The Different Perception of Students’ Word Knowledge after Watching English Subtitled and Thai Subtitled English Movie in Pirayanawin Klonghin Wittaya Junior High School in Pattani (Southern Thailand) / Lengga Buana - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The Different Perception of Students’ Word Knowledge after Watching English Subtitled and Thai Subtitled English Movie in Pirayanawin Klonghin Wittaya Junior High School in Pattani (Southern Thailand) / Lengga Buana

Buana, Lengga (2018) The Different Perception of Students’ Word Knowledge after Watching English Subtitled and Thai Subtitled English Movie in Pirayanawin Klonghin Wittaya Junior High School in Pattani (Southern Thailand) / Lengga Buana. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Buana Lengga. 2018. The Different Perception of Students Word Knowledge after Watching English Subtitled and Thai Subtitled English Movie in Pirayanawin Klonghin Wittaya Junior High School in Pattani (Southern Thailand). Undergraduate Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Letters. State University of Malang. Advisors (I) Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi M.Pd. (II) Dr. Furaidah M.A. Key Words English subtitled movie Thai subtitled movie junior high school students in Pattani southern Thailand word knowledge Subtitles in audio-visual media i.e. a movie in English is very helpful in the process of learning English for L2 students. The comparison of the scores appeared from the test conducted by many researchers shows that learners word knowledge developed rapidly when subtitle is attached to the movie they were watching. Knowing that subtitle can assist learners to improve their word knowledge it seems important to figure out more on what subtitle language can facilitate learners better to acquire new words whether it is English or translated language (mother-tongue language of L2 students). This research was conducted in Pirayanawin Klonghin Wittaya Junior High School Pattani Province southern Thailand with a view to know the different perception of students towards their word knowledge as well as to figure out which subtitle is more effective between the translated subtitle and English subtitle in facilitating learners in learning word. Since this research was conducted in Thailand this research compared a subtitle with Thai language as the translated language or mother-tongue language of L2 students to a subtitle with English language which is provided in the movie. This study was conducted by implementing Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) in the pretest and posttest where the researcher were applying the test to two groups which are equal as it is needed in this study. This study showed that the group which was provided with an English subtitle in the movie improved more significant in terms of their word knowledge compared with those who watched the movie with translated subtitle Thai language. That is because they were listening-while-reading simultaneously which means they acquired the language input efficiently. This is also interpreted by researchers as a process where learners can develop their skills not only devoted to the improvement of word knowledge but also reading and listening comprehension skills towards an idea in such text or story.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2018 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2018 03:00

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