal force or tension force (4) the fluid flow pressure is proportional to the fluid velocity and (5) the fluid flow velocity increases with decreasing altitude. Meanwhile wrong conception that has not been successfully changed after using a recitation program are (1) lack understanding of the effect of adding pressure on the piston to fluid pressure (2) the volume of the objects immersed in fluid will change as the acceleration of gravity is changed (3) can not confirm the state of objects in the water and (4) the more upward the greater the bouyant force the object experiences.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Matematika dan IPA (FMIPA) > Departemen Fisika (FIS) > S2 Pendidikan Fisika |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 16 Aug 2018 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2018 03:00 |
URI: | |
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