Manajemen kemitraan perguruan tinggi dengan dunia industri pada Universitas Nurtanio di Kota bandung / Mili Rosmalia - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Manajemen kemitraan perguruan tinggi dengan dunia industri pada Universitas Nurtanio di Kota bandung / Mili Rosmalia

Rosmalia, Mili (2017) Manajemen kemitraan perguruan tinggi dengan dunia industri pada Universitas Nurtanio di Kota bandung / Mili Rosmalia. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Rosmalia Mili.2017. ManajemenKemitraanPerguruanTinggidenganDuniaIndustripadaUniversitasNurtanio di Kota Bandung Tesis.Program StudiManajemenPendidikan Program PascasarjanaUniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing (1) Dr. H. Kusmintardjo M. Pd (2) Dr. Mustiningsih M. Pd. Keywords kemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustri manajemenkemitraan. Manajemenkemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustrisangatlahpenting.UniversitasNurtanio Bandung akanselalusiapmenghadapitantanganpendidikanbuatinstitusipendidikannya agar teruseksisdalamkancahduniapendidikan Indonesia bahkanInternasional tentusajahaltersebutmerekamenunjangdengansebuah proses belajarmengajardenganmemberikankurikulumsesuaikebutuhanduniakerjadanusahasaatini.UniversitasNurtanio Bandung dalammengisiperkembangannyaselalumenyiapkansuatuperencanan yang baik gunakesinambungandaneksistensinya di duniapendidikan denganmenatainstitusisebagaiwahanadalammelahirkanparalulusan yang profesionaldanahli di bidangnyasehinggamenjadijatidiri yang membedakannyadenganinstitusipendidikan yang lain.Untukitu UniversitasNurtanio Bandung menjalinkemitraandenganduniaindustriuntukmengembangkankemampuandanmeningkatkankeilmuannya. Penelitianinidifokuskanbagaimanakemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustridapatdiatursesuaidenganketentuan agar tercapaitujuanorganisasi.Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalah 1) mendeskripsikan program kerjakemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustripadaUniversitasNurtanio di Kota Bandung 2) mendeskripsikanstrukturkerjakemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustripadaUniversitasNurtanio di Kota Bandung 3) mendeskripsikanpelaksanaankemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustripadaUniversitasNurtanio di Kota Bandung 4) mendeskripsikanpengawasankemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustripadaUniversitasNurtanio di Kota Bandung. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatif dimana di dalampenelitianinimemberikangambaranataumendeskripsikanmengenaiprogram kerja strukturkerja pelaksanaan danpengawasankemitraanperguruantinggidenganindustri di UniversitasNurtanio Bandung.Dalamhalini sumberinformasiadalahWakilRektor II WakilRektor III danKepala APSI.Data penelitianiniadalahhasilwawancaradarisumberinformandan data dokumentasi yang diberikan.Dalammengumpulkan data melalui proses observasi penelitimenggunakandokumenwawancara dokumentasidancatatanlapangan. HasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwasecaraumummanajemenkemitraanUniversitasdenganduniaindustrimelaksanakansesuaidenganprosedur. Hal inimanajemenkemitraanUniversitasNurtanio Bandung denganduniaIndustridilaksanakansesuaidenganprosedur yang sudahditetapkan meliputi 1.program kerja mencakup pertama proses penyusunanprogram kerjakemitraan keduaprosedurpenyusuna 2.strukturkerjakemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustrimencakup pertama proses strukturkerja kedua prosedurpengorganisasian 3.pelaksanaankemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustrimencakup pertama gayakepemimpianbahwaRektorUniversitasNurtanio Bandung dalammelaksanakankepemimpinannyamenggunakankepemimpinansituasional kedua implementasikemitraan 4.pengawasankemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustrimencakup pertama proses pengawasan kedua prosedurpengawasan. RektorUniversitasNurtanio Bandung melaksanakanmanajemenkemitraansebagaibentukpengelolaanakademiktentangkemitraanperguruantinggimelalui program kerja strukturkerja pelaksanaankemitraan dansistempengawasan yang efektifdanefisiendalamrangkameningkatkankualitasperguruantinggi.KetuaYayasanAdiUpayalebihmemberikankontribusikepadaUniversitasNurtanio Bandung dalammelaksanaanmanajemenkemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustribaikdalamnegerimaupunluarnegeri agar dapatdijalindenganbaikdansebagaipeluanglapanganpekerjaanbagimahasiswadanmahasiswinya.DenganpenelitianinidapatdikembangkanlebihlanjutolehpenelitilainmengenaimanajemenkemitraanperguruntinggidenganduniaindustripadaUniversitasNurtanio Bandung lebihluas agar dapatilmumanajemenkemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustridapatdikajilebihmendalam.KemitraanperguruantinggidenganduniaindustripadaUniversitasNurtanio Bandung yang