Analisis pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi suhu dan kalor menggunakan discovery learning disertai contrasting cases / Tiara Anta Rizki - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Analisis pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi suhu dan kalor menggunakan discovery learning disertai contrasting cases / Tiara Anta Rizki

Rizki, Tiara Anta (2017) Analisis pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi suhu dan kalor menggunakan discovery learning disertai contrasting cases / Tiara Anta Rizki. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Rizki Tiara Anta. 2017.Analisis Pemahaman Konsep Suhu dan Kalor Siswa pada Pembelajaran Discovery disertai Contrasting Cases.Tesis Pendidikan Fisika Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Prof. Arif Hidayat M.Si (II) Dr. Sentot Kusairi M.Si. Kata kunci suhu dan kalor pemahaman konsep pembelajaran discovery disertai contrasting cases Suhu dan kalor merupakan salah satu materi yang menarik dalam Fisika. Materi ini penting untuk dipelajari karena berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari hari. Siswa diharapkan memahami dengan baik materi ini agar tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari pada jenjang pendidikan selanjutnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hal berikut. (1) Pemahaman konsep siswa setelah diberikan pembelajaran discovery disertai contrasting casesdan (2) kesulitan yang masih dihadapi oleh siswa setelah diberikan pembelajaran discovery disertai contrasting cases. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 34 siswa kelas X-2SMAN 8 Kediri pada semester dua (genap) 2016/2017.Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan mixed method dengan desain embedded experimental model. Instrumen tes yang digunakan adalah 12 soal pilihan ganda beralasan untuk mengukur pemahaman konsep siswa. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif berdasarkan nilai pre-test dan post-test menggunakan N-gain dan uji t selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan effect size untuk mengetahui seberapa besar perbedaannya. Data kualitatif diambil dari analisis paparan alasan siswa pada saat pre-test dan post- test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa pemahaman konsep siswa meningkat setelah diberikan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pembelajaran discovery disertai contrasting cases. Hal ini dapat diketahui berdasarkan hal-hal berikut. (1) Meningkatnya rata- rata nilai post-testdibandingpre-test (2) perhitungan effect size diperoleh bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang kuat dalam penggunaan perlakuan dan (3) perhitungan N-gain peningkatan pemahaman siswa meningkat dalam katagori sedang. Dalam penelitian ini masih terdapat kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh siswa setelah adanya perlakuan. Kesulitan tersebut dikarenakan siswa siswa masih belum memahami pengertian kalor jenisdan persamaan kalor jenis dengan baik. Untuk mengatasi kesulitan ini diharapkan pada penelitian selanjutnyadapat dibuat contrasting cases dalam bentuk piranti berbasis web.Hal ini dimaksudkan agar siswa dapat belajar dimanapun. ABSTRACT Rizki Tiara Anta. 2017. An Analysis on Student s Conceptual Understanding of Heat and Temperature using Discovery Learning with Contrasting Cases. Thesis Physics Education in Postgraduate School. Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors (I) Prof. Arif Hidayat M.Si (II) Dr. Sentot Kusairi M.Si. Keywords Heat and Temperature Conceptual Understanding Discovery Learning withContrasting Cases Heat and temperature are interesting materials to learn in Physics. Heat and temperature are important since they are highly related to daily life. Students are expected to understand them accordingly in order to facilitate them when facing the more challenging materials in the higher levels. The present study therefore was aimed to investigate (1) student s conceptual understanding after being taught using the stratgey of discovery learning with contrasting cases and (2) difficulties challenged by the students after being taught using the stratgey of discovery learning with contrasting cases. Subjects in this study were 34 students of the X-2 grade in SMAN 8 Kediri being studied during the second (even) semester of the academic year of 2016/2017. This study employed the mixed method approach using the embedded experimental model. The instrument used was a test consisting of 12 multiple choice questions with reasoning which was given to the students to measure their conceptual understanding. Data were analyzed with N-gainand t-test followed by analyzing the effect sizeto observe how significant the difference would be. Finally the qualitative data were obtained by analyzing the student s reasoning in the pre-test and post-test. Based on the findings of the study it was revealed that the student s conceptual understanding was improved significantly after receiving the treatment. This finding was based on several points as follows (1) the increase of the mean score from pre-test and post-test (2) following the calculation of the effect size there was a significant influence from the treatment given and (3) according to the N-gain calculation the improvement of the student s conceptual understanding was categorized as medium.Despite such increase this study found difficulties challenged by the students after receiving the treatment. The difficulties could be observed from the N-gainscore from two of the questions were categorized low. Such difficulties were possibly caused by the student s failure to understand the definition of spesific of heat and equation for spesific of heat correctly. In order to deal with this issues of difficulty it is recommended that prospective studies construct a web-based to make the material accessible to the students anywhere at anytime.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan IPA (FMIPA) > Departemen Fisika (FIS) > S2 Pendidikan Fisika
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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