Pengaruh gaya mengajar, gaya belajar, motivasi belajar, dan sarana belajar terhadap hasil belajar pada kelompok mata pelajaran kejuruan peserta didik kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruan / Kutalabunga Mulia Putri - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengaruh gaya mengajar, gaya belajar, motivasi belajar, dan sarana belajar terhadap hasil belajar pada kelompok mata pelajaran kejuruan peserta didik kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruan / Kutalabunga Mulia Putri

Putri, Kutalabunga Mulia (2017) Pengaruh gaya mengajar, gaya belajar, motivasi belajar, dan sarana belajar terhadap hasil belajar pada kelompok mata pelajaran kejuruan peserta didik kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruan / Kutalabunga Mulia Putri. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRAK Putri K. M. 2017. Pengaruh Gaya Mengajar Gaya Belajar MotivasiBelajar danSaranaBelajarterhadapHasilBelajarPadaKelompokMata PelajaranKejuruanPesertaDidikKelas X SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruan. Skripsi JurusanManajemen FakultasEkonomi UniversitasNegeri Malang. Pembimbing Drs. H. GatotIsnani M.Si. Kata Kunci gayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar saranabelajar hasilbelajar Hasilbelajardikatakanberhasilatautidaktentunyaadabeberapafaktor yang mempengaruhinya.Beberapafaktor yang mempengaruhihasilbelajardiantaranyaadalahgayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar dansaranabelajar.Tujuanpenelitian (1) Deskripsigayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar dansaranabelajar (2) Deskripsihasilbelajarpesertadidik (3) Pengaruhgayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar dansaranabelajarsecaraparsialterhadaphasilbelajarpesertadidik (4) Pengaruhdominangayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar dansaranabelajarterhadaphasilbelajarpesertadidik. Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitiankuantitatifyang bersifatdeskriptifkorelasionaldenganmenggunakananalisisdeskriptifdananalisisregresi linier berganda.Variabelbebasyaitugayamengajar(X1) gayabelajar (X2) motivasibelajar (X3) saranabelajar (X4) danvariabelterikatadalahhasilbelajar (Y). Populasipenelitianiniadalahpesertadidikkelas X SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruanberjumlah 720 pesertadidik.Berdasarkanrumus Isaac dan Michael diperolehsampel 250 pesertadidik.Tekniksamplingmenggunakanteknikproportionate random sampling. Skala yang digunakanadalahskalaLikertdengan 5 alternatifjawaban.Teknikpengumpulan data menggunakan (1) kuesioner dan (2) dokumentasi. Ujikelayakaninstrumendilakukanujivaliditasdanujireliabilitas.Teknikanalisismenggunakananalisis data deskriptif dananalisisregresiliniearberganda.Penelitianinimenggunakantiga model ujiasumsiklasik yaitu (1) Ujinormalitasmenunjukkanbahwa model regresimemenuhiasumsinormalitas (2) Ujimultikolinearitasmenunjukkanbahwa model regresitidakterjadigejalamultikolinearitas (3) Ujiheteroskedastisitasmenunjukkanbahwa model regresitidakterjadigejalaheteroskedastisitas. Hasilpenelitiananalisisdeskripsifmenunjukkanbahwa (1) gayamengajardalamklasifikasibaik (2) gayabelajardalamklasifikasibaik (3) motivasibelajardalamklasifikasisangatbaik (4)saranabelajardalamklasifikasibaik dan (5) hasilbelajarpesertadidikmenunjukkanklasifikasinilaicukuptinggi. Penghitunganuji t diketahuibahwa (1)tidakadapengaruh yang positifdansignifikanantaragayamengajardenganhasilbelajarpesertadidik (2) tidakadapengaruh yang positifdansignifikanantaragayabelajardenganhasilbelajarpesertadidik (3)tidakadapengaruh yang positifdansignifikanantaramotivasibelajardenganhasilbelajarpesertadidik dan(4)tidakadapengaruh yang positifdansignifikanantarasaranabelajardenganhasilbelajarpesertadidik. Penghitungansumbanganefektifdiketahuibahwamotivasibelajarmerupakanvariabeldominan yang mempengaruhihasilbelajar. Berdasarkanhasilanalisisinferensialdapatdisimpulkanbahwasecaraparsialgayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar dansaranabelajartidakberpengaruhpositifdansignifikanterhadaphasilbelajar.Hasilpenelitianiniberbedadenganhasilpenelitiansebelumnya halinibisadisebabkankarenakeadaanrespondenpenelitian yang berbeda.NilaidariAdjusted R Square sebesar-0 003 karenabernilainegatifmakanilaitersebutdianggap 0 ataudapatdikatakanvariabelbebassamasekalitidakdapatmenjelaskanvariansdarivariabelterikat.Variabeldominan yang mempengaruhihasilbelajaradalahmotivasibelajar yaitusebesar 0 10%. Penelitimenyarankan (1) Bagikepalasekolahmembangungayabelajar yang sesuaiantarapesertadidikdengan guru yaitudenganmembuatstrategipembelajaran yang sesuai (2) Bagi gurusebaiknyagayamengajartidakhanyamenerangkan di papantulis atauhanyaberceritatetapidapatbervariasimisalnyamenerangkanmelaluipapantulisdan LCD bisajugadilengkapidenganpraktikdanpermainandalampembelajaran (3) Bagipesertadidikmeningkatkankegemaranmembacabuku terutamabuku-buku yang terkaitdenganmatapelajaranKejuruan membuatjadwalbelajarrutinsetiapharidanmembiasakanmengulangmateri yang telahdiajarkan dan(4) Bagipenelitiselanjutnyasebaiknyaperludilakukanpenelitianlebihlanjutterkaitvariabel lain yangdapatmempengaruhihasilbelajarpesertadidikselaingayamengajar gayabelajar motivasibelajar dansaranabelajar. Misalnyafaktorkesehatan cacattubuh intelegensi perhatian bakat kematangan kelelahan cara orang tuamendidik relasiantaranggotakeluarga suasanarumah fasilitasbelajar di rumah keadaanekonomikeluarga pengertian orang tua latarbelakangkebudayaan