Analisis kompetensi guru dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 pada mata pelajaran akuntansi / Nurul Mei Isdiyah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Analisis kompetensi guru dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 pada mata pelajaran akuntansi / Nurul Mei Isdiyah

Isdiyah, Nurul Mei (2017) Analisis kompetensi guru dalam implementasi kurikulum 2013 pada mata pelajaran akuntansi / Nurul Mei Isdiyah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Nurul Mei Isdiyah. 2017. AnalisisKompetensi Guru dalamImplementasiKurikulum 2013 pada Mata PelajaranAkuntansi.Skripsi Program Studi SI PendidikanAkuntansi JurusanAkuntansi FakultasEkonomi UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing Dr. Endang Sri Andayani S.E. M.Si. Ak Kata Kunci KompetensiPedagogik KompetensiProfesional Kurikulum 2013 Seorang guru profesionalharusmemahamidanmengetahuidenganpasti kompetensiapa yang dituntutolehmasyarakatsejauhini. Salah satukompetensi yang harusdimiliki guru adalah (1) kompetensipedagogikyaitukemampuanmengelolapembelajaranpesertadidik yang meliputipemahamanterhadappesertadidik perencanaandanpelaksanaanpembelajaran evaluasibelajardanperkembanganpesertadidikuntukmengaktualisasikanberbagaipotensi yang dimilikinya dan (2) kompetensiprofesionalyaitukemampuanpenguasaanmateripembelajaransecaraluasdanmendalam yang memungkinkannyamembimbingpesertadidikmemenuhistandarkompetensi yang ditetapkandalamstandarpendidikannasional. Penelitianinitermasukdalampenelitiankualitatifjenisfenomenologi yang bertujuanuntuk (1) mengetahuikompetensipedagogik guru dalammengimplementasikankurikulum 2013 padamatapelajaranakuntansi (2) mengetahuikompetensiprofesional guru dalammengimplementasikankurikulum 2013 padamatapelajaranakuntansi (3) untukmengetahuikendala yang dihadapi guru dalammengimplementasikankurikulum 2013 padamatapelajaranakuntansi. Lokasipenelitiandilakukan di SMK Negeri 1 Turen SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegi dan SMK CendikaBangsaKepanjenkarena SMK Negeri 1 Turen SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegimerupakansekolah yang ditunjuksebagaipilot project dalamimplementasikurikulum 2013 dan SMK CendikaBangsaadalahsekolahswasta yang menerapkankurikulum 2013 secaramandiri. Subjekpenelitianiniadalah guru-guru yang mengajarkanmatapelajaranakuntansi di sekolah yang menjadilokasipenelitian.Pengumpulan data dilakukandenganteknikobservasi wawancara dandokumentasi.Untukmenjagakeabsahan data dilakukankegiatantriangulasi data. Berdasarkanhasilanalisis data tersebut diperolehkesimpulansebagaiberikut.Pertama kompetensipedagogik yang dimiliki guru sudahbaik terbuktidenganusaha guru dalammenerapkanindikator yang terkandungdalamkompetensipedagogik guru meliputi (1) guru mampumenguasaiteoridanprinsippembelajarandenganmenetapkanpendekatandanstrategipembelajarandengancara yang bervariasinamuntetapmenyesuaikantingkatpemahamandankarakteristikdaripesertadidik. (2) mengembangkanrencanapembelajarandenganmetodedan model pembelajaranberdasarkankebutuhanpesertadidik danmenyesuaikan model pembelajaranberdasarkankondisikelas. (3) rencanapelaksanaanpembelajaran (RPP) sudahsesuaidenganstandar proses Kurikulum 2013. (4) kaitannyadalampelaksanaanpembelajaran secaraumum guru mengaitkanmateridengankontekskehidupannyata mendorongpesertadidikyang pasifuntukberpartisipasiaktifdalampembelajaranmaupundiskusikelompok. (5) gurumampumengenalkarakteristikdankemampuanpesertadidiknyaterbuktidenganmelakukanpenangananterhadappesertadidik yang membuatgaduhdanramai. (6) penyelenggaraanpenilaiandanevaluasiberdasarkanketigaaspekyaituaspekafektif kognitif danpsikomotorik. (7) kaitannyadenganpengembanganpotensipesertadidik guru pendekatan personal identifikasidaritanggungjawabpesertadidikdarikeaktifan di dalamkelas. Guru mengatasikekuranganpesertadidikdenganmengarahkanpesertadidikuntukmengikutiekstrakurikuler. Kedua kompetensiprofesional yang dimiliki guru sudahbaik terbuktidenganusaha guru dalammenerapkanindikator yang terkandungdalamkompetensiprofesional guru meliputi (1) guru mampumenguasaimateripenguasaanmateri struktur konsep danpolapikirkeilmuan yang mendukungmatapelajaran menguasaistandarkompetensidankompetensidasarmatapelajaran yang diampu mengembangkanmateripembelajaran yang diampusecarakreatif mengembangkankeprofesionalansecaraberkelanjutandenganmelakukantindakanreflektif danmemanfaatkanteknologiinformasidankomunikasiuntukmengembangkandiri. Hanyasajamasihperluditingkatkandandikembangkandalamhalmengembangkankeprofesionalandenganmelakukantindakanreflektif.Ketiga secarakeseluruhankompetensi guru dalammengimplementasikurikulum 2013 belum optimal disebabkanoleh (1) kesiapanpesertadidik (2) waktu yang terbatasdan (3) kondisilingkungansekolah. ABSTRACT Nurul Mei Isdiyah. 