Pengaruh ketebalan expanded polysterene (EPS) terhadap kuat geser geo-sandwich panel dengan beban lateral monotonik / Herrico Septioni <BR> - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh ketebalan expanded polysterene (EPS) terhadap kuat geser geo-sandwich panel dengan beban lateral monotonik / Herrico Septioni <BR>

Septioni, Herrico (2017) Pengaruh ketebalan expanded polysterene (EPS) terhadap kuat geser geo-sandwich panel dengan beban lateral monotonik / Herrico Septioni <BR>. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Septioni Herrico. 2017. Pengaruh Ketebalan Expanded Polysterene (EPS) Terhadap Kuat Geser Geo-Sandwich Panel dengan Beban Lateral Monotonik. Skripsi Program Studi S1 Teknik Sipil Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing (I) Puput Risdanareni S.T. M.T. (II) Drs. Boedya Djatmika S.T. M.T. Kata Kunci Dinding Geo-Sandwich Panel Ketebalan EPS Gempa menimbulkan berbagai kerusakan pada bangunan terutama pada bagian dinding. Selain itu mengingat besarnya beban gempa sangat dipengaruhi oleh berat bangunan . Oleh karena itu dilakukan inovasi mengenai material penyusun dinding lebih ringan dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini mengembangkan inovasi dinding berlapis dengan menggunakan material yang lebih ramah lingkungan seperti mortar geopolimer dan Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). Dalam penelitian ini dinding diberi Beban Lateral Monotonik. Dinding dipaksa berdeformasi dan berubah bentuk menjadi seperti belah ketupat (deformation racking). Pengujian sesuai ASTM E564 (Standart practice for static Load test for shear resistence of framed wall for building) yang berisi tentang pengertian tata cara pengujian serta perhitungan mengenai pengujian dinding dengan beban lateral. Untuk mengetahui ketebalan optimal EPS dibuat variasi 5cm 8cm dan 10cm. Dinding Geo-Sandwich Panel dengan ketebalan EPS 10cm 8cm dan 5cm dan volume 0 054 m3 secara berturut-turut memiliki rata-rata berat volume sebesar 1071.85 kg/m3 1353.33 kg/m3 1747.78 kg/m3. Nilai kuat geser dan kekakuan geser dinding Geo-Sandwich Panel tertinggi adalah dinding TEPS sebesar 18350 N dan 810.02 N/mm. Semakin tebal pengunaan EPS kuat geser dan kekakuan geser Geo-Sandwich Panel akan semakin turun. Pola retak masing masing variasi ketebalan EPS pada Geo-Sandwich Panel ialah retak lentur yang ditandai dengan timbulnya retak dominan arah vertikal sepanjang bagian join antara dinding dan sloope penjepit. Hanya dinding dengan kode TEPS 10. 1 yang dominan mengalami retak geser yang ditandai dengan pola retak yang diagonal. ABSTRACT Septioni Herrico. 2017. The Influence of the thickness of Expanded Polysterene ( EPS ) to the shear strength of Geo-sandwich panel subjected tomonotonic lateral load. Thesis S1 Civil Engineering Departement of Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering State University of Malang. Counselor (I)Puput Risdanareni S.T. M.T. (II) Drs. Boedya Djatmika S.T. M.T. Keywords Wall Geo-Sandwich Panel EPS thickness. The earthquake caused various damage to the building especially on the wall. In addition given the magnitude of the earthquake load is influenced by the weight of the building innovation on light and environmentally friendly wall s material is needed. This study developed the innovation of layered walls using more environmentally friendly materials named geopolymer mortar and Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). In this study the walls were given a Monotonic Lateral Load to determine the wall behavior when receiving earthquake loads. The test is conducted using the guidelines of ASTM E564 (Standart practice for static Load test for shear resistance of framed wall for building) which explain about definition test procedure and calculation of wall testing with lateral load. In order to obtain the optimal thickness of EPS variation of EPS thickness of 5cm 8cm and 10cm were applied. Measurements of shear strength and stiffness are performed to see the resistance of the walls subjected to lateral monotonic loads. Meanwhile to observe the behavior of wall rupture observation on the pattern of cracks were conducted in this research. Geo-Sandwich Panel Wall with thickness of EPS 10cm 8cm and 5cm with volume 0.054 m3 has an average volume weight of 1071.85 kg / m3 1353.33 kg / m3 1747.78 kg / m3. The highest shear strength and shear stiffness values of Geo-Sandwich Panel wall are owned by specimenswith 5 cm thick. Based on the test results it can be concluded that the thicker use of EPS the lower shear strength and shear stiffness Geo-Sandwich Panel will occured. Almost all Geo-Sandwich Panel specimens experiencing flexural crack characterized by the emergence of a vertical crack along the joint between the wall and the fixed sloope. Only walls with a TEPS code of 10.1 are experiencing shear crack characterized by a diagonal crack pattern.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik (FT) > Departemen Teknik Sipil (TS) > S1 Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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