Pengaruh promosi online dengan instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk fashion melalui citra merk / Cian Shafarahil - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh promosi online dengan instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk fashion melalui citra merk / Cian Shafarahil

Shafarahil, Cian (2017) Pengaruh promosi online dengan instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk fashion melalui citra merk / Cian Shafarahil. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Cian Shafarahil. 2017. PengaruhPromosi Online Dengan Instagram Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian produk fashion melalui citra merk.Skripsi JurusanManajemenKonsentrasiManajemenPemasaranUniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing Prof. Dr. H.Heri Pratikto M.Si. Kata Kunci Online Promosi Citra Merk Keputusan Pembelian Jilbab Elzatta. Saatinionlinesendiridipandangpentingsebagai media pemasaranuntukmembuatjangkauanperusahaanmenjadibesarkarenajaman yang semakincanggihcarapromosi online yang diambilpetusahaanjilbaElzattauntukmearikkonsumen dansalahsatufaktor yang dapatmempengaruhikeputusanpembeliankonsumenadalahcitramerk. PenelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuiDeskripsipelaksanaanonline promosidanpengambilankeputusanpembelian Pengaruhlangsungdansignifikanonline promositerhadappengambilankeputusanpembelian Pengaruhlangsung yang memperngaruhicitramerkterhadapkeputusanpembelian pengaruhlangsung positifdansignifikanantaraonlinepromositerhadapkeputusanpembelian Pengaruhonlinepromositerhadapkeputusanpembelianmelaluicitramerek Penelitianinimenggunakanpenelitiandiksripsidan eksflanatori.jumlahpenentuansampelmenggunakanrumusSlovindandiperolehsampelsebanyak 73 orang. Analisis data dalampenelitianinimenggunakanPath Analysidaninstrumen yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahangketataukuesioner temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi variabel promosi online dengan instagram terhadap keputusan pembelian produk fashion melalui citra merk berada dalam kategori baik. Online promosi yang dilakukan Elzattamelaluiinstagram yang meliputikatalog kualitas produk hargaproduk dan desain produk beradadalamkategoribaik Online promosi secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian maka online promosi melalui instagram berada dalamkategoritinggiOnline promosi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Citra Merk maka variabel periklanan dari Elzatta berada didalam kategori baik/tinggi Citra Merk secara langsung berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian hal ini berada dalam kategori baik/tinggi. Berdasarkantemuan penelitian penelitimenyarankan agar memperbaikiiklansupayatidakhanyamenariknamundapatmengalihkankonsumendarimereklain karenaberdasarkanpenelitianbeberapakonsumenhanyamerasatertariknamuntidakberalihdarimerek lain konsisten menjaga Citra Merk yang baik yang sudah tertanam dibenak konsumen. Jika diperlukan Elzatta harus mamp[u meningkatkan Citra Merk perusahaan dibanding dengan kompetitor. ABSTRACT Cian Shafarahil. 2017. The Effects of Online Promotion by Using Instagramtowards the Purchase Decision of the Fashion Products through Brand Image. Thesis.Management Department Marketing Management Concentration State University of Malang. Advisor Prof. Dr. H.Heri Pratikto M.Si. Keywords Online Promotion Brand Image Purchase Decision Elzatta Hijab. As the times and technology develop information technology also gets developed. The company s capabilities in determining and following the development of technology emerge as an essential factor to compete with other companies. Technology itself becomes the prominent factor to support the company progress. This study was aimed at investigating the description of the online promotion implementation including the purchase decision-making the direct and significant effects of the online promotion towards the purchase decision-making the direct effect that influences the brand image towards the purchase decision the direct positive and significant effects of the online promotion towards purchase decision the effect of online promotion towards the purchase decision through brand image. The method used in this study was diksripsieksflanatori. The number of the sample was determined by utilizing Solvin formula in which the obtained sample consisted of 73 people. Path Analysis was used for the data analysis in this study while the instrument that employed in this study was questionnaire. Online promotion which iscarried out by Elzatta via Instagram that comprisig Catalog product quality product price and product design is counted as a good category. In addition online promotion directly has a positive and significant effect towards the decision-making. As a result online promotion undergone through Instagram is being hight category. Online promotion also has a positive and significant effect towards the brand image. In other words the advertisement variable from Elzattais counted as a good category. Brand image directly gives positive and significant effects towards the purchase decisionis counted as a good category. Based on the analysis results of this study the researcher suggests that the improvement of the advertisement needs to be done so that it will look more interesting. Moreover it will attract the consumers to avoid them from purchasing other products. It is due to the fact that some of the consumers perceive that they only get attracted to Elzatta product because according to the consumers view this company consistently retain its brand image. Hence the consumers eventually do not intend to purchase the products offered by other brand images. If necessary Elzatta should be capable of increasing its brand image compared to other competitors.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Manajemen (MNJ) > S1 Manajemen
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 30 May 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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