Practicing conversations with native speakers in the teaching of speaking at MTs. Nurul Huda Pelabuhanratu Sukabumi / Hermanto - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Practicing conversations with native speakers in the teaching of speaking at MTs. Nurul Huda Pelabuhanratu Sukabumi / Hermanto

Hermanto (2011) Practicing conversations with native speakers in the teaching of speaking at MTs. Nurul Huda Pelabuhanratu Sukabumi / Hermanto. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thesis. Graduate Program of English Language Teaching of State University of Malang. Advisors (1) Dr. Arwijati W Murdibjono Dipl. Tesl (2) Dr. Johannes Ananto Prayogo M.Pd M.Ed. Key words conversation native speakers teaching of speaking. This research is an attempt to observe the activity of conversation in the teaching of speaking involving a native speaker at MTs Nurul Huda Pelabuhanratu Sukabumi West Java. It is aimed at describing and finding out the contribution from the native speaker to the students particularly to the students speaking skill and the aspects which were observed are a) the process of the teaching of speaking b) students participation and c) students perception. Therefore this research is designed for descriptive qualitative. As the source of the data in this research the researcher cooperated with an American Economics teacher (Miss Crissy Goldman) from university of Hawaii who has stayed in the place where the researcher from that is Pelabuhanratu for about 6 months She taught 10 students who are the subject of this research and they are from eighth and ninth grades who join in the extracurricular program namely English Conversation Club (ECC). In obtaining the data the researcher used some instruments 1) the researcher himself 2) a digital camera 3) an Mp3 device 4) observation checklist 5) interview sheet and 6) questionnaire sheet. The second and third instruments were used to record the entire activities of the first question of the research while the forth instrument was used to find the answer of second question of the research and the fifth and the sixth instruments were used to find out the answer of the last question of the research. Based on the data obtained the researcher found that the teaching learning activities always started with greeting did not use three phase techniques employed question and answer activity employed dictation activity and no specific strategy used while the participation of the students can be categorized as an active participation due to all of the students get involved actively and the students perception about this activity was very good 100% of the students wanted to join this program in a longer duration and with more frequency. All of the students said that this activity can enhance their knowledge of English notably on pronunciation and can increase their courage to speak as well. Finally it is suggested that English teachers should learn something from native speakers notably the way of the interaction used in order to make the students become more active participants in the teaching learning activities of speaking. It is also suggested that the principals can support this activity by providing the needs in this activity such as a digital camera or a handy cam. For the students they are suggested to join this activity in order to learn much about speaking for future researchers who want to conduct similar research are recommended they use the findings of this research as reference and they are able to implement this model of research in a higher level such as MA or SMA. They are also suggested to do more investigations on how native speaker teaching speaking.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 11 Aug 2011 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2011 03:00

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