2017. Analysis of Teachers Competence in the Implementation of 2013 Curriculum for Accounting Course.Thesis Accounting Department Faculty of Economics State University of Malang. Advisors Dr. Endang Sri Andayani S.E. M.Si. Ak Kata Kunci Pedagogic Competence Professional Competence 2013 Curriculum A professional teacher have to perceive and knows certainty about the competence which demanded by society so far. One of which competencies the teachers should have are (1) pedagogic competence as the ability to manage the learning proceed which are include the learners comprehend planning and learning implementation learning evaluation and learners development in order to actualize their various potentials and also (2) professional competence called as the ability of mastery various and in-depth learning materials that is possibly guide the learners to meet the standards competency which have determined in the national education standards. This research design is qualitative research which kind of phenomenology purposes to (1) determine the teacher pedagogical competence in the accounting course as the 2013 curriculum implementation (2) determine the teacher professional competence in the accounting course as the 2013 curriculum implementation and (3) to determine the obstacles faced by teachers in the accounting course as the 2013 curriculum implementation. The research is conducted in the SMK Negeri 1 Turen SMK Muhammadiyah 7 Gondanglegiwhich assigned as the pilot project of the 2013 curriculum implementation and also inSMK CendikaBangsaKepanjen as the private school which have already implement the 2013 curriculum independently. The subjects in this research were the accounting teacher. The researcher getting the data collection from observation interview and documentation. To maintain the data validity the researcher conducted the data triangulation activities. Based on the results of data analysis of the research it can be conclude First the teacher s pedagogic competence is good it evidenced by the teacher s efforts in applying the indicators of teacher pedagogic competence which include in (1) the ability to mastery the learning theories and principles by establish various approach and learning strategy and but still adjust the level of comprehension as well as the characteristics of the learners. (2) The lesson plan developmentbased on the learning methods and the learning models as well as the learners needs in the class. (3) The implementation of the lesson plan is already suitable with the standard process of the 2013 curriculum. (4) The teacher encourage the passive learners to participate actively in group discussion by associating the material with the real-life context. (5) The teacher can recognize the students characteristics and abilities by taking care against the rowdy and noisy students. (6)The implementation of assessment and evaluation is depend on the three aspects affective cognitive and psychomotor aspects. (7)In order to develop the learners potential the teacher use personal approach to identify the learners responsibilities through the liveliness in the class. Teachers intended the learners joining the extracurricular program to overcome the lack of learning. Second the teachers professional competence is reliable it seen from the teachers effort in applying indicator of teacher professional competence that are (1) the teachers ability to mastery an academic material structure concept and attitude in supporting the learning material the teachers ability to mastery the standard competence and the core competence of the learning material the teachers ability to develop the learning material creatively the teachers ability to develop their professionalism continually and reflectively and the ability to utilize information and communication technology in advance. However thus professionalism still needs to be improved and developed reflectively. Third from the overallteachers competence which implement in the 2013 curriculum doesn t optimal yet due to (1) preparedness of learners (2) the limitation of the time and also (3) school environment.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Akuntansi (AKU) > S1 Pendidikan Akuntansi
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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