Pengaruh motivasi dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan call center 147 bagian complain PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang / Annisa Marchelina Budianti - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh motivasi dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan call center 147 bagian complain PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang / Annisa Marchelina Budianti

Budianti, Annisa Marchelina (2017) Pengaruh motivasi dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan call center 147 bagian complain PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang / Annisa Marchelina Budianti. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Budianti AnnisaMarchelina. 2017. PengaruhMotivasidanKomitmenOrganisasiTerhadapKinerjaKaryawan Call Center 147 Bagian Complain PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang. Skripsi JurusanManajemen FakultasEkonomi UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing Drs. DjokoDwiKusumajanto M.S Kata Kunci Motivasi KomitmenOrganisasi Kinerja Penelitianinidilakukanuntukmengetahuipengaruhmotivasidankomitmenorganisasiterhadapkinerjakaryawan Call center 147 Bagian Complain Pada PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang. VariabeldalampenelitianiniyaituMotivasi(X1) KomitmenOrganisasi (X2) danKinerja (Y). Populasidalampenelitianiniadalahseluruhkaryawan Call Center bagian Complain sedangkansampeldalampenelitianinisebanyak 132 responden. Teknikpengambilansampel yang dipakaidalampenelitianiniadalahteknik random sampling. Instrumendalampenelitianiniyaitumenyebarkuesioner wawancara dandokumentasi. Analisisdalampenelitianinimenggunakananalisisdeskriptif ujiasumsiklasik yang terdiridari 3 yaitu (ujinormalitas ujimultikolinieritas uji heteroskedastisitas) analisisregresi linear berganda uji F danUji-t. HasilanalisisdaripenelitianiniadalahpadaUji F diperolehnilaiSig 0.030dimananilaiSiglebihkecildari 0.05 (0.030 0.05) dan F hitungdiketahui3.610dimana F tabelsebesar 3.06 dimana F hitunglebihbesardariF tabel(3.610 3.06) danhasilnya Ha diterima. PadaUji-t hasilvariabelmotivasidiperolehnilai 0.049 dimananilaitersebutlebihkecildari 0.05 (0.049 0.05)dimana Ha diterima. Hasildarivariabelkomitmenorganisasidiperolehnilai 0.028 dimananilaitersebut 0.05 maka Ha diterima. PadaUji-t variabelmotivasiberpengaruhsignifikanterhadapkinerjakaryawan danvariabelkomitmenorganisasiberpengaruhsignifikanterhadapkinerja. HasilpenelitiandapatdisimpulkanbahwapadaUji F variabelmotivasidankomitmenorganisasisecarabersama-samaberpengaruhsecarasignifikanterhadapkinerjasebesar 5 3% sedangkan 94 7% dipengaruhiolehvariabel lain diluarpenelitianinisepertilingkungankerja gayakepemimpinan para pimpinan penempatankerja ataubudayaorganisasi. Saran padapenelitianiniyaitupadamotivasiperludipertahankanatausebaiknyadisesuaikandengankebutuhankaryawan danpadakomitmenorganisasisebaiknyakaryawan yang kinerjanyabenar-benarbaikdanjugasangat loyal terhadapperusahaansebaiknyadiangkatsebagaikaryawantetap karenajenjangkarirsangatdibutuhkanolehsetiapkaryawan ABSTRACT Budianti AnnisaMarchelina. 2017. The Influence of Motivation and Organization Commitment on Employees Performance at Call Center 147 of Complaint Services at PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang. Sarjana s Management Economics Faculty UniversitasNegeriMalang. Advisor Drs. DjokoDwiKusumajanto M.Si Keyword Motivation Organization Commitment Performance This research is conducted for knowing the influence of motivation and organization commitment toward employeesperformance at Call Center 147 Complain Services PT. Infomedia Telkom Blimbing Malang. Variabel in this research is Motivation (X1) Organization Commitment (X2) and Performance (Y). Population in this research is all of Call Center employees at complain services. There are 132 respondent in this research. Technique to take sample that used in this research is random sampling technique questionnaire interview and documentation are the instrument in the research. In this research I used descriptive analysis classical assumption testing (consist of normslity multicollinearity and heteroskedastisitas) multiple regression analysis F-ratio and t-test. The result of F-ratio (Sig. Value 0.030) is less than 0.05 (0.030 0.005) and Fvalue 0f 3.610 is greater than F-table (3.06). Consulting of the ratio Ha is accept. In t-test obtained value of motivation variable of 0.049 is less than 0.05 (0.049 0.05) which means Ha is accepted. For the commitment variable of 0.028 is less than 0.05 thus Ha is accepted. In t-test of motivation variable is significant influence toward employess performance and commitment organization influence toward the performance.The result of this research can be concluded that F-ratio motivation variable and organization commitment are significant influence toward performance is 5.3% but 94.7% is influenced by other variable exclude this research for example working environment leadership style of leader working position or culture of organization. Suggestion in this research that is on the motivation needs to be maintained or should be adjusted to the needs of employees and on organizational commitment should employees who perform really well and also very loyal to the company should be appointed as permanent employees because career ladder is needed by every employee.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Manajemen (MNJ) > S1 Manajemen
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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