Implementing interactive reading guidesstrategy to improve the reading comprehension ability of the 11th grade students of MAN Jatiwangi-Majalengka / Ato Sutanto - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Implementing interactive reading guidesstrategy to improve the reading comprehension ability of the 11th grade students of MAN Jatiwangi-Majalengka / Ato Sutanto

Sutanto, Ato (2011) Implementing interactive reading guidesstrategy to improve the reading comprehension ability of the 11th grade students of MAN Jatiwangi-Majalengka / Ato Sutanto. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thesis. Graduate Program in English Language Teaching. The State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Dr. Suharmanto M.Pd. (II) Dr. Johannes A. Prayogo M.Pd. M.Ed. Key words interactivereading guidesstrategy improve reading comprehension ability The results of a preliminary study conducted at MANJatiwangi Majalengka showed that the students ability to comprehend the text was not satisfactory. In fact their achievement was still under the criteria minimum passing of 65. Thus this classroom action research was done as one of the solutionof the school to overcome the students problem in reading comprehension. For that reason Interactive Reading Guides strategy was applied in the teaching and learning of reading to improve the students reading comprehension ability. The design of research wasthe classroom action research in which the researcher and his collaborator worked together designingthe lesson plans implementing the action observing the events of action and and reflecting the result of the action. In conducting the research the researcher acted as the practitioner and the collaborator acted as an observer. The subjects of the research were 25 students of the eleventh grade of science programat MAN Jatiwangi -Majalengka in 2010/2011 academic year. The research was conducted in three cycles by following the classroom action research procedure which covered planning implementing observing and reflecting. Each cycle was carried out in four meetings. Data of the research were collected using reading comprehension tests observation checklist and field notes. Research findings showed that Interactive ReadingGuides strategy improved of students comprehension reading ability. The improvement can be seen from the students scores which fulfilled the criteria of success. 70% students reach gain scores as much as 10 pointsfrom the preliminary tests. The students score as much as 10 points was 36% in test 1 52% in test 2 and 92% in test 3. In other words students with a successful category in the test 1was 9 in test 2 was 13 and in test 3 was 23. The results of the researchrevealed that the appropriate strategy for learning process for students in reading comprehension through Interative Reading Guides Strategy covered these procedures 1) designing the students worksheet 2) giving the interactive reading guide for each task on the students worksheet 3) preparing pictures related to the topic to activate the students background knowledge 4) asking the students to do tasks on thethe students worksheet based on the interactive reading guide given 5) asking the students to present the answer of their task on board 6) evaluating the answer in class discussion. In addition the results showed that Interactive Reading GuidesStrategywas very effective to activate the students in the teaching and learning process. The improvement of the students involvement in the teaching and learning process waspresented in scale poor fair good and very good. Cycle 1 was fair (55%) Cycle 2 was good (72%) and Cycle 3 was very good (77%). Based on the findings it can be concluded that Interactive Reading Guides Strategy has improved the students reading comprehension ability and enabled them to be active in the teaching-learning process. Therefore it is suggested that English teachers implement this strategy in the teaching-learning process especially in reading. The principal is expected to facilitate the English teachers in improving the quality of their teaching by making a policy for teachers utilize the strategy. Finally the future researchers are recommended to conduct the similar research in other level of study with different text type setting andsubject to see whether Interactive Reading Guides Strategyis also applicable and effective for improving the students reading comprehension ability.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2011 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2011 03:00

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