kegiatanpesertadidikdalammasyarakat temanbergaul disiplinsekolah mass media danbentukkehidupanmasyarakat. ABSTRACT Putri K. M. 2017. The Effect of Teaching Style Learning Style Learning Motivation and Learning Tool on Learning Outcome of Vocational Subject for the Tenth Grade Student at SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruan. Sarjana s Thesis Department of Management Faculty of Economics UniversitasNegeri Malang. Advisor Drs. H. GatotIsnani M.Si. Keywords teaching style learning style learning motivation learning tool learning outcome Learning outcomes are closely related to learning or learning. Learning outcomes are said to be successful or not of course there are several factors that influence it. Some of the factors that influence learning outcome such as teaching style learning style learning motivation and learning tool.The purpose of this research are (1) Description of the teaching style learning style learning motivation and learning tool (2) Description of student learning outcomes (3) The effect of teaching style learning style learning motivation and learning tool on learning outcomes (4) The dominant effect of teaching style learning style learning motivation and learning tool on student learning outcomes. This research is grouped into a quantitative research that is descriptive correlational by using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The independent variables are teaching style (X1) learning style (X2) learning motivation (X3) learning tool (X4) and dependent variable is learning result (Y). The population of this study is the tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Pasuruan consisting of 720 learners. Based on the formula Isaac and Michael obtained a sample of 250 learners. The sampling technique uses proportionate random sampling technique. The scale used is Likert scale with 5 alternative answers. Data collection techniques used (1) questionnaires and (2) documentation. The instrument feasibility test is tested for validity and reliability test. The analysis technique used descriptive data analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. This study uses three classic assumption test models that are (1) normality test shows that the regression model meets the assumption of normality (2) the multicolinearity test showed that the regression model did not occurmulticollinearity symptoms (3) heteroskedasticity test showed that the regression model did not occur symptoms of heteroscedasticity. The results of the descriptive analysis show that (1) the teaching style in the classification is good (2) learning styles is in good classification (3) the learning motivation in the classification is very good (4) learning tool in good classification and (5) learners learning outcomes show a high grade classification and quite high. Calculation of t test is known that (1) there is no positive and significant influence between teaching style and learning outcomes of learners (2) there is no positive and significant influence between learning style and learning outcomes of learners (3) there is no positive and significant influence between learning motivation and learning outcomes of learners and (4) there is no positive and significant influence between learning tool and learning outcomes of learners. Calculation of effective contributiontest is known that Learning motivation is the dominant variable that influences learning outcomes. Based on the result of inferential analysis it can be concluded that partially teaching style learning style learning motivation and learning tool have no positive and significant effect to the learning outcome. The results of this study are different from the results of previous research this can be due to the circumstances of different research respondents. The value of Adjusted R Square is -0.003 since the value is negative then the value is considered 0 or it can be said the independent variable simply cannot explain the variance of the dependent variable. The dominant variable that influences the learning result is the learning motivation that is 0.10%. Researcher suggests that (1) the schools should build appropriate learning styles between learners and teachers such as by making appropriate learning strategies (2) for the teacher the teaching style should not only explain on the board or just tell stories but it can vary such as explaining through a whiteboard and LCD it can also be equipped with practice and games in learning (3) For learners to increase the interest of reading books especially books related to Vocational subjects creating a daily learning schedule and get used to repeat the material that has been taught and (4) for further research it is necessary to do further research related to other variables that can influence the learners learning outcomes other than teaching style learning style learning motivation and learning tool. For example health factors disabilities intelligence attention talent maturity tiredness the way how parents educate relationships between family members home atmosphere home study facilities family economic conditions parental understanding cultural background how the students in society peers school discipline mass media and surely the form of community life.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) > Departemen Manajemen (MNJ) > S1 Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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