The Quality of senior high school english textbook used in Malang / Nur Henik Sukriawati - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The Quality of senior high school english textbook used in Malang / Nur Henik Sukriawati

Sukriawati, Nur Henik (2009) The Quality of senior high school english textbook used in Malang / Nur Henik Sukriawati. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Sukriawati Nur Henik. 2008. The Quality of Senior High School English Textbook Used in Malang. Thesis Graduate Program in English Language Eduacation State University of Malang. Advisors (1) Prof. M. Adnan Latief M.A. Ph.D. (2) Dr. Nur Mukminatin M.Pd. Key words quality Senior High School English textbook English textbook is an essential part in teaching and learning process in school as it is one of the aspects which support the success of teaching and learning. It is also the learning sources in class and outside class. This study is an attempt to analyze the quality of the Senior High School English textbook used in Malang. It is aimed at evaluating and finding out how much the textbook meets the criteria of a good textbook in terms of relevancy to the National Content Standard 2006 (Standar Isi Nasional) or minimum content standard of the School English Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) language content and skills communicative aspects authenticity of the dialogs and reading texts practice materials sequence and gradation technicalities and readability of the reading texts. Since this study concerns the evaluation of the textbook it is designed for descriptive-evaluative content analysis. Based on the characteristics of the data the quantitative analysis is employed in this study. The source of data in this study is the English textbook Interactive English Learning for SMA/MA Grade X published by Malang Office of Education (Dinas Pendidikan Kota Malang) 2006 (First edition). The textbook was chosen as it was provided by Malang Office of Education (Dinas Pendidikan Kota Malang) and it is as a compulsory textbook for classroom use. The instrument used to get the data consists of evaluation criteria. This instrument developed was modified from the instrument applied by Yandri (1999) and criteria of good textbooks suggested by the Department of National Education and some experts are taken. They are from Depdiknas (2005) Cunningsworth (1995) Robinett (1978) Nunan (1988) Hutchinson (1987) Grant (1991) Ur (1996) and Fry (1988). The scoring criteria used to evaluate the textbook are Very Good (85% - 100%) Good (65% - 84%) Fair (55% - 64%) Poor (40% - 54%) and Very Poor (0% - 39%).There are three evaluators in evaluating the textbook. The researcher was the first evaluator while the second and the third were peer evaluators. The three evaluators who have been using the textbook for their classes are the English teachers of a Senior High School in Malang.. Based on the evaluation done by the evaluators it was found that the textbook is qualified as very good in terms of language content and skills communicative aspects and sequence and gradation. Besides the textbook is qualified as fair in terms of authenticity of the reading texts and dialogs and technicalities. While the textbook is qualified as poor in terms of relevancy to the National Content Standard 2006 (Standar Isi Nasional) or the minimum content standard of the School English Curriculum and qualified as very poor in terms of quality of practice materials and readability of the reading texts. Based on the findings it can be concluded that the textbook is qualified as fair . The textbook has some superiority in terms of language content and skills communicative aspects and sequence and gradation. Anyhow the textbook has some weaknesses in terms of relevancy to the National Content Standard 2006 (Standar Isi Nasional) or the minimum content standard of the School English Curriculum technicalities quality of practice materials and readability of the reading texts. Some suggestions are proposed to follow up the findings. The first suggestion goes to the textbook writers. They need to improve some parts of the contents of the textbook especially in terms of the relevancy to the National Content Standard 2006 (Standar Isi Nasional) or the minimum content standard of the School English Curriculum quality of practice materials and readability of the reading texts. They also need to provide glossaries review material or exercises examination practices key answers cassettes or CDs and a supplementary book or a workbook. The second suggestion is directed at the English teachers of Senior High School who use the textbook. The teachers are suggested to conduct material adaptation be creative and keep up with the recent theory and practice on the use of materials. Material adaptation by using various techniques such as modifying adding or deleting reorganizing or sequencing and extending content or tasks is used to compensate the weaknesses of the textbook as the writers of the textbook are not able to fulfill all the needs of individual teacher and learner. The last suggestion is directed at future researchers. They are suggested to conduct further studies to analyze the similar textbook with different aspects or similar aspects with different textbooks as this study is limited to one book that is Interactive English Learning for SMA/MA Grade X.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2009 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2009 03:00

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