The differences of learning style preferences of the english department students at state Universitas of Malang by Rakhma Diana Sari - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The differences of learning style preferences of the english department students at state Universitas of Malang by Rakhma Diana Sari

Sari, Rakhma Diana (2009) The differences of learning style preferences of the english department students at state Universitas of Malang by Rakhma Diana Sari. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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As studenths aved ifferentp ersonalitietsh eyl earnE nglishi n manyw ays.I t is notv eryl ikely thatt wo studentlse ami n thes amew aya t thes amep acei.e acher s unawar-enaensdsi gnoranceo f thesed ifferencems ightl eadt o thes tudentsle arning difficultya ndi nability.T hereforet e acherasr ee xpectetdo helpt hes tudentisd enti theird ifferenceisn their F iry stylep referenceai ndt o applyv ariousw ayso f teachintgh atc anb ridget he differences. Fort hatr easona ndt hel imitedn umberso f studiesd oneo n identifyingth e qTtrl leamings tyled ifferencesth is studyi s conductedR. eplicatingd eid s (1987M) elton s( 1990)a ndH yland s(1 99i)s rudiegth iss tudyin vesigatetsh e 9jv9rrtv of leamings tylep referenceosf theE nglishD epartnenst tudenLa t state uliver-sitr9 f Malanga ccordingto tfueev ariabtesg enders tudyp rogramsa ndl evel of studya ndw hethetrh e differenceasr es igrrificantT. hes tude si leirning style preferencetos b em easureadr ev isual a uditoryk inesthetict a ctile g roup a na individual. Them aini nstrumenut sedt o collectt hed atai s thep erceptuaLl eamings tyle Questionnairdee signebdy JoyM . Reid c onsistingo f 30 itemst hatt hes tudentrsa te ona five-points calef rom 4 to 0. Theseit emsa reo f randomlya rrangedse tso f 5 statemenotsn eacho f thes ix leamings tylep referencetos bem easuredT.o facilitate thel earnersr e sponsaen dt o avoidm isinterpretatiotnh e q uestionnairise translated intoI ndonesianT. heI ndonesiaenu estionnairies re-hansiateidn to Englishb y an experot f whichr esults howsit s consistencTy.h et est-retesrte liability i sing p a6on product-momenatls os howss igrificantc orrelationa t the .01a nd. 0i ievels. Processeuds ings PSSf or windowsp rogmmt h e secondtr y-outr esults howsth at ANovA frodrr y sigrrificandt ifferencea t the .05l evelb etweenth el anguagoef the questionnairTeh. et anslatedi nstrumenht asf ulfilled its validitya sw eli sincet herea red ifferentl anguagper ogramas ndd iflerentl evelsa t theE nglish Departmenotf stateu niversityo f Malangt h es ampleo f this studyi s drawnu singa statifiedg ndgm samplingp rocedureT.w o classeso n ec lassf romE nglishE ducation ando ne9 las1fr ory EnglishL anguagaen dL iteraturep rograma ret akei randomly frome acho fthe four levels t hus t herea re8 classesinvolveidn this study.A total numbeor f 167s tudentos f theE nglishD epartnenct ompleteth eq uestionnairTe.h e datai s thenc lassifieda ccordingto eacho fthe threes tudentsv ariables g ende(r4 4 malesa nd1 23f emales)t w o studyp rogram(s5 3 studentos f EnglishE dication programa nd79s tudentos f EnglishL anguagaen dL iteraturep rogram)a ndf our levelso f study( 35f reshmen3 l sophomores j4ugn iors a ndi2 ieniors r. ne studentssc oreso n eachle amings tylef or eachv ariablea ret henc lassifiedin to three categorieses tu p by Reid m ajor m inor a ndn egativele amings tylep references. Ther esulto f this studys howsth ata ccordingto gendert o -maiepsr efer garuoduitpao srty kh ie nierm stihneotrilc et aa cmtilien ga s ntydli ensdA.i vuidduitaolar ys mk inaejJsrth haertnicitn a gcs titiyel ea sna dng drv oisuupaa rlae nd malesm ajorl eamings tylesw hilev isuala ndi ndividuala ret heir minoilearning stylesA. nalysiso f variance_(ANoy-4u)s ings pSSf or windows o f eachs tylJ showtsh att herei s no sigrificantd ifferencea t the .05l evel o r then uil hypothesiiss accepted. - Accordingto the studyp rogramss t udentos f EnglishE ducationp rogramo nly prefevr isuala st heirm inor_learninsgty lesw hilet heo tiets aret heirm ajorleaming - styles.s. tudentosf Errglish -anguagaen dL iteraturep rogramc hoosev isual g roupj andin dividuaal sm inors tylesa qda uditoryk- inesthetica ndt actilea sm ajoileaming stylesA. NovA results howsth att hen dl hypothesiiss acceptedN. o sigriificant differencaet the .05l eveli s revealedb etweenth eseg roups. Thes tudentsl e arnings tylep referencme eanio f four levelso f studys hows thatt hef reshmenp refera uditorya ndk inesthetica sm ajorl earnings tylesw hereas visual -tactilger oup a ndi ndividuala ret heirm inorl eamings tyteii n teaming EnqfishT. hes ophomorecsh oosev isuala ndi ndividuala sm inorl earnings tylesa nd auditoryk i nesthetict a ctile a ndg roupa sm ajorl earnings tylesv. isual ind gro .pa re theju niors minorl earnings tylesw hereatsh eo therf our arj tlreirm ajorl eariing sty]es Th9 last group theleniors prefer visual tactile and group as minor leairing lulgs andg ditory kinesthetica ndi ndividuala sm ajorl eamingstylesA. l.IovA findss ignificandt ifferencea t the .05l evela t thea uditoryle aming -xyle F ratio (3 163-)- 4.3412p .0057U. singS cheffep ostH ocM ultipleC ompariionth e researchfeinr dst hatt he senioris significantlym orea uditoryth ant hej unior thus t he nullh ypothesiiss rejected. . somei nterestingtr endsa rea lsor evealedfr om ther esult.N o groupss how negativele arnings tyle a ll groupsc hoosev isuala sa minorl earningJ tytea na kinesthetiacn da uditorya sm ajorl earnings tylesa ndt heya ll travetuttiple major Iearnings tyles.T hesete nds mighti ndicateth att heE ngiishD epartmenstt udentasr e goodle arnersa sh avingb eenf oundi n thep reviouss tudies. Basedo n this finding thew riter suggesttsh atE nglisht eacherhse lpi dentif theirs tudentsle arnings tylep referenceuss ingR eid sp erceptuaLle arnings tyle 9fere1ce9s urvey( Questionnaires)i n cei t is self-scorinagn dh asjusts ii categories befored ecidingw hicht eachingte chniquetsh eya pplya nat eu ing strategietsh ey proposeId. entificationo fdiferencesin the studentsle amings tylep refer-ncessh ould bef ollowedb y-applyingm orev ariousw ayso f teachingT. eachirsih oua notj udge thatc ertains tylesa reb ettert hana nothebr ut theys houlda cceptth ev arietyt trit migtrt occur. vlt

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2009 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2009 03:00

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