The relationship and the contribution of students&rsquo; reading anxiety and metacognitive reading strategies to their reading comprehension / Aditya Wahyu Septiyanto</p> - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The relationship and the contribution of students&rsquo; reading anxiety and metacognitive reading strategies to their reading comprehension / Aditya Wahyu Septiyanto</p>

Septiyanto, Aditya Wahyu (2022) The relationship and the contribution of students&rsquo; reading anxiety and metacognitive reading strategies to their reading comprehension / Aditya Wahyu Septiyanto</p>. Masters thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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During reading activities reading comprehension levels can be determined by reading anxiety levels and the use of metacognitive reading strategies. Thus the reading anxiety levels and how to use metacognitive reading strategies cause different comprehension levels among students especially for those who learn English as a foreign language in their reading activities. In general reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies have different roles in reading comprehension activities. The existence of reading anxiety is associated to hamper students comprehension of a reading text by interfering with their cognitive system to process information in the reading text. On the contrary the use of metacognitive reading strategies facilitates the students to comprehend reading text by selecting appropriate strategies to deal with their reading difficulties in their reading activity. Considering reading comprehension activity as a complex process there is a chance that the feeling of reading anxiety associated with the use of metacognitive reading strategies influences the comprehension of a reading text especially for students who learn English as a foreign language. Unfortunately information on how associated reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies correlate to and contribute to reading comprehension seems to be lacking especially for those who learn English as a Foreign language. For this reason this study intends to seek the relationship and contribution of associated reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies as a set of predictors of reading comprehension for students who learn English as a foreign language to provide the lacking information. Therefore a multiple regression analysis research design was used to fulfill the aims of this study. Three instruments were used to collect the required data for this study the Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale by Saito Horwitz and Garza (1999) (2) the Survey of Reading Strategies by Ismail and Tawalbeh (2015) and (3) a reading test taken from ESOL (2008). In this study 68 eleventh graders who learned English as a foreign language were asked to participate to collect the required data for this study. These participants consisted of 23 male students and 45 female students. Moreover the participants were selected through a purposive sampling technique. In general the results of this study showed that the participants experienced high reading anxiety levels fairly used metacognitive reading strategies and got low reading comprehension achievements in their reading activity. Precisely both male participants and male participants were found to experience high reading anxiety levels fairly used metacognitive reading strategies and had low reading comprehension achievements in their reading activity. Furthermore this study found a strong positive relationship between students rsquo reading anxiety the use of metacognitive reading strategies and students rsquo reading comprehension achievements by .658. Then this study found students rsquo reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies contributed to students rsquo reading comprehension by 43.3%. In detail students rsquo reading anxiety contributed to students rsquo reading achievements by 0.17% while the use of metacognitive reading strategies contributed to students rsquo reading achievements by 43.17%. Consequently metacognitive reading strategies gave the most contribution to students rsquo reading comprehension achievements rather than students rsquo reading anxiety. Accordingly the results of this study suggested introducing the students to various reading strategies to improve their reading comprehension skills. Furthermore even though the contribution was insignificant there is a need to confirm how students rsquo reading anxiety may facilitate and hamper students rsquo reading comprehension achievements. Besides it should be noted that students rsquo reading anxiety and the use of metacognitive reading strategies only give a part of the contribution to students rsquo reading comprehension activities. Hence there is a need to do more investigation to find the other important factors in students rsquo reading comprehension activities. However there were some major caveats in this study. First the instruments in this study were adopted without conducting any tryouts although the validity and the reliability of the instruments had been found. Second the reading test in this study was adopted without any consideration of the core competencies and the basic competencies that might contribute to the low scores on the reading comprehension test in this study. Third the instruments in this study were distributed by using Google Forms which suffered from cheating issues due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus for future studies on this topic those should conduct a tryout for the instruments construct the reading test based on the core competencies and the basic competencies and activate some features on Google forms such as the shuffle option locked quiz mode timer test to get more valid and reliable results of the studies.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S2 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2022 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2022 03:00

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