hubungannyadenganmanajemendapatdibuatpedomankemitraansupayadapatmeningkatkankualitas program akademiknya. ABSTRACK Rosmalia Mili. 2017. University partnership management with World Industrial on Nurtanio s University of Bandung s City Thesis. Education Management Study Program Post GraduateProgram StateUniversity of Malang. Advisors (1) Dr. H. kusmintardjo M. Pd (2) Dr. Mustiningsih M. Pd. keywords Partnerships universities with industry partnership management.. The management of University partnerships with the industrial world is very important. Nurtanio University of Bandung will always be ready to face the challenge of education for educational institutions to continue to exist in the world of education and even the international world of Indonesia of course they support with a teaching and learning process by providing curriculum according to the needs of the world of work and business today. Nurtanio University of Bandung in filling its development always prepare a good planning for its continuity and existence in the world of education by arranging the institution as a vehicle in giving birth to the graduates who are professional and experts in the field so that the identity that distinguishes it with other educational institutions. For that the NurtanioUniversity of Bandung to establish partnerships with the industry to develop skills and improve science. This study focused on how university partnerships with the industrial world can be arranged in accordance with the provisions in order to achieve organizational goals. The purpose of this research are 1) describing the work program of university partnership with industrial world at NurtanioUniversity of Bandung City 2) describe the work structure of university partnership with the industrial world at Nurtanio University of Bandung 3) to describe the implementation of university partnerships with the industrial world at the NurtanioUniversity Bandung 4) to describe supervision of university partnership with industrial world at Nurtanio University of Bandung City. This study uses a qualitative approach which in this study provides an overview or describe the work program work structure implementation and supervision of university partnership with industry at the University University of Bandung. In this case the source of information is Vice Rector II Vice Rector III and Head of APSI. This research data is result of interview from source of informant and documentation data given. In collecting data through the process of observation the researcher uses interview documents documentation and field notes. The results show that in general the management of university partnerships with the industrial world perform in accordance with the procedures. This partnership management of the NurtanioUniversity of Bandung with the world of industry is implemented in accordance with established procedures including 1. work programs including first the process of preparing the partnership work program second of the procedures of the use 2. the structure of college partnership work with the industrial world include first the process of work structure Second organizing procedures 3. the implementation of university partnerships with the industrial world include first the leadership style that the Rector of the Nurtanio University of Bandung in carrying out its leadership using situational leadership second the implementation of partnership 4. supervision of university partnerships with the industrial world include first supervisory process second supervisory procedures. Rector of Nurtanio University of Bandung implement partnership management as a form of academic management of university partnership through work program work structure partnership implementation and effective and efficient supervision system in order to improve the quality of college. Chairman of the Foundation AdiUpaya more contributes to the NurtanioUniversity of Bandung in the implementation of university partnership management with the industry world both domestically and abroad so it can be woven well and as employment opportunities for students and students. With this research can be further developed by other researchers on the management of high-powered partnership with the industrial world at the NurtanioUniversity of Bandung wider in order to science management college partnerships with the industry can be studied more deeply. The university partnership with the industrial world at the NurtanioUniversity of Bandung which is related to the management can be made a partnership guideline in order to improve the quality of academic programs.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Administrasi Pendidikan (AP) > S2 Manajemen Pendidikan
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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