Using pattern poems to improve the grammar in the writing products of the students of MA Al-Hidayah Malang / Evi Yusnia Maria Ulfa - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Using pattern poems to improve the grammar in the writing products of the students of MA Al-Hidayah Malang / Evi Yusnia Maria Ulfa

Ulfa, Evi Yusnia Maria (2011) Using pattern poems to improve the grammar in the writing products of the students of MA Al-Hidayah Malang / Evi Yusnia Maria Ulfa. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thesis English Language Teaching Graduate Program State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Dr. Arwijati Wahjudi M.Pd Dip. TESL (II) Dr. Johannes A. Prayogo M.Pd M.Ed. Key Words Pattern Poems improvement Grammar Writing Product Grammar has a special position in writing since it becomes one of the aspects that constructs the genre of the writing. It is expected that the students master grammar in order to produce good writing in English. However the students in MA al-Hidayah Malang still cannot fulfil this expectation. From the preliminary study conducted the grammar competence which was reflected in their writing products was still poor because there were still many errors in the sentences. Concerning with this case Classroom Action Research implementing Pattern Poems was conducted to investigate how pattern poems can improve the grammar in the writing products of the students of MA al-Hidayah Malang. This research is designed to improve the students grammar in their writing products by using pattern poem strategy. This strategy involves students to learn grammar in more interesting and different way than had been experienced previously. Thus the problem can be stated as follows How can pattern poems improve the grammar in the writing products of the students of MA al-Hidayah Malang The subjects of this study were the students of the tenth graders of MA al-Hidayah Malang 2010/2011 academic year. This study was conducted by following the procedures of the classroom action research namely planning implementing observing and reflecting. This research ran for five meetings. The four meetings were allocated for four poems they were adjective poem adjective placement poem adverb poem and contrast poem. And the last one meeting was used to write the descriptive text. The result of this study shows that pattern poem can improve students grammar competence and can be used as one of the ways in improving students grammar in writing. This research thus brings success to the students because all of the students met the criteria of success in the grammar component. From 38 students 14 students get the score of 67 10 students get 75 5 students get 83 6 students get 92 and 3 students get 100. From the observation and the questionnaire the enthusiasm was also shown by the students. This is proven by the fact that more than 50% of the students participated in the activities and were involved actively. From the questionnaire given in the end of the research the result shows that 56% of the students chose positive response to the strategy applied 25.5% students chose very positive response 18.5% students chose negative response and 0% students chose very negative response. The implementation of the strategy by using pattern poems is firstly begun by introducing the poems to the students. The teacher shows the poems and also the pattern of the poems which consist of some parts of speech. This introduction is done in the poems selected like adjective and adverb poems. Whereas adjective placement and contrast poem are introduced by showing the pattern of the typical sentences in the poems. The second activity is done by modelling to the students of how to write the poems according to the pattern. Thirdly after the students understand how to write the poems they should practice writing poems with their groups. The writing may be followed by performing the poems in front of the class. And in the last activity the students write their own poems individually. Finally English teachers facing similar problems are suggested to apply Pattern Poem for it is not only beneficial in improving the grammar but also in motivating the students enthusiasm in learning. For the students the exercises will help them to improve their ability in writing the right pattern of English sentences. For future researchers it is expected that they can conduct the same study but in different type of text genre for example narrative or recount which emphasize the need of writing sentences in the past form.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2011 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2011 03:00

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