Efl teachers' conceptions and practices of technology-enhanced assessment for learning / Roghibatul Luthfiyyah</p> - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Efl teachers' conceptions and practices of technology-enhanced assessment for learning / Roghibatul Luthfiyyah</p>

Luthfiyyah, Roghibatul (2022) Efl teachers' conceptions and practices of technology-enhanced assessment for learning / Roghibatul Luthfiyyah</p>. Doctoral thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Assessment for Learning (AfL) has received significant attention recently due to its potential to enhance the quality of learning and teaching. It is considered an ongoing assessment in which teachers can identify the students learning gaps so that they can use the information to assist students in achieving their learning goals. On the other hand the advancement of technology offers potential benefits to facilitate AfL implementation. A number of studies have investigated the use of technology-enhanced assessment for learning (henceforth TEAfL) in ELT contexts. However the study that focuses on examining TEAfL from EFL teachers point of view at the secondary school level is under-exploration. Thus this study sheds light on EFL secondary school teachers conceptions and practices of technology-enhanced assessment for learning in the Indonesian context. Using a phenomenographic approach the study investigates the qualitatively different ways or conceptions in which EFL secondary school teachers in Indonesia view or understand TEAfL. It encompasses the categories of description of TEAfL and the hierarchical structure among those categories of description called outcome space. Besides this study rigorously highlights how EFL teachers practice TEAfL in their contexts. A total of twelve EFL teachers who have different profiles and settings were recruited as participants. They were carefully selected based on the criteria required in this study. First all the participants are experienced junior or senior high school teachers with more than ten years of teaching experience. Second they have positive beliefs about Assessment for Learning (AfL) and technology integration in language assessment. Third they have experience attending professional development programs such as training or workshops associated with technology-enhanced language learning and assessment. Phenomenography embraces a second-order perspective to examine how an individual perceives a phenomenon so the data were mainly gathered through in-depth semi-structured interviews. This study extends the technique of data collection using a teacher s reflective note. The audio-recorded data were transcribed and analyzed carefully to identify the categories of description outcome space and practices. In the data collection and analysis steps the researcher has to bracket her personal belief and assumptions to obtain the objective data from teachers experiences. The main findings identify four categories of description in which the participants view TEAfL as a medium for (1) effectively administering the process of AfL (2) facilitating multimodal feedback (3) reflecting the teaching and learning process and (4) developing the students complex skills. Those categories of description are hierarchically structured into three stages. Transformation Enhancement and Substitution (TES) represent the most complex to the less sophisticated stages of TEAfL conceptions held by the participants in this study. Furthermore the study reveals the variations of TEAfL practice conducted by the participants. It ranges from convergent to divergent TEAfL. Although the convergent TEAfL practice is more prevalent than divergent TEAfL practice the data show that some contextual and individual factors contribute to the way teachers utilize TEAfL. Theoretical and pedagogical implications are drawn from this study. First it theoretically extends the literature on how teachers in the secondary school context view TEAfL. While previous studies concern more with examining teachers conceptions of assessment for general purposes and conducting in a higher-education context this study attempts to narrow down the focus on using technology to facilitate assessment for learning at secondary school levels. Secondly pedagogical implications pinpoint some insights for EFL teachers to reflect on their classroom assessment and expand their conceptions and practices of TEAfL. Finally this study suggests that technology integration encourages assessment reform in Indonesia particularly in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum where AfL is highlighted as the primary classroom-based assessment. However teachers and learners holistic AfL literacy is required as the first endeavor to obtain the transformation conceptions and effective practices of TEAfL. At last the support from the government policy-makers and school leaders is prominent to promote the implementation of TEAfL and minimize the technical barriers.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S3 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 25 Oct 2022 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2022 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/271849

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