Developing animated English vocabulary videos for students with mild intellectual disability / Eska Praba Pristiwi - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Developing animated English vocabulary videos for students with mild intellectual disability / Eska Praba Pristiwi

Pristiwi, Eska Praba (2017) Developing animated English vocabulary videos for students with mild intellectual disability / Eska Praba Pristiwi. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Pristiwi EskaPraba. 2017. Developing Animated English Vocabulary Videos for Students with Mild Intellectual Disability. Thesis.State University of Malang.Graduate Program in English Language Teaching. Advisors (I) Dr. Sri Rachmajanti Dip. TESL M.Pd. (II) Dr. EkaningDewantiLaksmi M.Pd M.A. Key words vocabulary videos students with mild intellectual disability Due to the limitation in intellectual functioning students with mild intellectual disability often encounter difficulty in learning including language learning. Enriching the vocabulary bank of the students may enhance their language development. The tutorial program and drill-practice program in CALL are expected to contribute to the learning process of students with mild intellectual disability.Incorporating both visual and auditory features videos has shown to serve as a realistic means for providing instruction for the students with mild intellectual disability. The use of constant time delay (CTD) in videos also allows repetitive practice of skills for the students with intellectual disability. Therefore the objective of the study is to develop animated English vocabulary videos for the students with mild intellectual disability. The researcher employs the research and development design as proposed by Borg and Gall (1979) which consists of five steps needs assessment product developments expert validation tryout and final product. The researcher then combines R D procedures with educational multimedia design process proposed by Ivers and Barron (2002) consisting of Decide Design Develop and Evaluate (DDD-E) phase. Document observation interview guides andquestionnaires are used as the instruments in collecting the data. The data from documents observation is presented qualitatively while the data from interview result and questionnaires are presented bothqualitatively and quantitatively. The products of this study consist of 5 animated vocabulary videos and 1 guideline for the teacher. The analyses results in the validation stage for the vocabulary videos showed that the product was appropriate enough to be procedeed in tryout stage with several revisions. After being revised the researcher did the tryout stages to 16 students with mild intellectual disability. The result of the tryout stages showed that the teachers and the students had positive responses toward the product of this research. However some revisions should be made by the researcher after the tryout stage to improve the quality of the product. Thus the procedures conducted in the current study enable the researcher to accomplish the objective of the study. The product is designed to be a media aids in English teaching and learning for the students with mild intellectual disability. It is expected that the product of this study facilitates the students with mild intellectual disability in enriching the English vocabulary related to people and things around them. Several suggestions are addressed to the following. First English teachers can use the product as the alternative learning media. Second teachers other than English can utilize it as a model to develop learning materials. Third the future researchers and media developers can use the product of this research as the reference in creating learning media or in providing learning activities for the students with mild intellectual disabilityby regarding the users characteristics needs and preferences. ABSTRAK Pristiwi EskaPraba. 2017. Pengembangan Video AnimasiKosakataBahasaInggrisuntukSiswadenganDisabilitasGrahitaRingan. Tesis.JurusanPendidikanBahasaInggris Program PascaSarjanaUniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Dr. Sri Rachmajanti Dip. TESL M.Pd. (II) Dr. EkaningDewantiLaksmi M.Pd M.A. Kata kunci video kosakata siswadengandisabilitasgrahitaringan Siswadengandisabilitasgrahitaringanseringmengalamikesulitanbelajardikarenakanketerbatasandalamfungsiintelektual.Kesulitandalambelajarbahasaadalahsalahsatu di antaranya. MemperkayakosakataBahasaInggrisbagisiswadengandisabilitas grahitaringandiharapkandapatmeningkatkanperkembanganbahasamereka.Program tutorial dandrill-practice padapembelajaranbahasaberbasiskomputerdiharapkandapatmembantupembelajaranmereka.Video telahterbuktisebagaisalahsatualatuntukmemberikaninstruksikepadasiswadengandisabilitasgrahitaringankarenamampumemberikanfitur visual danauditori.PenggunaanWaktuTundaKonstandalam video jugamemungkinkanlatihanrepetisigunamendukungpembelajarankosakataBahasaInggrisbagisiswadengandisabilitasgrahitaringan.Oleh karena itu tujuanpenelitianiniadalahmengembangkan video animasikosakataBahasaInggrisbagisiswadengandisabilitasgrahitaringan. Berdasarkantujuanpenelitian penulismengadakanpenelitianpengembangandengandesainpenelitianmerujukpadadesainpenelitiandanpengembangan (R D) yang ditetapkanoleh Borg dan Gall(1979) yang memuattahapanpenelitiansebagaiberikut analisiskebutuhan pengembangan produk validasiproduk ujicobaproduk dan produk akhir. Penulisjugamenggunakantahapandesain multimedia pendidikan yang diajukanolehIvers and Barron (2002) yang terdiridaritahapDecide Design Develop danEvaluate (DDD-E).Instrumen yang digunakanadalahcatatandokumen protokolwawancara danangket.Data yang berasaldariinstrument berupa catatan dokumen disajikan secara kualitatif sedangkan data yang berasal dari instrumen wawancara dan angket disajikansecarakualitatifdankuantitatif. Produkakhirdaripenelitianiniadalah5 video animasiberisi kosakata Bahasa Inggrisdan1 panduanmengajarbagi guru.Hasilanalisapadatahapvalidasimenunjukkan bahwa produk sudah memenuhi syarat untuk diajukan dalam tahap uji coba namun dengan beberapa revisi. Setelah melakukan revisi tahap uji coba produk dilakukan kepada 16 siswa dengan disabilitas grahita ringan. Hasil dari tahap uji coba menunjukkan bahwa guru dan siswa dengan disabilitas grahita ringan memiliki respon yang positif terhadap video kosakatatersebut. Namundemikian penulisharusmelakukanrevisiberdasar hasil dari tahap uji coba demi meningkatkankualitasproduk. Dengandemikian prosedur yang dilakukanpadapenelitianinimemungkinkanpenulisuntukmengembangkanproduk demi mencapaitujuanpenelitian.Produk dari penelitian ini didesain sebagai alat bantu media dalam proses belajar dan mengajar Bahasa Inggris bagi siswa dengan disabilitas grahita ringan. Diharapkan dengan penggunaan produk ini siswa dengan disabilitas grahita ringan dapat memperkaya kosakata Bahasa Inggris nama-nama dan benda-benda di sekitar siswa. Beberapa saran ditujukanbagi pertama guruBahasaInggris yang dapatmenggunakanprodukinisebagaialternatif media pembelajaran. Kedua guru bidangstudi lain dapatmenggunakanpenelitianinisebagaimodeldalammengembangkan media pembelajaran. Ketiga peneliti selanjutnya dan pengembang media pembelajaran dapat menggunakan produk dari studi ini sebagai referensi dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran atau dalam memberikan kegiatan pembelajaran kepada siswadengandisabilitasgrahitaringan dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik kebutuhan dan minat pengguna.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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