Pengaruh kepedulian orang tua terhadap perilaku belajar siswa kelas XII program keahlian teknik perkayuan SMK Negeri 6 Malang tahun ajaran 2009/2010 / Eko Azwar Ramdan - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh kepedulian orang tua terhadap perilaku belajar siswa kelas XII program keahlian teknik perkayuan SMK Negeri 6 Malang tahun ajaran 2009/2010 / Eko Azwar Ramdan

Ramdan, Eko Azwar (2010) Pengaruh kepedulian orang tua terhadap perilaku belajar siswa kelas XII program keahlian teknik perkayuan SMK Negeri 6 Malang tahun ajaran 2009/2010 / Eko Azwar Ramdan. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Azwar Ramdan Eko. Effect of Parents Caring for Students Learning Behavior Skills Program Class XII Timber Engineering SMKN 6 Malang in Academic Year 2009/2010. Thesis Technical Education Building Civil Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Drs. Bambang Widarta M.T. (II) Drs. Wahyo Hendarto Yoh M.T. Key words parents caring student learning behavior. Student behavior is influenced by several factors. Among the factors that influence student behavior is parents caring. This study aimed to investigate the influence of parents caring for students learning behavior and expected to be used by parents as a basis for improving student learning behavior. This research was conducted at the Class XII students Timber Engineering Expertise Program SMKN 6 Malang in Academic Year 2009/2010. The research design used was a quantitative correlational research design. The populations in this study are all Class XII students Timber Engineering Expertise Program SMKN 6 Malang in Academic Year 2009/2010 as many as 19 students at the same time as samples. The sampling technique carried out with saturated sampling (census). To test the hypothesis of the research used simple linear regression analysis with significance level 5%. Results of analysis of data about the concerns of parents shows that parents who really care about their children learning behavior as much (16%) parents who care for their children as much as learning behavior (31%) parents are less concerned about the learning behavior of his son as many (37 %) and parents who do not care to learn the behavior of their children as much (16%). Thus it can be said that the half the class XII students parents Timber Engineering Expertise Program SMKN 6 Malang is still low concern for the behavior of their children to learn as much as 53%. While data on students learning behavior indicates that students who have a very good learning behavior as much (22%) students who have good learning behavior as much (28%) students who have studied the behavior of less well as many (39%) and students who have learning behavior is not good as many (11%). Thus we can say that half the students of class XII Skills Program Timber Engineering SMKN 6 Malang has a behavior which is still less well studied as much as 50%. Given the results showed that parents do not directly concern significantly influence the behavior of class XII students Skills Program Timber Engineering SMKN 6 Malang in Academic Year 2009/2010 but changes in the variation in student learning behavior amounted to 3.6% influenced by changes in caring person variation old it is recommended that further research using the variables that still have not been studied among other talents curriculum facilities and infrastructure as well as other factors that influence students learning behavior.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik (FT) > Departemen Teknik Sipil (TS) > S1 Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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