Developing English syllabus for the Restaurant Department in SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek / Adi Purwanto - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Developing English syllabus for the Restaurant Department in SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek / Adi Purwanto

Purwanto, Adi (2011) Developing English syllabus for the Restaurant Department in SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek / Adi Purwanto. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thesis Graduate Program in English Language Education the State University of Malang. Advisors (1) Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien M.Pd. (2) Dr. M. D. D. Oka M.A. Key words English syllabus the Restaurant Department English for Specific Purpose and competency based syllabus. Developing an English syllabus for the Restaurant Department in SMKN 1 Pogalan is very important in order to facilitate the students of the Restaurant Department to be competent and professional in their field of study and in the field of work at the restaurant industry. In this study the English syllabus is developed based on the educational research and development (R and D) because the objective of the study is to develop a model syllabus. The procedure of the syllabus development is based on the theory of Yalden (1987 88). In his language program development specifically on syllabus design his theory covers seven stages (1) needs survey (2) description of purpose (3) selection/development of syllabus type (4) production of a proto syllabus (5) production of pedagogical syllabus (6) development and implementation of classroom procedures and (7) evaluation. The instruments of the research used were the questionnaires and interview as the the way of collecting the data. The product of this study is an English syllabus for the Restaurant Department an example of instructional material and one lesson plan. This English syllabus consists of several components identity of school/institution subject grade/semester a standard competence that refers to the graduate competence standard time allocation basic competences that refer to graduate competence standard 11 subcompetences indicators instructional materials that include knowledge skills and character building teaching learning activities assessment (oral and written) time allocation and sources. The English syllabus for the Restaurant Department takes into account the ESP principles (English for Specific Purpose) and Competency-based syllabus. ESP principles consider the needs of particular learners that relate to the field of study and work. In a competency based syllabus the primary purpose of the instruction is to teach the students based on a specification of the competencies. The developed English syllabus for the Restaurant Department can be used and implemented for the basis of teaching and learning process since it is validated by a professional expert of syllabus development. This product facilitates the students of the Restaurant Department to be competent and professional in the field of study and in the field of work at the restaurant industry.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 25 Jul 2011 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2011 03:00

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