Pengembangan metode latihan teknik meliwis tingkat keluarga strip putih Perguruan Silat Perisai Diri Cabang Kabupaten Malang / Herwansyah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengembangan metode latihan teknik meliwis tingkat keluarga strip putih Perguruan Silat Perisai Diri Cabang Kabupaten Malang / Herwansyah

Herwansyah (2016) Pengembangan metode latihan teknik meliwis tingkat keluarga strip putih Perguruan Silat Perisai Diri Cabang Kabupaten Malang / Herwansyah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Herwansyah. 2015. Development of Training Method Meliwis Techniques Strip Putih Family Level Perisai Diri of Malang. Thesis Department of Physical Education and Health Faculty of Sport Science State University of Malang. Advisors (1) Dr. Eko Hariyanto M.Pd (2) Kurniati Rahayuni S.Psi. M.Psi. Keywords training methods techniques meliwis family level students strip putihPerisai Diri Malang Pencak Silat is a martial art that is very popular among Indonesia. Pencak Silat used as a means to defend themselves from threatens. Of the many ways self-defense in every region has a different technique then comes a variety of silatschool in Indonesia one of them is a Perisai Diri. Meliwis technique as one of the original styleofPerisai Diri for students at the level of strip putih. Students are required to memorize and able to carry out a series of meliwis correctly as a requirementexamlevel. Based on initial research through a needs analysis questionnaire to 10 students strip putih family level states that 70% sequence meliwis techniques given by coach are less easy and difficult data rate of increase in the period of 2012 to 2014 the percentage of technical failure ofmeliwis always the highest among other techniques. The purpose of this study was to find a solution to the problem namely by developing training methods ofmeliwis techniques which are attractive easy to learn and easy to understand as well as a learning resource. The method used this research is the research and development of Borg and Gall (1983 774)were adapted to be simplersas follows 1) Gather information (a) study the library materials (b) analysis of needs. 2) Designing products. 3) Validation of experts. 4) First revision. 5) Small group trials (8 students). 6) Second revision. 7) Large group trial (30 students). Products developed on a method of family-level technical training meliwisputih strips on a guidebook contains material meliwis instructions how to do as well as the images that aims to provide convenience to the students to learn and understand the 29 series of techniques meliwis. From the evaluation by thePerisai Diri expert was obtainedthe result85.71% of the evaluation by coaching pencak silat was obtained the result 85.18% and media experts was obtainedthe result82% so these products need to be revised before it continues to the group test. At the test of small group was obtained the result90.54%.At the large group test was obtained percentage of result 89.01%. So that the percentage of product development of training method meliwis techniques strip putih family level Perisai Diri of Malangotherwise good guide book and can be used. The development of training methods meliwis technique is expected to increase interest as well as a source of learning and training students in mastering the technique series Meliwis correctly. In addition the expected product dissemination of research subjects more widely not only in the branch Malang but also in other branches of Perisai Diri.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan (FIK) > Departemen Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan (PJK) > S1 Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 20 Jan 2016 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2016 03:00

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