Tafsiri, Rusdan (2017) Manajemen layanan khusus pengasuhan boarding school dalam menumbuhkan budi pekerti (studi multi situs pada SMP Negeri 35 Kaur dan SMP Negeri 36 PK-LK Kaur di Kabupaten Kaur Propinsi Bengkulu) / Rusdan Tafsiri. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
ABSTRAK Tafsiri Rusdan. 2017. ManajemenLayananKhususPengasuhan Boarding School dalamMenumbuhkan Budi Pekerti (Studi Multi Situs Pada SMP Negeri 35 Kaur dan SMP Negeri 36 PK-LK Kaur di Kabupaten Kaur Propinsi Bengkulu). Tesis Program StudiManajemenPendidikan Pascasarjana UniversitasNegeri Malang Pembimbing (I) Prof. Dr. Hj. NurulUlfatin M.Pd. (II) Prof Dr SugengUtaya M.Si. Kata kunci layanankhususpengasuhan boarding school budipekerti. Layanankhususboarding school merupakansekolahdengansegalakebutuhanpokokpenghuninyatelahtersediadimanasiswahidupbelajarsecara total dilingkungansekolahitusendiri. Melaluiproseskegiatanterjadwal pendisiplinan pembinaandanpendampinganoleh para pengasuhkamarkoordinatorkegiatan boarding school berperanstrtegisdalammenumbuhkannilai-nilaibudipekertisiswa yang mandiri disiplin bertangungjawab gotong-royong jujur sopansantun taatibadah percayadiri salingmenghormatidanlainya. Fokuspenelitianiniadalahterdiridariperencanaan pengorganisasian pelaksanaan danpengawasanlayanankhususpengasuhansiswadalammenumbuhkannilai-nilaibudipekertisiswa SMP. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankualitatifdenganjenispenelitian multi situs (multy site).Penetuanpendekatandanjenispenelitiantersebutdidasarkanpadakesamaankarakteristiksitus penelitianyaitu SMPN 35 Kaur dan SMPN 36 PK-LK Kaur di Kabupaten Kaur Propinsi Bengkulu.Teknikpengumpulan data denganmetodewawancaramendalam observasi danstudidokumentasi.Penentuaninformandenganmetodepurposif sampling.Informankunciditetapkanberdasarkanataspemahamandanintensitasketerlibatan yang bersangkutandalampelaksanaanpengasuhan.Instrumenpenelitianadalahpenelitisendiri.Prosedurpengumpulan data dimulaidaripendalaman data dari situs pertama.Situs pertamadigunakanuntukmenemukandanmenentukankerangkakerjauntukpengumpulan data di situs kedua.Teknikanalisis data menggunakananalisisinduksianalisisuntukmenyusuntemuanpenelitian.Langkah-langkahanalisis dimulaidarianalisis situs tunggalpertamahingga situs kedua sehinggamasing-masing situs didapattemuantentatif.Berdasarpadatemuantentatifmasingmasing situs dilanjutkananalisislintas situs.Proseduranalisislintas situs antaratemuantentatif situstunggalpertamadankedua denganteknikinduktif di modifikasisehinggadidapattemuanlintas situs selanjutnyamenyusuntemuanlintas situs bersifatnaratifberupaproporsi. Gilirannya kembangkanteorisubstantifdantemuanpenelitian.Ujikeabsahan data dilakukandenganuji (1) kredibilitas melaluitriangulasisumber teknikdanwaktu(2) tranferabilitas (3) dependabilitasdan (4) konfirmabilitas. Temuanpenelitian (1) Perencanaanlayanankhususpengasuhanboarding schoolmeliputi pertama merumuskanvisi misidantujuansekolah. kedua penempatansiswa di asrama penempatansiswa di asramadibagimenjadiduabagianyaituasramaputradanasramaputri ketiga menyusunjadwalkegiatandantatatertibasrama keempat kegiatan monitoring pendampingan bimbingan yang dilakukanterhadapsiswa (2)Pengorganisasianlayanankhususpengasuhanboarding schoolmeliputi pertama pembuatanstrukturorganisasi yang dimaksudkan agar adapembagiantugas yang jelas sertamenempatkanpersonelsesuaidenganbidangkemampuannya kedua penyusunanjobdeskripsiuntukmasing-masingbidang ketiga mengorganisirsaranadanprasaransekolahdanasrama keempat pendanaanataukeuangansekolahmelalui dana BOS danbantuanlangsungpemerintahdaerah (3) Pelaksanaanlayanankhususpengasuhanboarding schoolmeliputi pertama memonitorkesehariansiswa kegiatan-kegiatan yang sudahterjadwal hubunganantarsiswa kedisplinansiswa kesehatan kebutuhanpribadisiswa kedua kegiatanpendampingan pendampinga yang dilakukanpengasuh di asramaantara lain mengaatiaktivitassiswakesaharian mengontroljadwalkegiatan membuatcatatan yang kemudianmenjadibahanlaporan ketiga pendampingandanpembinaanyaitumendapingisiswa-siswadalamsetiapkegiatan yang sudahterjadwal membantumemecahkanmasalah yang dihadapisiswa mengaturkeuangansiswa mendampingisiswa-siswidalammengikutikegiatandiuarsekolahdanluarasrama (4)Nilaibudipekerti yang terbentukdalamlayanankhususpengasuhanboarding schoolyaitu (a)displindenganwaktudanmengikutikegiatan yang sudahterjadwal (b)tertibdalamaktivitaskegiatan di asramadan di sekolah (c)mandirimengaturwaktudanmengerjakankeperluanpribadi (d)bekerjasamadenganpenuhtanggungjawabmengerjakanpekerjaan di asrama (e)toleransidanpedulikepadasessamateman tidakmembedakanasalusul suku ras bahasadan agama (f) gotong royong ataubersama-samadalammengerjakanpekerjaan yang dibebankankepadasiswa (g)jujurdanbertanggungjawabdengantugas yang dibebankansertamembiasakandiriuntukmengembalikanbarang yang bukanmiliksendiri (h)sopandansantundalam bertutur kata bersikapdanberbusana (5) Evaluasiataupengawasanpelaksanaanlayanankhususpengasuhanboarding schooladalahrangkaiankegiatanberikut pertama pengawasanolehpengasuhdanbertanggungjawabmelaporkanlaporanlangsungkepadakepalaasramadalammelaksanakantugas kedua diadakanrapatbulanandenganpimpinansebagai proses penyampaianlaporandanevaluasi ketiga mekanismepenilaianterhadapaperkembangansiswadirancangmenjadiduayaitupenilaiansekolahdanpenilaianasrama keempat evaluasikinerja para pengeloladilakukansetiaptahunpadasaattahunajaranbaru. Berdasarkantemuanpenelitianini beberapa saran khusus yang bergunauntukpeningkatanmanajemenlayanankhususpengasuhanboarding school dalammenumbuhkanbudipekertiyaitu (1) melakukananalisiskebutuhansiswa di asramadanpendukungnyadalam proses penyusunanperencanaannya (2) temuandalamperencanaan pengorganisasian pelaksanaan danpengawasanpelaksanaanlayanankhususpengasuhan di asramadapatdigunakansebagaiumpanbalikterhadaprencanapengasuhansiswaberikutnya (3) meningkatkanperankepalasekolahdalammendorongsemuaelemensekolahkhususnyapengelolaasramadansiswa-siswinya agar giatberwirausahasebagaiusahamandirisebgaiupayamandiri yang dapatmendukungterlaksanaanyakegiatanasrama. ABSTRACT Tafsiri Rusdan. 2017. Management of Special Services Care Boarding School in Fostering Character (Multi Site Study in SMPN 35 Kaur and SMPN 36 PK-LK Kaur Kaur in the district of Bengkulu). Thesis Departemen of EducationManagement Graduate Program ofState University of Malang Advisors (I) Prof. Dr. Hj. Nurul Ulfatin M.Pd. (II) Prof . Dr. Sugeng Utaya M.Si. Keywords special service of care boardingschool character. Specialty Services boarding school is a school with all the basic needs of its inhabitants were available in which students learn to live in total school environment itself. Through the process of scheduled activities discipline guidance and assistance by the caregiver room coordinator of activities boarding school plays strtegis to foster the values of character the students independent disciplined responsible mutual assistance honest polite obedient worship confident mutual respect and others. The phenomenon of specialized care services need to be described to find a form of care within the school hostel organizes special services. This study focused on the planning organization implementation and supervision of special services in the foster care students character values. This study used a qualitative approach to the type of multi-site study. Determination of the approach and the type of research based on shared characteristics namely research sites Kaur SMPN 35 and SMPN 36 PK-LK Kaur Kaur in the district of Bengkulu. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews observation and documentation. Determination of informants with purposive sampling method. The key informant defined based on the understanding and the intensity of the involvement of concerned in the implementation of care. The research instrument is the researcher himself. Data collection procedures starting from the deepening of the data from the first site. The first site is used to find and define a framework for data collection on the site kedua.Teknik induction analyzed using analysis to compile research findings. Analysis steps starting from the first single-site analysis until the second site so that each site obtained tentative findings. Based on the tentative findings of each site followed by cross-site analysis. Cross-site analysis procedures the tentative findings of the first and second single site with inductive technique modified so