Developing a prototype of pull-tab big book for vocabulary mastery for the fourth grade of the inclusion program / Ana Rulistiya - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Developing a prototype of pull-tab big book for vocabulary mastery for the fourth grade of the inclusion program / Ana Rulistiya

Rulistiya, Ana (2012) Developing a prototype of pull-tab big book for vocabulary mastery for the fourth grade of the inclusion program / Ana Rulistiya. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Key words vocabulary inclusion class Pull-tab Big Book This study concerns itself with the development of a prototype of Pull-tab Big Book as an aid to teach vocabulary in the fourth grade of inclusion program of elementary school. The design of this study is research and development. This study follows the R D cycles which are presented by Borg and Gall (1979). The steps are (1) need analysis (2) material selection (3) product development (4) expert validation (5) product revision (6) try-out and (7) final product. The need analysis was done at SDN Percobaan I Malang. The product was developed based on the result of the need analysis. Then the try-out was held in SDN Percobaan I Malang. The accessible subjects of the study were the students of 4B class (an inclusion class). Inclusion class is a class in which the students with special needs (slow learner and having hearing problem) (2-5%) are mixed with normal students (95%) who are studying together so that the students with special needs can participate and be treated equally as well as the normal ones. Since all members of the accessible population were involved in the study no sampling technique was applied. The tried-out product is a prototype of Pull-tab Big Book with the size is 40x60 cm2. It consists of 16 pages including the covers. There are tabs inside that can be pulled to see the additional information of the pictures. Moreover there is a puzzle in the end of the topic. So the students can do some activities with this medium by attaching and detaching the cards containing letters into the book. This book is colorful and attractive enough to make the students interested in it. The topics presented in this book are Seasons and Weather and Location . The result of the try-out indicates that the medium is suitable for learning vocabulary in the fourth grade of inclusion program in SDN Percobaan I Malang. The majority of the students like the medium since it involves physical movement and group work. The students also learn some new words through the activity. Based on the teacher s point of view Pull-tab Big Book is suitable for learning vocabulary since the materials in the book suited the students level. In addition the student with special need is helped by the presentation of big words and pictures in learning vocabulary. There are two weaknesses which are found during the product try-out. First the size of the book is not big enough for the whole class. Second the vocabulary presented in the book is limited only on the two topics Seasons and Weather and Location and the number of the exercises is not as many as the number of the students. Thus it is advisable that the English teacher who wants to use this medium to teach vocabulary provides some more vocabulary exercises. At last this medium still needs more variation in terms of topics exercises and rules in using the medium. The future researchers are also advisable to develop this kind of medium and to find out the effectiveness of the medium in vocabulary teaching.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2012 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2012 03:00

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