obtained cross-site findings then compile the findings of cross site is narrative in the form of proportions. Turn develop a substantive theory and research findings. Test the validity of the data is done by using (1) credibility through triangulation techniques and timing (2) tranferabilitas (3) dependability and (4) confirmability. The research findings (1) Planningupbringing of special services boarding school includes First formulate the vision mission and goals of theschool.kedua placement of students in the dorm the placement of students in the dorm is divided into two parts namely the hostel boys and girls dormitory third draw up a schedule of activities and order the hostel fourth activity monitoring mentoring guidance committed against students (2)Organizing specialized care services boarding includesschool First manufacturing of the organizational structure that is intended to be no clear division of tasks as well as placing personnel in accordance with its capabilities secondly the preparation jobdeskripsi for each field third organizing facilities and infrastructure of schools and dormitories fourth funding or finance the school through fund BOS and the direct assistance of local government (3) Implementation of specialized care services boarding includesschool First monitor the students everyday the activities that have been scheduled the relationship between students discipline students health personal needs of students second mentoring activities pendampinga conducted caregivers at the hostel include mengaati student activity kesaharian control schedules make notes which then feed into a report thethird mentoring and coaching that is mendapingi students in any activities that have been scheduled to help solve the problems faced by students arrange financing students assisting students in following the activities diuar school and outside the hostel (4) value manners formed in the special careservices boarding school namely (a) disciplined with time and follow the activities that have been scheduled (b) orderly in their activity in the dorm and at school (c) self-organize time and work on personal purposes (d) cooperate with the full responsibility of doing the work in the dorm (e) tolerance and caring for sessama friend do not distinguish the origin ethnicity race language and religion (f) mutual help or together in a work which is charged to the student (g) honest and responsible to the task charged as well get used to return an item that does not belong (h) courteous and polite in speak behave and dress (5) evaluation or supervision of the implementation of specialized care services boarding school is a series of the following activities First supervision by caregivers and responsible reporting direct report to the matron in performing the task the second held monthly meetings with the leadership as the process of submission of reports and evaluations thirdly the assessment mechanism terhadapa student development designed into two school assessment and appraisal dormitories fourth evaluation of the performance of the managers do every year when the new school year. Based on these findings some specific advice that is useful for improved management of special servicescare boarding school in the fostermanners namely (1) conduct a needs analysis of students in a dormitory and his supporters in the preparation of the planning process (2) The findings in planning organizing implementing and monitoring the implementation of the special services of care in a dorm can be used as feedback to the parenting plan the next person (3) increase the role of the principal in encouraging all elements of the school especially the manager of the hostel and its students in order entrepreneurship as a viable standalone business sebgai independent efforts to support terlaksanaanya dorm activities.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) > Departemen Administrasi Pendidikan (AP) > S2 Manajemen Pendidikan |
Depositing User: | library UM |
Date Deposited: | 02 Aug 2017 04:29 |
Last Modified: | 09 Sep 2017 03:00 |
URI: | http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/57635 |
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